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  1. La Basílica de Santo Domingo Mayor (en italiano: Basilica di San Domenico Maggiore) es una importante iglesia de Nápoles ubicada en la homónima plaza, de las más interesantes desde el punto de vista histórico y artístico.

  2. La Basílica de San Pablo Mayor (en italiano: Basilica di San Paolo Maggiore) es una basílica monumental de Nápoles, en Italia, ubicada en la Piazza San Gaetano, en el centro histórico de la ciudad.

  3. La Basílica de Santo Domingo Mayor ( en italiano: Basilica di San Domenico Maggiore) es una importante iglesia de Nápoles ubicada en la homónima plaza, de las más interesantes desde el punto de vista histórico y artístico. El 23 de febrero de 1921 la iglesia fue declarada basílica menor.

    • Aragonese Arches
    • The Processions
    • The Treasure
    • Sacred Ornaments

    The first part of the collection includes clothing and accessories of kings and noblemen removed by the arches shown in the adjacent sacristy. Toward the end of the 1980s, the clothes, which date back to a period between the 15th and 16th centuries, were taken away from the mummies in the coffins, restored, and exhibited. The culture of the 15th ce...

    The second part, situated on the north-west wall, is characterized by some Dominican saints busts in papier-mâché, wooden and silver lamina, which were carried in triumph during the religious processions in the 18th and 19th centuries. Here we can admire the bust of Saint Vincent Ferrer, patron of the builders, the bust of Saint George, and that of...

    The third section conserves the most precious liturgical vestments owned by Dominican friars, an awesome collection of copes and chasubles in multicolour silks, silver and gold linens, '700 century[clarification needed] altar frontals, mother-of-pearl ornaments, reliquary, monstrances and candelabra. The most precious pieces of the collection are: ...

    The fourth and last section shows the objects which adorned the sacred places of the basilica in the past. Pieces of great visual suggestion are the two busts from the 18th century: one of Pope Pius V, promoter of the famous battle of Lepantoin 1571, and one of St. Dominic, founder of the Dominican order, represented according with the typical icon...

  4. La basílica de San Lorenzo Maggiore (en italiano: Basilica di San Lorenzo Maggiore) es una basílica monumental de Nápoles, Italia, una de las más antiguas de la ciudad, situada en la Piazza San Gaetano del centro histórico. Histórica y artísticamente es uno de los complejos monumentales más relevantes de la ciudad. [ 1] .

  5. La Basílica Papal de Santa María la Mayor — en italiano Basilica di Santa Maria Maggiore, también conocida como Basilica di Santa Maria della Neve y Basílica Liberiana — es una basílica católica situada en Roma. Es una de las cuatro basílicas mayores y una de las cinco basílicas patriarcales asociadas con la Pentarquía, junto a San ...

  6. The Basilica of San Domenico is one of the major churches in Bologna, Italy. The remains of Saint Dominic, founder of the Order of Preachers ( Dominicans ), are buried inside the exquisite shrine Arca di San Domenico, made by Nicola Pisano and his workshop, Arnolfo di Cambio and with later additions by Niccolò dell'Arca and the young Michelangelo .