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  1. › wiki › Web_colorsWeb colors - Wikipedia

    Web-based tools specifically for converting color values are also available. HTML color names. Recent W3C specifications of color names distinguishes between basic and extended colors. In HTML and XHTML, colors can be used for text, background color, frame borders, tables, and individual table cells. Basic colors

  2. All modern browsers support the following 140 color names (click on a color name, or a hex value, to view the color as the background-color along with different text colors): Click here to see the 140 colors sorted by HEX Value. AliceBlue. #F0F8FF. Color Mixer. Color Picker. AntiqueWhite. #FAEBD7. Color Mixer. Color Picker. Aqua. #00FFFF.

  3. List of HTML Color Names. X11 colors (formulated in 1987) Chart of selected web colors. References. Web colors are colors used in designing webpages, and the ways for describing and listing those colors. There are several ways to choose colors for parts of webpages.

    Html Name
    Decimal Coder   G   B
    220  20  60
    Royal Red
    220  20  60
    Light Coral
    240 128 128
    Indian Red
    205  92  92
  4. Now let’s dive into the full list of HTML color names. AliceBlue. #f0f8ff. AntiqueWhite. #faebd7. Aqua. #00ffff. Aquamarine. #7fffd4. Azure. #f0ffff. Beige. #f5f5dc. Bisque. #ffe4c4. Black. #000000. BlanchedAlmond. #ffebcd. Blue. #0000ff. BlueViolet. #8a2be2. Brown. #a52a2a. Burlywood. #deb887. CadetBlue. #5f9ea0. Chartreuse.

  5. Encontrar ese color perfecto con nuestro selector de color y descubrir bellas armonías de color, tintes, matices y tonos; códigos de color de entrada Hex, los valores RGB y HSL, y generar HTML, CSS y estilos SCSS.