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  1. La Ciudad de Panamá [4] es la capital de la República de Panamá, [5] [6] de la Provincia de Panamá y cabecera del Distrito de Panamá. [7] Tiene la quinta mayor área metropolitana de América Central con 880 691 habitantes solo en su municipio [ 8 ] y 2 011 780 habitantes en su área metropolitana en conjunto, que incluye el distrito de ...

  2. Panamá, 11 12 oficialmente denominada República de Panamá, es un país ubicado en América Central. Su capital y ciudad más poblada es la Ciudad de Panamá. 13 Limita al norte con el mar Caribe, al sur con el océano Pacífico, al este con Colombia y al oeste con Costa Rica.

  3. › wiki › Panama_CityPanama City - Wikipedia

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    The city was founded on 15 August 1519, by Pedro Arias de Ávila, also known as Pedrarias Dávila. Within a few years of its founding, the city became a launching point for the exploration and conquest of Peru and a transit point for gold and silver headed back to Spain through the Isthmus. The Genoese-Italians and the Spanish encountered coconuts fr...

    Panamá is located between the Pacific Ocean and tropical rain forest in the northern part of Panama. The Parque Natural Metropolitano (Metropolitan Nature Park), stretching from Panama City along the Panama Canal, has unique bird species and other animals, such as tapir, puma, and caimans. At the Pacific entrance of the canal is the Centro de Exhib...


    Panama's old quarter (or Casco Viejo, Panama) features many architectural styles, from Spanish colonial buildings to French and Antillean townhouses built during the construction of the Panama Canal. The more modern areas of the city have many high-rise buildings, which together form a very dense skyline. There are more than 110 high-rise projects under construction, with 127 already built.The city holds the 45th place in the world by high-rise buildings count. The Centennial Bridgethat cross...


    The city is located in Panama District, although its metropolitan area also includes some populated areas on the opposite side of the Panama Canal. As in the rest of the country, the city is divided into corregimientos, in which there are many smaller boroughs. The old quarter, known as the Casco Viejo, is located in the corregimiento of San Felipe. San Felipe and twelve other corregimientos form the urban center of the city, including Santa Ana, El Chorrillo, Calidonia, Curundú, Ancón, Bella...

    As the economic and financial center of the country, Panama City's economy is service-based, heavily weighted toward banking, commerce, and tourism. The economy depends significantly on trade and shipping activities associated with the Panama Canal and port facilities located in Balboa. Panama's status as a convergence zone for capital from around ...

    The city proper has approximately 1,086,990 inhabitants in 26 boroughs. The inhabitants of Panama City are commonly referred to as capitalinos and include large numbers of mestizos (70%), Amerindian and mixed people (West Indian) (14%), white people (10%), Amerindians (6%), as well as Afro-Panamanians.There is a great deal of cultural diversity wit...


    According to Professor Rodrigo Miró, the first story about Panama was written by Gonzalo Fernández de Oviedo y Valdés and published as part of the Historia General y Natural de Las Indias in 1535. Some poets and novelists born in Panamá city are Manuel María Ayala (1785–1824), Amelia Denis de Icaza (1836–1911), Darío Herrera (1870–1914), Ricardo Miró (1883–1940), Gaspar Octavio Hernández (1893–1918), Demetrio Korsi (1899–1957), Ricardo Bermúdez (1914–2000), Joaquín Beleño (1922–88), Ernesto E...


    One of the most important Panamanian artists is Alfredo Sinclair. He has worked for over 50 years in abstract art and has produced one of the most important artistic collections in the country. His daughter, Olga Sinclair, has also followed in his footsteps and has become another force in Panamanian art. Another very prominent Panamanian artist is Guillermo Trujillo, known worldwide for his abstract surrealism.Brooke Alfaro is a Panamanian artist known throughout the world for his uniquely re...


    Tourism in Panama City includes many different historic sites and locations related to the operation of the Panama Canal. A few of these sites are the following: 1. Las Bóvedas("The Vaults"), a waterfront promenade jutting out into the Pacific; 2. The National Institute of Culture Building and the French embassy across from it; 3. The Cathedral at Plaza de la Catedral; 4. Teatro Nacional (National Theatre of Panama), an intimate performance center with outstanding natural acoustics and seatin...

    Throughout the 20th century, Panama City has excelled in boxing, baseball, basketball, and soccer. These sports have produced famous athletes such as Roberto Durán, Rommel Fernández, Rolando Blackman, Julio Dely Valdés, Mariano Rivera, and Rod Carew. Today, these sports have clubs and associations that manage their development in the city. Panama M...

    The city has both public and private schools. Most private schools are bilingual (English and Spanish). Higher education is headed by two major public universities: the University of Panama and the Technological University of Panama. There are private universities, such as the Universidad Católica Santa María La Antigua, the Universidad Latina de P...

    Panama City is home to at least 14 hospitals and an extensive network of public and private clinics, including the Hospital Santo Tomás, Hospital del Niño, Complejo Hospitalario Arnulfo Arias Madrid, Centro Médico Paitilla, Hospital Santa Fé, Hospital Nacional, Clinica Hospital San Fernando, and Hospital Punta Pacifica. About 45% of the country's p...

    Panama's international airport, Tocumen International Airport is located on the eastern outskirts of the city's metropolitan area. Two other airports serve Panama City: Panamá Pacífico, previously the Howard Air Force Base, and Marcos A. Gelabert, previously the Albrook Air Force Base. Pacífico serves Wingo, while Marcos A. Gelabert Airport is the ...

  4. Panamá es un país ubicado en el sureste de América Central. Su nombre oficial es República de Panamá y su capital es la ciudad de Panamá. Limita al Norte con el mar Caribe, al Sur con el océano Pacífico, al Este con Colombia y al Oeste con Costa Rica. Tiene una extensión de 75 420 km².

  5. Está ubicada a orillas del golfo de Panamá, en el océano Pacífico, al este de la desembocadura del Canal de Panamá. La Ciudad de Panamá es la capital de la República de Panamá, de la Provincia de Panamá y cabecera del Distrito de Panamá.

  6. El área metropolitana de Ciudad de Panamá es la más grande y poblada de Panamá y la quinta de Centroamérica, con una población de 2 millones de habitantes. Es conocida por ser un centro bancario y su multiculturalidad.

  7. Principales ciudades y accidentes geográficos de Panamá. Panamá limita, al norte, con el mar Caribe; al sur, con el océano Pacífico; al este, con la República de Colombia; y, al oeste, con la República de Costa Rica. [1] Fronteras: 555 km en total, de las que 225 km son con Colombia y 330 km con Costa Rica. Costas: 2 490 km; Costas