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  1. Rogue is present at the White House alongside the rest of the X-Men to confront the President about recent happenings. She places documents retrieved from Stryker's office under Professor Xavier's command.

  2. Cuando la Mansion es atacada por Stryker Rogue decide encontrar a Wolverine para poder huir, luego de convencer a Logan de salvarse sin enfrentar a Sryker logra escapar junto a él, Pyro y Iceman. Los cuatro viajan a Boston, donde buscan refugio en casa de la familia de Bobby.

  3. Anna Marie alias Rogue, conocida como Pícara en España y Titania en Latinoamérica, es una superheroína ficticia que aparece en los cómics estadounidenses publicados por Marvel Comics. Es una mutante comúnmente asociada con los X-Men.

  4. Rogue fought alongside the Brotherhood against many superheroes, including the X-Men, ROM, Dazzler, and the Avengers and was a devastating enemy to them all. For her first mission, Rogue encountered the super heroine Carol Danvers (Ms. Marvel).

  5. Rogue es aspirada por el agujero que provoca, siendo salvada por Nightcrawler. Decididos a rescatar a lo estudiantes que fueron capturados en la invasión de la mansión, lo X-Men se dirigen al lago Alkali, en donde logran su objetivo y consiguieron escapar, perdiendo a Jean en el proceso.

  6. This page is for the character Rogue as portrayed by Anna Paquin in the X-Men motion picture trilogy. For the mainline comic character, see Rogue. Anna Marie Raven D'Ancanto is introduced as an innocent girl from Meridian, Mississippi. She runs away from home after her power manifests - sending...

  7. Rogue. Armed with the ability to temporarily absorb others’ powers and memories, the Mississippi runaway known as Rogue starts out as a villain but joins the X-Men to fight for good. Overview.