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  1. › wiki › AryanAryan - Wikipedia

    According to Nazi racial theorists, the term "Aryans" (Arier) described the Germanic peoples, and they considered the purest Aryans to be those that belonged to a "Nordic race" physical ideal, which they referred to as the "master race".

  2. › wiki › Aryan_raceAryan race - Wikipedia

    The Aryan race is an obsolete historical race concept that emerged in the late-19th century to describe people who descend from the Proto-Indo-Europeans as a racial grouping. [1] [2] The terminology derives from the historical usage of Aryan, used by modern Indo-Iranians as an epithet of "noble".

  3. Indo-Aryan peoples are a diverse collection of peoples speaking Indo-Aryan languages in the Indian subcontinent. Historically, Aryans were the Indo-Iranian speaking pastoralists who migrated from Central Asia into South Asia and introduced the Proto-Indo-Aryan language.

  4. La raza aria es un concepto racial histórico que surgió a finales del siglo XIX para describir a las personas de herencia indoeuropea como un grupo racial. 1 La hipótesis de que los antiguos hablantes de indoeuropeo constituían un grupo racialmente homogéneo ha sido ampliamente rechazada y refutada, ya que no existe evidencia histórica ni evid...

  5. Nación Aria ( Aryan Nations o AN en inglés) es una organización religiosa de supremacistas blancos, 1 cristianos fundamentalistas y separatistas blancos, basada originalmente en Hayden Lake, Idaho.

  6. El término ario (en indoiranio * arya) se usó originalmente como una autodenominación por parte de los pueblos indoiranios en la Edad Antigua, en contraste con los pueblos "no indoarios" o "no iranios."

  7. The Indo-Iranian peoples, also known as Ā́rya or Aryans from their self-designation, were a group of Indo-European speaking peoples who brought the Indo-Iranian languages to major parts of Eurasia in waves from the first part of the 2nd millennium BC onwards.