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  1. The early modern period is a historical period that is part of the modern period based primarily on the history of Europe and the broader concept of modernity. There is no exact date that marks the beginning or end of the period and its timeline may vary depending on the area of history being studied.

  2. La Edad Moderna es el tercero de los periodos históricos en los que se divide convencionalmente la historia universal, comprendido entre el siglo XV y el XVIII.

  3. 13 de mar. de 2024 · 早期现代英语: early modern period ),又译近世,历史学上的一种分期法,指中世纪之后,狭义上的现代( modern ,又译近代)之前这个时期。 起源于欧洲历史学界,将人类历史分为四阶段(古代、中世纪、早期现代和现代)的习惯分期法。

  4. The early modern period was the critical point in the process that historians have called "the military revolution," a series of changes that began with the application of gunpowder to warfare in the fourteenth century.