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  1. Somos el mejor programa de homeschooling en México y en habla hispana. Asesoras especializadas en educación. Cursos en plataformas digitales 24/7 y descargables. Soporte educativo y técnico 12 hrs al día a través de Discord. Cursos diseñados por especialistas en la disciplina, a libre elección.

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  2. 14 de jul. de 2023 · En México, el homeschooling se encuentra en un marco legal ambiguo. Aunque la Constitución mexicana establece el derecho de los padres a elegir la forma de educación de sus hijos, la legislación educativa varía en cada estado, y algunos no reconocen oficialmente el homeschooling.

    • Pros
    • Cons
    • A Word from Verywell


    Whether you call it self-determination, freedom, or control, one clear advantage of homeschooling is the ability to make your own choices. As a homeschooler, you’ll be able to freely travel or move, include religious teaching in day-to-day learning, and not worry about social pressures or bullying your child may encounter at school. Plus, in home-based education, all subjects are fair game, from sailing to sewing to science. Practical skills, volunteering, artistic pursuits, and traditional t...


    Who doesn’t like to set their own schedule? By educating at home, you determine the structure of your day. If your child struggles to wake up by 7:00 a.m., for example, you can start school later. And, since homeschool timing is fluid, you can go ahead and make your child's dentist appointment on a Tuesday at noon. You even have room to push back a lesson when you (or your kids) just aren’t feeling it. There are many ways to make it up later.

    Individualized Education

    Every child is different. Unfortunately, in the larger group setting of regular school, teachers can’t always tailor lessons to your child’s unique needs. At home, on the other hand, you can meet your child right where they are, customizing lessons to their particular interests. Does your younger child need a little extra help with math? Take an extra 15 minutes to help them understand fractions. Is your older kid into outer space? Start an astronomy unit! Homeschooling also lets you vary you...

    A Lot of Work

    In addition to the domestic responsibilities of your role as a parent, you’re now a teacher, tutor, curriculum researcher, and principal. Creating, teaching, and grading a day’s or week’s worth of learning on multiple subjects takes serious time and effort. (However, many prepared curriculum packagesdo exist.) Plus, as delightful as it can be to tailor education to each child’s learning style, this can add to your workload, too. And if you have younger children at home who aren’t school age,...

    Less Time for Yourself

    Not surprisingly, the workload of homeschooling—and kids home all day—is likely to leave you with less time for yourself. Some homeschooling parents say they don’t have time to shower, let alone exercise or take care of their own needs. For parents who are used to a quiet, kid-free environment during the day, this aspect of homeschooling can be a major adjustment.

    Inability to Work

    All the work of homeschooling is guaranteed to take up hours of your day. Therefore, as a homeschooling parent, you may not be able to workoutside the home, or you may have to cut your hours significantly. For some households, this may be a financial deal-breaker.

    When more and more parents are exploring the wide world of homeschooling, it’s wise to look at the many advantages and disadvantages of this type of education. Do some soul searching and have a serious discussion with your partner about whether this could be the right choice for your child's and family's needs. And don’t forget to find out how your...

    • Sarah Garone
  3. 20 de sept. de 2023 · Is homeschooling right for my child? Whether this is the right way to educate your child or not depends on a lot of factors and can change from one year to the next. If your school is failing your child and you have no other viable options (such as a quality private school), homeschooling might be the best solution.

  4. 14 de sept. de 2023 · En resumen, el homeschooling guiado por un buen programa educativo y que esté avalado por la SEP es una excelente opción educativa para los padres jóvenes que viven en México y el mundo que desean brindar una educación personalizada y de alta calidad a sus hijos.

  5. How can you know whether homeschooling is right for you and your family? If you are considering homeschooling, there are a number of questions you should ask yourself. On this page, we will guide you through this process in an effort to inform your decision-making.

  6. 5 de jul. de 2023 · Updated on July 5, 2023. Fact checked by Karen Cilli. In This Article. Requirements. Getting Started. Making a Homeschool Schedule. Planning a Curriculum. Homeschooling FAQs. Homeschooling...