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  1. › wiki › Nazi_GermanyNazi Germany - Wikipedia

    Nazi Germany, officially known as the German Reich and later the Greater German Reich, was the German state between 1933 and 1945, when Adolf Hitler and the Nazi Party controlled the country, transforming it into a totalitarian dictatorship.

  2. The Holocaust was the state-sponsored, systematic persecution and annihilation of European Jewry by Nazi Germany and its collaborators, between 1933 and 1945. Jews were the primary victims - six million were murdered.

  3. The Holocaust was the systematic, state-sponsored persecution and murder of six million Jews by the Nazi regime and its allies and collaborators. The Nazis came to power in Germany in January 1933. They believed that the Germans belonged to a race that was "superior" to all others.

  4. Between 1933 and 1945, Nazi Germany and its allies established more than 44,000 camps and other incarceration sites (including ghettos). The perpetrators used these sites for a range of purposes, including forced labor, detention of people thought to be enemies of the state, and mass murder.

    • Overview
    • The Nazi empire

    At the height of his success, Hitler was the master of the greater part of the European continent. German rule in the east was extended to wide areas of the Baltic states, Belorussia (now Belarus), Ukraine, and European Russia; Poland and the protectorate of Bohemia-Moravia; Serbia and Greece (where the occupation was shared with the Italians); and the nominally independent satellite states of Slovakia, Croatia, Hungary, Romania, and Bulgaria. In the west, Norway, Denmark, the Netherlands, and Belgium were all under German occupation, as was part of France from the summer of 1940 and the whole country from November 1942.

    German economic exploitation of these territories was ruthless. In eastern Europe, German policy treated the population, in accordance with Nazi teaching, as inferior races fit only to serve as slaves. Those classes of the population which on account of their education or position might be expected to provide leadership, together with Jews and any who showed signs of resistance, were put to death. Forced labourers were imprisoned in concentration camps, where disease, malnutrition, and brutal treatment by guards claimed hundreds of thousands of lives. Frequent manhunts were carried out in occupied territories to round up labour for deportation to Germany. At the end of 1944, about 4,795,000 foreign workers had been pressed into service in this way, the three largest groups being Russians (1,900,000), Poles (851,000), and French (764,000). Those from the east were treated entirely as slave labour, and the conditions under which they lived were appalling.

    In certain parts of the occupied territories (especially where the terrain was favourable), the Germans encountered partisan movements—e.g., in Yugoslavia, Poland, and the U.S.S.R. In eastern Europe, where anti-Semitism made collaboration difficult or even dangerous, all-Jewish partisan groups carried out guerrilla campaigns and spirited Jews from ghettoes and into the comparative safety of the forests. In almost all occupied territories, there was some form of resistance movement, in Norway, France, and the Netherlands as well as in the east. Even within Germany itself, violent and nonviolent resistance to the Nazi regime manifested; perhaps the best-known nonviolent anti-Nazi group was the student-led White Rose movement. The German measures for stamping out opposition were often brutal and included the shooting of hostages. In the case of the Czech town of Lidice, the entire town’s adult population was murdered and all of its buildings leveled in reprisal for the assassination of SS commander Reinhard Heydrich by Czech partisans.

    In Germany itself the impact of war was not sharply felt until 1942. Casualties in the early campaigns were comparatively light, and not until the winter of 1941–42 in Russia did they reach the scale of World War I. The effects of the Allied blockade were reduced by the plundering of the occupied countries.

    After the crisis of 1941–42 on the Eastern Front, Hitler demanded total mobilization. Fritz Sauckel took over the recruitment of foreign labour, while Albert Speer was appointed minister of armaments. By a remarkable feat of organization and improvisation, Speer succeeded in maintaining and even raising German war production despite the heavy Allied bombing of industry and communications. By 1944 he had 14,000,000 workers under his direction and was virtually the economic dictator of the country.

    In the early stages of the war, Göring was the second man in Germany and was named by Hitler as his successor. But by 1942 Göring suffered total eclipse with the failure of the air force to check the Allied raids or make effective retaliation. His place was taken by Himmler, who extended the functions of the SS until it became virtually a state within the state. Not only was Himmler put in charge of the resettlement of the occupied territories in the east, but he also—in his oversight of the Waffen (armed) SS divisions, some 500,000 strong by 1944—created a rival army to the Wehrmacht.

    At the height of his success, Hitler was the master of the greater part of the European continent. German rule in the east was extended to wide areas of the Baltic states, Belorussia (now Belarus), Ukraine, and European Russia; Poland and the protectorate of Bohemia-Moravia; Serbia and Greece (where the occupation was shared with the Italians); and the nominally independent satellite states of Slovakia, Croatia, Hungary, Romania, and Bulgaria. In the west, Norway, Denmark, the Netherlands, and Belgium were all under German occupation, as was part of France from the summer of 1940 and the whole country from November 1942.

    German economic exploitation of these territories was ruthless. In eastern Europe, German policy treated the population, in accordance with Nazi teaching, as inferior races fit only to serve as slaves. Those classes of the population which on account of their education or position might be expected to provide leadership, together with Jews and any who showed signs of resistance, were put to death. Forced labourers were imprisoned in concentration camps, where disease, malnutrition, and brutal treatment by guards claimed hundreds of thousands of lives. Frequent manhunts were carried out in occupied territories to round up labour for deportation to Germany. At the end of 1944, about 4,795,000 foreign workers had been pressed into service in this way, the three largest groups being Russians (1,900,000), Poles (851,000), and French (764,000). Those from the east were treated entirely as slave labour, and the conditions under which they lived were appalling.

    In certain parts of the occupied territories (especially where the terrain was favourable), the Germans encountered partisan movements—e.g., in Yugoslavia, Poland, and the U.S.S.R. In eastern Europe, where anti-Semitism made collaboration difficult or even dangerous, all-Jewish partisan groups carried out guerrilla campaigns and spirited Jews from ghettoes and into the comparative safety of the forests. In almost all occupied territories, there was some form of resistance movement, in Norway, France, and the Netherlands as well as in the east. Even within Germany itself, violent and nonviolent resistance to the Nazi regime manifested; perhaps the best-known nonviolent anti-Nazi group was the student-led White Rose movement. The German measures for stamping out opposition were often brutal and included the shooting of hostages. In the case of the Czech town of Lidice, the entire town’s adult population was murdered and all of its buildings leveled in reprisal for the assassination of SS commander Reinhard Heydrich by Czech partisans.

    In Germany itself the impact of war was not sharply felt until 1942. Casualties in the early campaigns were comparatively light, and not until the winter of 1941–42 in Russia did they reach the scale of World War I. The effects of the Allied blockade were reduced by the plundering of the occupied countries.

    After the crisis of 1941–42 on the Eastern Front, Hitler demanded total mobilization. Fritz Sauckel took over the recruitment of foreign labour, while Albert Speer was appointed minister of armaments. By a remarkable feat of organization and improvisation, Speer succeeded in maintaining and even raising German war production despite the heavy Allied bombing of industry and communications. By 1944 he had 14,000,000 workers under his direction and was virtually the economic dictator of the country.

    In the early stages of the war, Göring was the second man in Germany and was named by Hitler as his successor. But by 1942 Göring suffered total eclipse with the failure of the air force to check the Allied raids or make effective retaliation. His place was taken by Himmler, who extended the functions of the SS until it became virtually a state within the state. Not only was Himmler put in charge of the resettlement of the occupied territories in the east, but he also—in his oversight of the Waffen (armed) SS divisions, some 500,000 strong by 1944—created a rival army to the Wehrmacht.

    • The Editors of Encyclopaedia Britannica
  5. Nazi Germany occupies Poland. In annexed and occupied Poland, the Nazis set up ghettos. Already in 1939 they start deporting Jews to the area around Lublin. First from Vienna and later also from other places. In 1940, Roma and Sinti are deported from assembly camps in Germany to ghettos in occupied Poland.

  6. There were many areas annexed by Nazi Germany both immediately before and throughout the course of World War II. Territories that were part of Germany before the annexations were known as the "Altreich" (Old Reich).