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  1. The Revolt of 11731174 was a rebellion against King Henry II of England by three of his sons, his wife Eleanor of Aquitaine, and their rebel supporters. The revolt ended in failure after eighteen months; Henry's rebellious family members had to resign themselves to his continuing rule and were reconciled to him.

    • April 1173-30 September 1174
  2. La revuelta de 1173-1174 fue una rebelión fracasada contra el rey de Inglaterra, Enrique II. La llevaron a cabo tres de sus hijos, Enrique el Joven, 1 Ricardo 1 (el futuro Ricardo I, Corazón de León) y Godofredo, duque de Bretaña, 1 junto con la reina Leonor de Aquitania, Guillermo, rey de Escocia, el rey Luis VII de Francia 1 (a ...

  3. The zenith of this conflict came with the Battle of Fornham in 1173, where the forces of Robert de Beaumont, Earl of Leicester, and a key ally of the young princes, faced a crushing defeat. On the continental front, despite initial gains, the rebels found themselves pushed back at every turn.

  4. The Battle of Alnwick (1174) is one of two battles fought near the town of Alnwick, in Northumberland, England. In the battle, which took place on 13 July 1174, William I of Scotland, also known as William the Lion, was captured by a small English force led by Ranulf de Glanvill.

    • 13 July 1174
  5. The Treaty of Falaise was a forced written agreement made in December 1174 between the captive William I, King of Scots, and Henry II, King of England. During the Revolt of 1173-1174, William joined the rebels and was captured at the Battle of Alnwick during an invasion of Northumbria.

  6. In Britain and Normandy, William, king of Scotland, four earls of England and members of high nobility also took arms against Henry II. The revolt became general. The war began in May 1173. The Young Henry attacked Normandy from the Ile-de-France, ˆ where he prepared his campaign with Louis VII.

  7. The generational gap between sons and father added drama to the conflict, and psychological forces were inextricably bound to political forces as the revolt developed. Type Research Article