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  1. an object or tool for picking things up that looks something like the claws of an animal, bird, or insect: An iron claw lifts metal scraps from one pile to another. It was one of those old-fashioned arcade games where you pick up prizes with a mechanical claw. The machine's giant claw ripped the roof off the house like it was paper.

  2. 1 (=scratch) arañar. (=tear) desgarrar. to claw sth to shreds desgarrar algo completamente, hacer algo trizas. 2 to claw one's way somewhere abrirse camino a toda costa. to claw one's way to the top (fig) abrirse paso hasta la cima a toda costa. c cpd.

  3. 1. (de un animal) a. la garra. (F) (ave, tigre, león, gato, oso) The bear showed its menacing claws.El oso enseñó sus amenazadoras garras. b. la zarpa. (F) (tigre, león, gato, oso) The lion used his claws to break the ropes.El león se sirvió de sus zarpas para romper las cuerdas.

  4. 1. : a sharp usually slender and curved nail on the toe of an animal. 2. : any of various sharp curved processes especially at the end of a limb (as of an insect) also : a limb ending in such a process. 3. : one of the pincerlike organs terminating some limbs of various arthropods (such as a lobster or scorpion) 4.

  5. one of the sharp, curved nails at the end of each of the toes of some animals and birds: Our cat likes to sharpen her claws on the legs of the dining table. A claw is also the curved, movable part at the end of the leg of some insects and sea animals, such as crabs and lobsters: Watch out – the lobster’s claws pinch.

  6. Traducción de 'claw' en el diccionario gratuito de inglés-español y muchas otras traducciones en español.

  7. Inglés. Español. claw n. usually plural (mammal, etc.: nail) garra nf. zarpa nf. Tigers are known for their sharp claws. Los tigres son famosos por sus afiladas garras.