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  1. 21 de jun. de 2022 · On this occasion, Stuart Y. Silverstein, the longtime Dorothy Parker researcher and author of the hit Not Much Fun: The Lost Poems of Dorothy Parker, has uncovered a new, rich vein of infor June 30, 2022, is the 105th anniversary of the wedding of Dorothy Rothschild and Edwin Pond Parker II in 1917.

  2. 7 de jun. de 2017 · Her first husband, Edwin Pond Parker II, a Wall Street stockbroker whose name she kept, was an alcoholic and morphine addict. They wed in 1917 and divorced in 1928 but the marriage was over...

  3. Ese mismo año, la enérgica muchacha se casaría con quien la convertiría en Mrs. Parker: Edwin Pond Parker II, joven y agraciado corredor de bolsa que se prendó de ella y de su ingenio durante unas vacaciones en Connecticut.

  4. Dorothy Parker le sobrevivió seis años y le quitó la razón, dejando a su paso una obra que anhelando ser muerte acabó como una postrera instrucción para la vida. Pura ironía incorregible con perfume de nardo.

  5. In 1917, she met a Wall Street stockbroker, Edwin Pond Parker II (1893–1933) and they married before he left to serve in World War I with the U.S. Army 4th Division. She filed for divorce in 1928. [17]

  6. Se casó con el bróker de Wall Street Edwin Pond Parker II, pero se separaron al inicio de la Primera Guerra Mundial. Ella continuó trabajando para ambas revistas; la escritora guardaba sentimientos ambiguos respecto a su condición de judía y solía bromear asegurando que se había casado sólo para cambiar de apellido.

  7. 9 de ago. de 1993 · In 1917, at the age of twenty-three, she had married a young stockbroker, Edwin Pond Parker II. (She later said she had married Eddie because he had such a “nice, clean name.” She did not ...