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  1. 11 de jun. de 2019 · As a child, Jackson had a debilitating stutter; he was bullied so severely that he stopped talking at school for almost a year before he discovered that the word “motherfucker” could serve as...

    • Paul Chi
  2. The earliest citations of motherfucker and motherfucking in the Oxford English Dictionary come from the late 19 th and early 20 th centuries, and they give a sense for how seriously the word...

  3. › wiki › MotherfuckerMotherfucker - Wikipedia

    The word has become something of a catchphrase for actor Samuel L. Jackson, who frequently utters the word in some films. His use of the word helped him overcome a lifelong stuttering problem. [16]

  4. 14 de abr. de 2017 · The motherfucker in question is Ryan Reynolds, who plays the titular bodyguard assigned to protect a world-renowned hitman (Jackson), who also happens to be his nemesis.

  5. Etymology lists –er as attested from 1956, with –ing from 1933, however interestingly it lists the clipped form, simply mother (with context implied), since 1928, which to me means that the phrase was established earlier, but not attested.

  6. 目前已經 73 歲的好萊塢巨星演員山繆傑克森(Samuel L. Jackson),曾參與演出過許多知名電影,在漫威電影宇宙中飾演尼克福瑞(Nick Fury)的他更罕見於迪士尼旗下的《復仇者聯盟 3:無限之戰》,結局灰飛煙滅之時模糊地說出 Motherfucker,而他在與「死侍」萊恩·雷諾斯(Ryan Reynolds)合作電影《殺手保鑣》(The Hitman's Bodyguard)時大解放的台詞就讓許多影迷大呼過癮。 圖片來源: imdb. 在《殺手保鑣》電影中,山繆傑克與萊恩雷諾斯就曾重現經典。 萊恩雷諾斯問:「你就不能加上一個 "請" 字嗎? 」結果山繆傑克森又說出了自己演員生涯最經典的單字:「Please motherfucker! 」就讓眾多影迷笑翻。 imdb.

  7. 在去年底 12 月剛滿 70 歲的好萊塢巨星山繆傑克森(Samuel L. Jackson),現在正為導演奈沙馬蘭(M. Night Shyamalan執導的新片異裂》(Glass進行宣傳期演出懷著陰謀的玻璃先生的他一向以好演技加上「Motherfucker」這一個髒話口頭禪聞名於全球