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  1. In a fury of blogging and programming, what begins in his dorm room as a small site among friends soon becomes a global social network and a revolution in communication. A mere six years and 500 million friends later, Mark Zuckerberg is the youngest billionaire in history... but for this entrepreneur, success leads to both personal and legal ...

  2. But the young men in the boats can barely hear the crowd. Just their own breathing as they pull against the longest natural. straight stretch of water in the world--a mile and a half torture test against the best competition they've ever faced. And they're neck and neck. CAMERON and TYLER can't shake the Dutch.

  3. 28 de may. de 2009 · Social Network - Indieground Films

    • 4MB
    • 162
  4. 12 de feb. de 2024 · English. earlier script for David Fincher and Aaron Sorkin's The Social Network (2010), based on The Accidental Billionaires: The Founding of Facebook, a Tale of Sex, Money, Genius, and Betrayal by Ben Mezrich. Addeddate. 2024-02-12 19:53:53. Identifier.

    • MARK (V.O.)
    • MARK
    • MARK
    • ERICA
    • ERICA
    • MARK
    • ERICA
    • MARK
    • ERICA
    • ERICA
    • MARK
    • MARK
    • ERICA
    • ERICA
    • MARK
    • MARK
    • ERICA
    • MARK
    • ERICA
    • ERICA
    • MARK
    • MARK
    • ERICA (CONT'D)
    • MARK
    • ERICA
    • ERICA
    • MARK
    • ERICA
    • MARK
    • MARK
    • EXT. BAR - NIGHT
    • MARK (V.O.)
    • INT. A BUS - NIGHT
    • MARK (V.O.)
    • MARK
    • MARK (VO)
    • MARK (V.O.)
    • MARK (V.O.)
    • MARK (V.O)
    • MARK (V.O.) (CONT’D)
    • MARK (V.O.)
    • MARK (V.O.)
    • MARK (V.O.)
    • MARK
    • MARK
    • MARK
    • COX’S WIFE
    • EDUARDO (bad)
    • MARK
    • MARK
    • MARK
    • MARK
    • TYLER
    • TYLER
    • DIVYA
    • DIVYA At 4AM.
    • DIVYA
    • DIVYA
    • MARK (CONT’D)
    • MARK
    • MARK
    • MARK
    • MARK
    • TYLER
    • MARK
    • DIVYA
    • DIVYA
    • DIVYA
    • MARK
    • DIVYA
    • TYLER
    • MARK
    • TYLER
    • TYLER
    • DIVYA
    • MARK
    • MARK
    • MARK
    • MARK
    • MARK
    • MARK
    • GAGE
    • MARK
    • DUSTIN
    • CHRIS
    • MARK
    • MARK
    • MARK
    • MARK
    • MARK
    • MARK
    • GAGE
    • GAGE
    • GAGE
    • MARK
    • CUT TO:
    • SENIOR
    • GAGE (V.O.)
    • GAGE
    • MARK
    • MARK
    • DIVYA
    • DUSTIN
    • DUSTIN (CONT’D) (beat)
    • MARK
    • MARK
    • MARK
    • MARK
    • MARK
    • MARK
    • MARK
    • MARK
    • MARK
    • MARK
    • K.C.
    • K.C.
    • DIVYA
    • DIVYA
    • DIVYA
    • DIVYA
    • DIVYA
    • TYLER
    • DIVYA
    • GAGE
    • MARK
    • GAGE
    • MARK
    • GAGE (to TYLER)
    • GAGE
    • MARK
    • SPEAKER (VO)
    • STUART
    • BOB
    • MARK
    • MARK
    • MARK
    • MARK
    • MARK
    • MARK
    • MARK
    • GAGE
    • GAGE
    • GAGE
    • MARK
    • GAGE
    • EDUARDO taps MARK...
    • MARK
    • MARK
    • ERICA
    • MARK (beat)
    • MARK
    • ERICA
    • ERICA
    • MARK.
    • MARK
    • MARK
    • MARK
    • TYLER
    • DIVYA
    • DIVYA
    • DIVYA
    • TYLER (CONT’D)
    • SEAN
    • Can you come out here?
    • AMY AMY grabs a towel and jumps out of the shower--
    • TYLER
    • CAMERON (beat)
    • TYLER
    • TYLER
    • TYLER
    • TYLER
    • ANNE
    • TYLER
    • MARK
    • SEAN
    • SEAN
    • SEAN
    • INT. 66 - NIGHT
    • EDUARDO (V.O.)
    • INT. 66 - NIGHT SEAN
    • MARK
    • SEAN
    • EDUARDO (V.O.)
    • MARK
    • MARK
    • SEAN
    • SEAN
    • SEAN
    • INT. 66 - NIGHT SEAN
    • SEAN
    • EDUARDO (V.O.)
    • MARK
    • GRETCHEN (to SY)
    • MARK
    • MARK
    • MARK
    • DUSTIN
    • MARK
    • MARK
    • Oops.
    • MARK
    • MARK
    • MARK
    • MARK
    • MARK
    • MARK
    • MARK
    • MARK
    • MARK
    • MARK looks at EDUARDO...
    • INTERN [IAN]
    • MARK
    • MARK
    • DUSTIN
    • MARK
    • INTERN [IAN]
    • MARK
    • SEAN
    • MARK
    • SEAN
    • SEAN
    • MARK (OS)
    • SHARON
    • SEAN
    • (MORE) SEAN (CONT'D) (to ANDREW)
    • MARK
    • SEAN
    • SEAN
    • MARK
    • SEAN
    • SEAN
    • SEAN
    • MARK
    • SEAN
    • And after a moment of placid quiet--
    • AIDE
    • May I introduce my teammates? This is Dave, he’s our--
    • DIVYA
    • DIVYA
    • DIVYA
    • TYLER
    • TYLER
    • DIVYA
    • GIRL #1
    • GIRL #1
    • DUSTIN
    • SEAN
    • GIRL #2
    • SEAN
    • MARK
    • SEAN
    • SEAN
    • SEAN
    • MARK
    • MARK
    • MARK
    • MARK
    • MARK
    • SEAN
    • PETER
    • PETER
    • MARK
    • MARK
    • MARK
    • (MORE) MARK (CONT'D)
    • Maybe you were angry.
    • MARK
    • LAWYER
    • EDUARDO (pause) No.
    • MARK
    • SEAN
    • EDUARDO (V.O.)
    • LAWYER
    • EDUARDO (V.O.)
    • SEAN
    • MARK
    • SEAN
    • SEAN
    • SEAN
    • SEAN
    • We’ll get the signature.
    • SEAN
    • SEAN
    • MARK
    • MARK
    • MARK
    • SEAN
    • SEAN
    • SEAN
    • SEAN
    • SEAN
    • SEAN
    • SEAN
    • SEAN
    • SEAN
    • I’m CEO...Bitch

    Did you know there are more people with genius IQ’s living in China than there are people of any kind living in the United States?

    ERICA (V.O.) What would account for that? MARK (V.O.) Well, first, an awful lot of people live in China. But here’s my question: FADE IN:

    They don’t. I wasn’t talking about China anymore, I was talking about me.

    Yes. I could sing in an a Capella group, but I can’t sing.

    You know, from a woman’s perspective, sometimes not singing in an a Capella group is a good thing?

    On the other hand I do like guys who row crew. MARK (beat) Well I can’t do that. ERICA I was kid--

    To get into a final club. To row crew? No. Are you, like--whatever--delusional?

    Maybe, but sometimes you say two things at once and I’m not sure which one I’m supposed to be aiming at.

    Okay, well they’re bigger than me. They’re world class athletes. And a second ago you said you like guys who row crew so I assumed you had met one.

    I guess I just meant I liked the idea of it. The way a girl likes cowboys. MARK (beat) Okay. ERICA Should we get something to eat?

    No, it’s just since the beginning of the conversation about finals club I think I may have missed a birthday. (can’t get over it) There are really more people in China with genius IQ’s than the entire population of--

    The Phoenix is the most diverse. The Fly Club, Roosevelt punched the Porc.

    The Porcellian, the Porc, it’s the best of the best.

    Is it true that they send a bus around to pick up girls who want to party with the next Fed Chairman?

    Okay, well, which is the easiest to get into? MARK is visibly hit by that...

    You can read the weather you can predict the price of heating oil. I think you asked me that because you think the final club that’s easiest to get into is the one where I’ll have the best chance.

    You asked me which one was the easiest to get into because you think that that’s the one where I’ll have the best chance.

    The one that’s the easiest to get into would be the one where anybody has the best chance.

    You didn’t ask me which one was the best one, you asked me which one was the easiest one.

    I was honestly just asking. Okay? I was just asking to ask. Mark, I’m not speaking in code. Erica--

    You’re obsessed with finals clubs. You have finals clubs OCD and you need to see someone about it who’ll prescribe you some sort of medication. You don’t care if the side effects may include blindness.

    Final clubs. Not finals clubs and there’s a difference between being obsessed and being motivated.

    Well you do--that was cryptic--so you do speak in code. ERICA I didn’t mean to be cryptic. MARK I’m saying I need to do something substantial in order to get the attention of the clubs. Why? ERICA MARK Because they’re exclusive. And fun and they lead to a better life. ERICA Teddy Roosevelt didn’t get elected president because he was a member of the...

    Although just because something’s trite it doesn’t make it any less--

    I want to try to be straight forward with you and tell you that I think you might want to be a little more supportive. If I get in I’ll be taking the events, and the gatherings...and you’ll be meeting a lot of people you wouldn’t normally get to meet. ERICA (smiles) You would do that for me? MARK We’re dating.

    Okay, well I want to try and be straight forward with you and let you know that we’re not anymore.

    And blogging. MARK And blogging. MARYLIN (pause) Pay them. In the scheme of things it’s a speeding ticket. That’s what Sy will tell you tomorrow. MARK Do you think anybody would mind if I stayed and used the computer for a minute? MARYLIN I can’t imagine it would be a problem. MARK Thanks. I appreciate your help today. MARYLIN You’re not an asshole...

    And blogging. MARK And blogging. MARYLIN (pause) Pay them. In the scheme of things it’s a speeding ticket. That’s what Sy will tell you tomorrow. MARK Do you think anybody would mind if I stayed and used the computer for a minute? MARYLIN I can’t imagine it would be a problem. MARK Thanks. I appreciate your help today. MARYLIN You’re not an asshole...

    And blogging. MARK And blogging. MARYLIN (pause) Pay them. In the scheme of things it’s a speeding ticket. That’s what Sy will tell you tomorrow. MARK Do you think anybody would mind if I stayed and used the computer for a minute? MARYLIN I can’t imagine it would be a problem. MARK Thanks. I appreciate your help today. MARYLIN You’re not an asshole...

    And blogging. MARK And blogging. MARYLIN (pause) Pay them. In the scheme of things it’s a speeding ticket. That’s what Sy will tell you tomorrow. MARK Do you think anybody would mind if I stayed and used the computer for a minute? MARYLIN I can’t imagine it would be a problem. MARK Thanks. I appreciate your help today. MARYLIN You’re not an asshole...

    And blogging. MARK And blogging. MARYLIN (pause) Pay them. In the scheme of things it’s a speeding ticket. That’s what Sy will tell you tomorrow. MARK Do you think anybody would mind if I stayed and used the computer for a minute? MARYLIN I can’t imagine it would be a problem. MARK Thanks. I appreciate your help today. MARYLIN You’re not an asshole...

    And blogging. MARK And blogging. MARYLIN (pause) Pay them. In the scheme of things it’s a speeding ticket. That’s what Sy will tell you tomorrow. MARK Do you think anybody would mind if I stayed and used the computer for a minute? MARYLIN I can’t imagine it would be a problem. MARK Thanks. I appreciate your help today. MARYLIN You’re not an asshole...

    And blogging. MARK And blogging. MARYLIN (pause) Pay them. In the scheme of things it’s a speeding ticket. That’s what Sy will tell you tomorrow. MARK Do you think anybody would mind if I stayed and used the computer for a minute? MARYLIN I can’t imagine it would be a problem. MARK Thanks. I appreciate your help today. MARYLIN You’re not an asshole...

    And blogging. MARK And blogging. MARYLIN (pause) Pay them. In the scheme of things it’s a speeding ticket. That’s what Sy will tell you tomorrow. MARK Do you think anybody would mind if I stayed and used the computer for a minute? MARYLIN I can’t imagine it would be a problem. MARK Thanks. I appreciate your help today. MARYLIN You’re not an asshole...

    And blogging. MARK And blogging. MARYLIN (pause) Pay them. In the scheme of things it’s a speeding ticket. That’s what Sy will tell you tomorrow. MARK Do you think anybody would mind if I stayed and used the computer for a minute? MARYLIN I can’t imagine it would be a problem. MARK Thanks. I appreciate your help today. MARYLIN You’re not an asshole...

    And blogging. MARK And blogging. MARYLIN (pause) Pay them. In the scheme of things it’s a speeding ticket. That’s what Sy will tell you tomorrow. MARK Do you think anybody would mind if I stayed and used the computer for a minute? MARYLIN I can’t imagine it would be a problem. MARK Thanks. I appreciate your help today. MARYLIN You’re not an asshole...

    And blogging. MARK And blogging. MARYLIN (pause) Pay them. In the scheme of things it’s a speeding ticket. That’s what Sy will tell you tomorrow. MARK Do you think anybody would mind if I stayed and used the computer for a minute? MARYLIN I can’t imagine it would be a problem. MARK Thanks. I appreciate your help today. MARYLIN You’re not an asshole...

    And blogging. MARK And blogging. MARYLIN (pause) Pay them. In the scheme of things it’s a speeding ticket. That’s what Sy will tell you tomorrow. MARK Do you think anybody would mind if I stayed and used the computer for a minute? MARYLIN I can’t imagine it would be a problem. MARK Thanks. I appreciate your help today. MARYLIN You’re not an asshole...

    And blogging. MARK And blogging. MARYLIN (pause) Pay them. In the scheme of things it’s a speeding ticket. That’s what Sy will tell you tomorrow. MARK Do you think anybody would mind if I stayed and used the computer for a minute? MARYLIN I can’t imagine it would be a problem. MARK Thanks. I appreciate your help today. MARYLIN You’re not an asshole...

    And blogging. MARK And blogging. MARYLIN (pause) Pay them. In the scheme of things it’s a speeding ticket. That’s what Sy will tell you tomorrow. MARK Do you think anybody would mind if I stayed and used the computer for a minute? MARYLIN I can’t imagine it would be a problem. MARK Thanks. I appreciate your help today. MARYLIN You’re not an asshole...

    And blogging. MARK And blogging. MARYLIN (pause) Pay them. In the scheme of things it’s a speeding ticket. That’s what Sy will tell you tomorrow. MARK Do you think anybody would mind if I stayed and used the computer for a minute? MARYLIN I can’t imagine it would be a problem. MARK Thanks. I appreciate your help today. MARYLIN You’re not an asshole...

    And blogging. MARK And blogging. MARYLIN (pause) Pay them. In the scheme of things it’s a speeding ticket. That’s what Sy will tell you tomorrow. MARK Do you think anybody would mind if I stayed and used the computer for a minute? MARYLIN I can’t imagine it would be a problem. MARK Thanks. I appreciate your help today. MARYLIN You’re not an asshole...

    And blogging. MARK And blogging. MARYLIN (pause) Pay them. In the scheme of things it’s a speeding ticket. That’s what Sy will tell you tomorrow. MARK Do you think anybody would mind if I stayed and used the computer for a minute? MARYLIN I can’t imagine it would be a problem. MARK Thanks. I appreciate your help today. MARYLIN You’re not an asshole...

    And blogging. MARK And blogging. MARYLIN (pause) Pay them. In the scheme of things it’s a speeding ticket. That’s what Sy will tell you tomorrow. MARK Do you think anybody would mind if I stayed and used the computer for a minute? MARYLIN I can’t imagine it would be a problem. MARK Thanks. I appreciate your help today. MARYLIN You’re not an asshole...

    And blogging. MARK And blogging. MARYLIN (pause) Pay them. In the scheme of things it’s a speeding ticket. That’s what Sy will tell you tomorrow. MARK Do you think anybody would mind if I stayed and used the computer for a minute? MARYLIN I can’t imagine it would be a problem. MARK Thanks. I appreciate your help today. MARYLIN You’re not an asshole...

    And blogging. MARK And blogging. MARYLIN (pause) Pay them. In the scheme of things it’s a speeding ticket. That’s what Sy will tell you tomorrow. MARK Do you think anybody would mind if I stayed and used the computer for a minute? MARYLIN I can’t imagine it would be a problem. MARK Thanks. I appreciate your help today. MARYLIN You’re not an asshole...

    And blogging. MARK And blogging. MARYLIN (pause) Pay them. In the scheme of things it’s a speeding ticket. That’s what Sy will tell you tomorrow. MARK Do you think anybody would mind if I stayed and used the computer for a minute? MARYLIN I can’t imagine it would be a problem. MARK Thanks. I appreciate your help today. MARYLIN You’re not an asshole...

    And blogging. MARK And blogging. MARYLIN (pause) Pay them. In the scheme of things it’s a speeding ticket. That’s what Sy will tell you tomorrow. MARK Do you think anybody would mind if I stayed and used the computer for a minute? MARYLIN I can’t imagine it would be a problem. MARK Thanks. I appreciate your help today. MARYLIN You’re not an asshole...

    And blogging. MARK And blogging. MARYLIN (pause) Pay them. In the scheme of things it’s a speeding ticket. That’s what Sy will tell you tomorrow. MARK Do you think anybody would mind if I stayed and used the computer for a minute? MARYLIN I can’t imagine it would be a problem. MARK Thanks. I appreciate your help today. MARYLIN You’re not an asshole...

    And blogging. MARK And blogging. MARYLIN (pause) Pay them. In the scheme of things it’s a speeding ticket. That’s what Sy will tell you tomorrow. MARK Do you think anybody would mind if I stayed and used the computer for a minute? MARYLIN I can’t imagine it would be a problem. MARK Thanks. I appreciate your help today. MARYLIN You’re not an asshole...

    And blogging. MARK And blogging. MARYLIN (pause) Pay them. In the scheme of things it’s a speeding ticket. That’s what Sy will tell you tomorrow. MARK Do you think anybody would mind if I stayed and used the computer for a minute? MARYLIN I can’t imagine it would be a problem. MARK Thanks. I appreciate your help today. MARYLIN You’re not an asshole...

    And blogging. MARK And blogging. MARYLIN (pause) Pay them. In the scheme of things it’s a speeding ticket. That’s what Sy will tell you tomorrow. MARK Do you think anybody would mind if I stayed and used the computer for a minute? MARYLIN I can’t imagine it would be a problem. MARK Thanks. I appreciate your help today. MARYLIN You’re not an asshole...

    And blogging. MARK And blogging. MARYLIN (pause) Pay them. In the scheme of things it’s a speeding ticket. That’s what Sy will tell you tomorrow. MARK Do you think anybody would mind if I stayed and used the computer for a minute? MARYLIN I can’t imagine it would be a problem. MARK Thanks. I appreciate your help today. MARYLIN You’re not an asshole...

    And blogging. MARK And blogging. MARYLIN (pause) Pay them. In the scheme of things it’s a speeding ticket. That’s what Sy will tell you tomorrow. MARK Do you think anybody would mind if I stayed and used the computer for a minute? MARYLIN I can’t imagine it would be a problem. MARK Thanks. I appreciate your help today. MARYLIN You’re not an asshole...

    And blogging. MARK And blogging. MARYLIN (pause) Pay them. In the scheme of things it’s a speeding ticket. That’s what Sy will tell you tomorrow. MARK Do you think anybody would mind if I stayed and used the computer for a minute? MARYLIN I can’t imagine it would be a problem. MARK Thanks. I appreciate your help today. MARYLIN You’re not an asshole...

    And blogging. MARK And blogging. MARYLIN (pause) Pay them. In the scheme of things it’s a speeding ticket. That’s what Sy will tell you tomorrow. MARK Do you think anybody would mind if I stayed and used the computer for a minute? MARYLIN I can’t imagine it would be a problem. MARK Thanks. I appreciate your help today. MARYLIN You’re not an asshole...

    And blogging. MARK And blogging. MARYLIN (pause) Pay them. In the scheme of things it’s a speeding ticket. That’s what Sy will tell you tomorrow. MARK Do you think anybody would mind if I stayed and used the computer for a minute? MARYLIN I can’t imagine it would be a problem. MARK Thanks. I appreciate your help today. MARYLIN You’re not an asshole...

    And blogging. MARK And blogging. MARYLIN (pause) Pay them. In the scheme of things it’s a speeding ticket. That’s what Sy will tell you tomorrow. MARK Do you think anybody would mind if I stayed and used the computer for a minute? MARYLIN I can’t imagine it would be a problem. MARK Thanks. I appreciate your help today. MARYLIN You’re not an asshole...

    And blogging. MARK And blogging. MARYLIN (pause) Pay them. In the scheme of things it’s a speeding ticket. That’s what Sy will tell you tomorrow. MARK Do you think anybody would mind if I stayed and used the computer for a minute? MARYLIN I can’t imagine it would be a problem. MARK Thanks. I appreciate your help today. MARYLIN You’re not an asshole...

    And blogging. MARK And blogging. MARYLIN (pause) Pay them. In the scheme of things it’s a speeding ticket. That’s what Sy will tell you tomorrow. MARK Do you think anybody would mind if I stayed and used the computer for a minute? MARYLIN I can’t imagine it would be a problem. MARK Thanks. I appreciate your help today. MARYLIN You’re not an asshole...

    And blogging. MARK And blogging. MARYLIN (pause) Pay them. In the scheme of things it’s a speeding ticket. That’s what Sy will tell you tomorrow. MARK Do you think anybody would mind if I stayed and used the computer for a minute? MARYLIN I can’t imagine it would be a problem. MARK Thanks. I appreciate your help today. MARYLIN You’re not an asshole...

    And blogging. MARK And blogging. MARYLIN (pause) Pay them. In the scheme of things it’s a speeding ticket. That’s what Sy will tell you tomorrow. MARK Do you think anybody would mind if I stayed and used the computer for a minute? MARYLIN I can’t imagine it would be a problem. MARK Thanks. I appreciate your help today. MARYLIN You’re not an asshole...

    And blogging. MARK And blogging. MARYLIN (pause) Pay them. In the scheme of things it’s a speeding ticket. That’s what Sy will tell you tomorrow. MARK Do you think anybody would mind if I stayed and used the computer for a minute? MARYLIN I can’t imagine it would be a problem. MARK Thanks. I appreciate your help today. MARYLIN You’re not an asshole...

    And blogging. MARK And blogging. MARYLIN (pause) Pay them. In the scheme of things it’s a speeding ticket. That’s what Sy will tell you tomorrow. MARK Do you think anybody would mind if I stayed and used the computer for a minute? MARYLIN I can’t imagine it would be a problem. MARK Thanks. I appreciate your help today. MARYLIN You’re not an asshole...

    And blogging. MARK And blogging. MARYLIN (pause) Pay them. In the scheme of things it’s a speeding ticket. That’s what Sy will tell you tomorrow. MARK Do you think anybody would mind if I stayed and used the computer for a minute? MARYLIN I can’t imagine it would be a problem. MARK Thanks. I appreciate your help today. MARYLIN You’re not an asshole...

    And blogging. MARK And blogging. MARYLIN (pause) Pay them. In the scheme of things it’s a speeding ticket. That’s what Sy will tell you tomorrow. MARK Do you think anybody would mind if I stayed and used the computer for a minute? MARYLIN I can’t imagine it would be a problem. MARK Thanks. I appreciate your help today. MARYLIN You’re not an asshole...

    And blogging. MARK And blogging. MARYLIN (pause) Pay them. In the scheme of things it’s a speeding ticket. That’s what Sy will tell you tomorrow. MARK Do you think anybody would mind if I stayed and used the computer for a minute? MARYLIN I can’t imagine it would be a problem. MARK Thanks. I appreciate your help today. MARYLIN You’re not an asshole...

    And blogging. MARK And blogging. MARYLIN (pause) Pay them. In the scheme of things it’s a speeding ticket. That’s what Sy will tell you tomorrow. MARK Do you think anybody would mind if I stayed and used the computer for a minute? MARYLIN I can’t imagine it would be a problem. MARK Thanks. I appreciate your help today. MARYLIN You’re not an asshole...

    And blogging. MARK And blogging. MARYLIN (pause) Pay them. In the scheme of things it’s a speeding ticket. That’s what Sy will tell you tomorrow. MARK Do you think anybody would mind if I stayed and used the computer for a minute? MARYLIN I can’t imagine it would be a problem. MARK Thanks. I appreciate your help today. MARYLIN You’re not an asshole...

    And blogging. MARK And blogging. MARYLIN (pause) Pay them. In the scheme of things it’s a speeding ticket. That’s what Sy will tell you tomorrow. MARK Do you think anybody would mind if I stayed and used the computer for a minute? MARYLIN I can’t imagine it would be a problem. MARK Thanks. I appreciate your help today. MARYLIN You’re not an asshole...

    And blogging. MARK And blogging. MARYLIN (pause) Pay them. In the scheme of things it’s a speeding ticket. That’s what Sy will tell you tomorrow. MARK Do you think anybody would mind if I stayed and used the computer for a minute? MARYLIN I can’t imagine it would be a problem. MARK Thanks. I appreciate your help today. MARYLIN You’re not an asshole...

    And blogging. MARK And blogging. MARYLIN (pause) Pay them. In the scheme of things it’s a speeding ticket. That’s what Sy will tell you tomorrow. MARK Do you think anybody would mind if I stayed and used the computer for a minute? MARYLIN I can’t imagine it would be a problem. MARK Thanks. I appreciate your help today. MARYLIN You’re not an asshole...

    And blogging. MARK And blogging. MARYLIN (pause) Pay them. In the scheme of things it’s a speeding ticket. That’s what Sy will tell you tomorrow. MARK Do you think anybody would mind if I stayed and used the computer for a minute? MARYLIN I can’t imagine it would be a problem. MARK Thanks. I appreciate your help today. MARYLIN You’re not an asshole...

    And blogging. MARK And blogging. MARYLIN (pause) Pay them. In the scheme of things it’s a speeding ticket. That’s what Sy will tell you tomorrow. MARK Do you think anybody would mind if I stayed and used the computer for a minute? MARYLIN I can’t imagine it would be a problem. MARK Thanks. I appreciate your help today. MARYLIN You’re not an asshole...

    And blogging. MARK And blogging. MARYLIN (pause) Pay them. In the scheme of things it’s a speeding ticket. That’s what Sy will tell you tomorrow. MARK Do you think anybody would mind if I stayed and used the computer for a minute? MARYLIN I can’t imagine it would be a problem. MARK Thanks. I appreciate your help today. MARYLIN You’re not an asshole...

    And blogging. MARK And blogging. MARYLIN (pause) Pay them. In the scheme of things it’s a speeding ticket. That’s what Sy will tell you tomorrow. MARK Do you think anybody would mind if I stayed and used the computer for a minute? MARYLIN I can’t imagine it would be a problem. MARK Thanks. I appreciate your help today. MARYLIN You’re not an asshole...

    And blogging. MARK And blogging. MARYLIN (pause) Pay them. In the scheme of things it’s a speeding ticket. That’s what Sy will tell you tomorrow. MARK Do you think anybody would mind if I stayed and used the computer for a minute? MARYLIN I can’t imagine it would be a problem. MARK Thanks. I appreciate your help today. MARYLIN You’re not an asshole...

    And blogging. MARK And blogging. MARYLIN (pause) Pay them. In the scheme of things it’s a speeding ticket. That’s what Sy will tell you tomorrow. MARK Do you think anybody would mind if I stayed and used the computer for a minute? MARYLIN I can’t imagine it would be a problem. MARK Thanks. I appreciate your help today. MARYLIN You’re not an asshole...

    And blogging. MARK And blogging. MARYLIN (pause) Pay them. In the scheme of things it’s a speeding ticket. That’s what Sy will tell you tomorrow. MARK Do you think anybody would mind if I stayed and used the computer for a minute? MARYLIN I can’t imagine it would be a problem. MARK Thanks. I appreciate your help today. MARYLIN You’re not an asshole...

    And blogging. MARK And blogging. MARYLIN (pause) Pay them. In the scheme of things it’s a speeding ticket. That’s what Sy will tell you tomorrow. MARK Do you think anybody would mind if I stayed and used the computer for a minute? MARYLIN I can’t imagine it would be a problem. MARK Thanks. I appreciate your help today. MARYLIN You’re not an asshole...

    And blogging. MARK And blogging. MARYLIN (pause) Pay them. In the scheme of things it’s a speeding ticket. That’s what Sy will tell you tomorrow. MARK Do you think anybody would mind if I stayed and used the computer for a minute? MARYLIN I can’t imagine it would be a problem. MARK Thanks. I appreciate your help today. MARYLIN You’re not an asshole...

    And blogging. MARK And blogging. MARYLIN (pause) Pay them. In the scheme of things it’s a speeding ticket. That’s what Sy will tell you tomorrow. MARK Do you think anybody would mind if I stayed and used the computer for a minute? MARYLIN I can’t imagine it would be a problem. MARK Thanks. I appreciate your help today. MARYLIN You’re not an asshole...

    And blogging. MARK And blogging. MARYLIN (pause) Pay them. In the scheme of things it’s a speeding ticket. That’s what Sy will tell you tomorrow. MARK Do you think anybody would mind if I stayed and used the computer for a minute? MARYLIN I can’t imagine it would be a problem. MARK Thanks. I appreciate your help today. MARYLIN You’re not an asshole...

    And blogging. MARK And blogging. MARYLIN (pause) Pay them. In the scheme of things it’s a speeding ticket. That’s what Sy will tell you tomorrow. MARK Do you think anybody would mind if I stayed and used the computer for a minute? MARYLIN I can’t imagine it would be a problem. MARK Thanks. I appreciate your help today. MARYLIN You’re not an asshole...

    And blogging. MARK And blogging. MARYLIN (pause) Pay them. In the scheme of things it’s a speeding ticket. That’s what Sy will tell you tomorrow. MARK Do you think anybody would mind if I stayed and used the computer for a minute? MARYLIN I can’t imagine it would be a problem. MARK Thanks. I appreciate your help today. MARYLIN You’re not an asshole...

    And blogging. MARK And blogging. MARYLIN (pause) Pay them. In the scheme of things it’s a speeding ticket. That’s what Sy will tell you tomorrow. MARK Do you think anybody would mind if I stayed and used the computer for a minute? MARYLIN I can’t imagine it would be a problem. MARK Thanks. I appreciate your help today. MARYLIN You’re not an asshole...

    And blogging. MARK And blogging. MARYLIN (pause) Pay them. In the scheme of things it’s a speeding ticket. That’s what Sy will tell you tomorrow. MARK Do you think anybody would mind if I stayed and used the computer for a minute? MARYLIN I can’t imagine it would be a problem. MARK Thanks. I appreciate your help today. MARYLIN You’re not an asshole...

    And blogging. MARK And blogging. MARYLIN (pause) Pay them. In the scheme of things it’s a speeding ticket. That’s what Sy will tell you tomorrow. MARK Do you think anybody would mind if I stayed and used the computer for a minute? MARYLIN I can’t imagine it would be a problem. MARK Thanks. I appreciate your help today. MARYLIN You’re not an asshole...

    And blogging. MARK And blogging. MARYLIN (pause) Pay them. In the scheme of things it’s a speeding ticket. That’s what Sy will tell you tomorrow. MARK Do you think anybody would mind if I stayed and used the computer for a minute? MARYLIN I can’t imagine it would be a problem. MARK Thanks. I appreciate your help today. MARYLIN You’re not an asshole...

    And blogging. MARK And blogging. MARYLIN (pause) Pay them. In the scheme of things it’s a speeding ticket. That’s what Sy will tell you tomorrow. MARK Do you think anybody would mind if I stayed and used the computer for a minute? MARYLIN I can’t imagine it would be a problem. MARK Thanks. I appreciate your help today. MARYLIN You’re not an asshole...

    And blogging. MARK And blogging. MARYLIN (pause) Pay them. In the scheme of things it’s a speeding ticket. That’s what Sy will tell you tomorrow. MARK Do you think anybody would mind if I stayed and used the computer for a minute? MARYLIN I can’t imagine it would be a problem. MARK Thanks. I appreciate your help today. MARYLIN You’re not an asshole...

    And blogging. MARK And blogging. MARYLIN (pause) Pay them. In the scheme of things it’s a speeding ticket. That’s what Sy will tell you tomorrow. MARK Do you think anybody would mind if I stayed and used the computer for a minute? MARYLIN I can’t imagine it would be a problem. MARK Thanks. I appreciate your help today. MARYLIN You’re not an asshole...

    And blogging. MARK And blogging. MARYLIN (pause) Pay them. In the scheme of things it’s a speeding ticket. That’s what Sy will tell you tomorrow. MARK Do you think anybody would mind if I stayed and used the computer for a minute? MARYLIN I can’t imagine it would be a problem. MARK Thanks. I appreciate your help today. MARYLIN You’re not an asshole...

    And blogging. MARK And blogging. MARYLIN (pause) Pay them. In the scheme of things it’s a speeding ticket. That’s what Sy will tell you tomorrow. MARK Do you think anybody would mind if I stayed and used the computer for a minute? MARYLIN I can’t imagine it would be a problem. MARK Thanks. I appreciate your help today. MARYLIN You’re not an asshole...

    And blogging. MARK And blogging. MARYLIN (pause) Pay them. In the scheme of things it’s a speeding ticket. That’s what Sy will tell you tomorrow. MARK Do you think anybody would mind if I stayed and used the computer for a minute? MARYLIN I can’t imagine it would be a problem. MARK Thanks. I appreciate your help today. MARYLIN You’re not an asshole...

    And blogging. MARK And blogging. MARYLIN (pause) Pay them. In the scheme of things it’s a speeding ticket. That’s what Sy will tell you tomorrow. MARK Do you think anybody would mind if I stayed and used the computer for a minute? MARYLIN I can’t imagine it would be a problem. MARK Thanks. I appreciate your help today. MARYLIN You’re not an asshole...

    And blogging. MARK And blogging. MARYLIN (pause) Pay them. In the scheme of things it’s a speeding ticket. That’s what Sy will tell you tomorrow. MARK Do you think anybody would mind if I stayed and used the computer for a minute? MARYLIN I can’t imagine it would be a problem. MARK Thanks. I appreciate your help today. MARYLIN You’re not an asshole...

    And blogging. MARK And blogging. MARYLIN (pause) Pay them. In the scheme of things it’s a speeding ticket. That’s what Sy will tell you tomorrow. MARK Do you think anybody would mind if I stayed and used the computer for a minute? MARYLIN I can’t imagine it would be a problem. MARK Thanks. I appreciate your help today. MARYLIN You’re not an asshole...

    And blogging. MARK And blogging. MARYLIN (pause) Pay them. In the scheme of things it’s a speeding ticket. That’s what Sy will tell you tomorrow. MARK Do you think anybody would mind if I stayed and used the computer for a minute? MARYLIN I can’t imagine it would be a problem. MARK Thanks. I appreciate your help today. MARYLIN You’re not an asshole...

    And blogging. MARK And blogging. MARYLIN (pause) Pay them. In the scheme of things it’s a speeding ticket. That’s what Sy will tell you tomorrow. MARK Do you think anybody would mind if I stayed and used the computer for a minute? MARYLIN I can’t imagine it would be a problem. MARK Thanks. I appreciate your help today. MARYLIN You’re not an asshole...

    And blogging. MARK And blogging. MARYLIN (pause) Pay them. In the scheme of things it’s a speeding ticket. That’s what Sy will tell you tomorrow. MARK Do you think anybody would mind if I stayed and used the computer for a minute? MARYLIN I can’t imagine it would be a problem. MARK Thanks. I appreciate your help today. MARYLIN You’re not an asshole...

    And blogging. MARK And blogging. MARYLIN (pause) Pay them. In the scheme of things it’s a speeding ticket. That’s what Sy will tell you tomorrow. MARK Do you think anybody would mind if I stayed and used the computer for a minute? MARYLIN I can’t imagine it would be a problem. MARK Thanks. I appreciate your help today. MARYLIN You’re not an asshole...

    And blogging. MARK And blogging. MARYLIN (pause) Pay them. In the scheme of things it’s a speeding ticket. That’s what Sy will tell you tomorrow. MARK Do you think anybody would mind if I stayed and used the computer for a minute? MARYLIN I can’t imagine it would be a problem. MARK Thanks. I appreciate your help today. MARYLIN You’re not an asshole...

    And blogging. MARK And blogging. MARYLIN (pause) Pay them. In the scheme of things it’s a speeding ticket. That’s what Sy will tell you tomorrow. MARK Do you think anybody would mind if I stayed and used the computer for a minute? MARYLIN I can’t imagine it would be a problem. MARK Thanks. I appreciate your help today. MARYLIN You’re not an asshole...

    And blogging. MARK And blogging. MARYLIN (pause) Pay them. In the scheme of things it’s a speeding ticket. That’s what Sy will tell you tomorrow. MARK Do you think anybody would mind if I stayed and used the computer for a minute? MARYLIN I can’t imagine it would be a problem. MARK Thanks. I appreciate your help today. MARYLIN You’re not an asshole...

    And blogging. MARK And blogging. MARYLIN (pause) Pay them. In the scheme of things it’s a speeding ticket. That’s what Sy will tell you tomorrow. MARK Do you think anybody would mind if I stayed and used the computer for a minute? MARYLIN I can’t imagine it would be a problem. MARK Thanks. I appreciate your help today. MARYLIN You’re not an asshole...

    And blogging. MARK And blogging. MARYLIN (pause) Pay them. In the scheme of things it’s a speeding ticket. That’s what Sy will tell you tomorrow. MARK Do you think anybody would mind if I stayed and used the computer for a minute? MARYLIN I can’t imagine it would be a problem. MARK Thanks. I appreciate your help today. MARYLIN You’re not an asshole...

    And blogging. MARK And blogging. MARYLIN (pause) Pay them. In the scheme of things it’s a speeding ticket. That’s what Sy will tell you tomorrow. MARK Do you think anybody would mind if I stayed and used the computer for a minute? MARYLIN I can’t imagine it would be a problem. MARK Thanks. I appreciate your help today. MARYLIN You’re not an asshole...

    And blogging. MARK And blogging. MARYLIN (pause) Pay them. In the scheme of things it’s a speeding ticket. That’s what Sy will tell you tomorrow. MARK Do you think anybody would mind if I stayed and used the computer for a minute? MARYLIN I can’t imagine it would be a problem. MARK Thanks. I appreciate your help today. MARYLIN You’re not an asshole...

    And blogging. MARK And blogging. MARYLIN (pause) Pay them. In the scheme of things it’s a speeding ticket. That’s what Sy will tell you tomorrow. MARK Do you think anybody would mind if I stayed and used the computer for a minute? MARYLIN I can’t imagine it would be a problem. MARK Thanks. I appreciate your help today. MARYLIN You’re not an asshole...

    And blogging. MARK And blogging. MARYLIN (pause) Pay them. In the scheme of things it’s a speeding ticket. That’s what Sy will tell you tomorrow. MARK Do you think anybody would mind if I stayed and used the computer for a minute? MARYLIN I can’t imagine it would be a problem. MARK Thanks. I appreciate your help today. MARYLIN You’re not an asshole...

    And blogging. MARK And blogging. MARYLIN (pause) Pay them. In the scheme of things it’s a speeding ticket. That’s what Sy will tell you tomorrow. MARK Do you think anybody would mind if I stayed and used the computer for a minute? MARYLIN I can’t imagine it would be a problem. MARK Thanks. I appreciate your help today. MARYLIN You’re not an asshole...

    And blogging. MARK And blogging. MARYLIN (pause) Pay them. In the scheme of things it’s a speeding ticket. That’s what Sy will tell you tomorrow. MARK Do you think anybody would mind if I stayed and used the computer for a minute? MARYLIN I can’t imagine it would be a problem. MARK Thanks. I appreciate your help today. MARYLIN You’re not an asshole...

    And blogging. MARK And blogging. MARYLIN (pause) Pay them. In the scheme of things it’s a speeding ticket. That’s what Sy will tell you tomorrow. MARK Do you think anybody would mind if I stayed and used the computer for a minute? MARYLIN I can’t imagine it would be a problem. MARK Thanks. I appreciate your help today. MARYLIN You’re not an asshole...

    And blogging. MARK And blogging. MARYLIN (pause) Pay them. In the scheme of things it’s a speeding ticket. That’s what Sy will tell you tomorrow. MARK Do you think anybody would mind if I stayed and used the computer for a minute? MARYLIN I can’t imagine it would be a problem. MARK Thanks. I appreciate your help today. MARYLIN You’re not an asshole...

    And blogging. MARK And blogging. MARYLIN (pause) Pay them. In the scheme of things it’s a speeding ticket. That’s what Sy will tell you tomorrow. MARK Do you think anybody would mind if I stayed and used the computer for a minute? MARYLIN I can’t imagine it would be a problem. MARK Thanks. I appreciate your help today. MARYLIN You’re not an asshole...

    And blogging. MARK And blogging. MARYLIN (pause) Pay them. In the scheme of things it’s a speeding ticket. That’s what Sy will tell you tomorrow. MARK Do you think anybody would mind if I stayed and used the computer for a minute? MARYLIN I can’t imagine it would be a problem. MARK Thanks. I appreciate your help today. MARYLIN You’re not an asshole...

    And blogging. MARK And blogging. MARYLIN (pause) Pay them. In the scheme of things it’s a speeding ticket. That’s what Sy will tell you tomorrow. MARK Do you think anybody would mind if I stayed and used the computer for a minute? MARYLIN I can’t imagine it would be a problem. MARK Thanks. I appreciate your help today. MARYLIN You’re not an asshole...

    And blogging. MARK And blogging. MARYLIN (pause) Pay them. In the scheme of things it’s a speeding ticket. That’s what Sy will tell you tomorrow. MARK Do you think anybody would mind if I stayed and used the computer for a minute? MARYLIN I can’t imagine it would be a problem. MARK Thanks. I appreciate your help today. MARYLIN You’re not an asshole...

    And blogging. MARK And blogging. MARYLIN (pause) Pay them. In the scheme of things it’s a speeding ticket. That’s what Sy will tell you tomorrow. MARK Do you think anybody would mind if I stayed and used the computer for a minute? MARYLIN I can’t imagine it would be a problem. MARK Thanks. I appreciate your help today. MARYLIN You’re not an asshole...

    And blogging. MARK And blogging. MARYLIN (pause) Pay them. In the scheme of things it’s a speeding ticket. That’s what Sy will tell you tomorrow. MARK Do you think anybody would mind if I stayed and used the computer for a minute? MARYLIN I can’t imagine it would be a problem. MARK Thanks. I appreciate your help today. MARYLIN You’re not an asshole...

    And blogging. MARK And blogging. MARYLIN (pause) Pay them. In the scheme of things it’s a speeding ticket. That’s what Sy will tell you tomorrow. MARK Do you think anybody would mind if I stayed and used the computer for a minute? MARYLIN I can’t imagine it would be a problem. MARK Thanks. I appreciate your help today. MARYLIN You’re not an asshole...

    And blogging. MARK And blogging. MARYLIN (pause) Pay them. In the scheme of things it’s a speeding ticket. That’s what Sy will tell you tomorrow. MARK Do you think anybody would mind if I stayed and used the computer for a minute? MARYLIN I can’t imagine it would be a problem. MARK Thanks. I appreciate your help today. MARYLIN You’re not an asshole...

    And blogging. MARK And blogging. MARYLIN (pause) Pay them. In the scheme of things it’s a speeding ticket. That’s what Sy will tell you tomorrow. MARK Do you think anybody would mind if I stayed and used the computer for a minute? MARYLIN I can’t imagine it would be a problem. MARK Thanks. I appreciate your help today. MARYLIN You’re not an asshole...

    And blogging. MARK And blogging. MARYLIN (pause) Pay them. In the scheme of things it’s a speeding ticket. That’s what Sy will tell you tomorrow. MARK Do you think anybody would mind if I stayed and used the computer for a minute? MARYLIN I can’t imagine it would be a problem. MARK Thanks. I appreciate your help today. MARYLIN You’re not an asshole...

    And blogging. MARK And blogging. MARYLIN (pause) Pay them. In the scheme of things it’s a speeding ticket. That’s what Sy will tell you tomorrow. MARK Do you think anybody would mind if I stayed and used the computer for a minute? MARYLIN I can’t imagine it would be a problem. MARK Thanks. I appreciate your help today. MARYLIN You’re not an asshole...

    And blogging. MARK And blogging. MARYLIN (pause) Pay them. In the scheme of things it’s a speeding ticket. That’s what Sy will tell you tomorrow. MARK Do you think anybody would mind if I stayed and used the computer for a minute? MARYLIN I can’t imagine it would be a problem. MARK Thanks. I appreciate your help today. MARYLIN You’re not an asshole...

    And blogging. MARK And blogging. MARYLIN (pause) Pay them. In the scheme of things it’s a speeding ticket. That’s what Sy will tell you tomorrow. MARK Do you think anybody would mind if I stayed and used the computer for a minute? MARYLIN I can’t imagine it would be a problem. MARK Thanks. I appreciate your help today. MARYLIN You’re not an asshole...

    And blogging. MARK And blogging. MARYLIN (pause) Pay them. In the scheme of things it’s a speeding ticket. That’s what Sy will tell you tomorrow. MARK Do you think anybody would mind if I stayed and used the computer for a minute? MARYLIN I can’t imagine it would be a problem. MARK Thanks. I appreciate your help today. MARYLIN You’re not an asshole...

    And blogging. MARK And blogging. MARYLIN (pause) Pay them. In the scheme of things it’s a speeding ticket. That’s what Sy will tell you tomorrow. MARK Do you think anybody would mind if I stayed and used the computer for a minute? MARYLIN I can’t imagine it would be a problem. MARK Thanks. I appreciate your help today. MARYLIN You’re not an asshole...

    And blogging. MARK And blogging. MARYLIN (pause) Pay them. In the scheme of things it’s a speeding ticket. That’s what Sy will tell you tomorrow. MARK Do you think anybody would mind if I stayed and used the computer for a minute? MARYLIN I can’t imagine it would be a problem. MARK Thanks. I appreciate your help today. MARYLIN You’re not an asshole...

    And blogging. MARK And blogging. MARYLIN (pause) Pay them. In the scheme of things it’s a speeding ticket. That’s what Sy will tell you tomorrow. MARK Do you think anybody would mind if I stayed and used the computer for a minute? MARYLIN I can’t imagine it would be a problem. MARK Thanks. I appreciate your help today. MARYLIN You’re not an asshole...

    And blogging. MARK And blogging. MARYLIN (pause) Pay them. In the scheme of things it’s a speeding ticket. That’s what Sy will tell you tomorrow. MARK Do you think anybody would mind if I stayed and used the computer for a minute? MARYLIN I can’t imagine it would be a problem. MARK Thanks. I appreciate your help today. MARYLIN You’re not an asshole...

    And blogging. MARK And blogging. MARYLIN (pause) Pay them. In the scheme of things it’s a speeding ticket. That’s what Sy will tell you tomorrow. MARK Do you think anybody would mind if I stayed and used the computer for a minute? MARYLIN I can’t imagine it would be a problem. MARK Thanks. I appreciate your help today. MARYLIN You’re not an asshole...

    And blogging. MARK And blogging. MARYLIN (pause) Pay them. In the scheme of things it’s a speeding ticket. That’s what Sy will tell you tomorrow. MARK Do you think anybody would mind if I stayed and used the computer for a minute? MARYLIN I can’t imagine it would be a problem. MARK Thanks. I appreciate your help today. MARYLIN You’re not an asshole...

    And blogging. MARK And blogging. MARYLIN (pause) Pay them. In the scheme of things it’s a speeding ticket. That’s what Sy will tell you tomorrow. MARK Do you think anybody would mind if I stayed and used the computer for a minute? MARYLIN I can’t imagine it would be a problem. MARK Thanks. I appreciate your help today. MARYLIN You’re not an asshole...

    And blogging. MARK And blogging. MARYLIN (pause) Pay them. In the scheme of things it’s a speeding ticket. That’s what Sy will tell you tomorrow. MARK Do you think anybody would mind if I stayed and used the computer for a minute? MARYLIN I can’t imagine it would be a problem. MARK Thanks. I appreciate your help today. MARYLIN You’re not an asshole...

    And blogging. MARK And blogging. MARYLIN (pause) Pay them. In the scheme of things it’s a speeding ticket. That’s what Sy will tell you tomorrow. MARK Do you think anybody would mind if I stayed and used the computer for a minute? MARYLIN I can’t imagine it would be a problem. MARK Thanks. I appreciate your help today. MARYLIN You’re not an asshole...

    And blogging. MARK And blogging. MARYLIN (pause) Pay them. In the scheme of things it’s a speeding ticket. That’s what Sy will tell you tomorrow. MARK Do you think anybody would mind if I stayed and used the computer for a minute? MARYLIN I can’t imagine it would be a problem. MARK Thanks. I appreciate your help today. MARYLIN You’re not an asshole...

    And blogging. MARK And blogging. MARYLIN (pause) Pay them. In the scheme of things it’s a speeding ticket. That’s what Sy will tell you tomorrow. MARK Do you think anybody would mind if I stayed and used the computer for a minute? MARYLIN I can’t imagine it would be a problem. MARK Thanks. I appreciate your help today. MARYLIN You’re not an asshole...

    And blogging. MARK And blogging. MARYLIN (pause) Pay them. In the scheme of things it’s a speeding ticket. That’s what Sy will tell you tomorrow. MARK Do you think anybody would mind if I stayed and used the computer for a minute? MARYLIN I can’t imagine it would be a problem. MARK Thanks. I appreciate your help today. MARYLIN You’re not an asshole...

    And blogging. MARK And blogging. MARYLIN (pause) Pay them. In the scheme of things it’s a speeding ticket. That’s what Sy will tell you tomorrow. MARK Do you think anybody would mind if I stayed and used the computer for a minute? MARYLIN I can’t imagine it would be a problem. MARK Thanks. I appreciate your help today. MARYLIN You’re not an asshole...

    And blogging. MARK And blogging. MARYLIN (pause) Pay them. In the scheme of things it’s a speeding ticket. That’s what Sy will tell you tomorrow. MARK Do you think anybody would mind if I stayed and used the computer for a minute? MARYLIN I can’t imagine it would be a problem. MARK Thanks. I appreciate your help today. MARYLIN You’re not an asshole...

    And blogging. MARK And blogging. MARYLIN (pause) Pay them. In the scheme of things it’s a speeding ticket. That’s what Sy will tell you tomorrow. MARK Do you think anybody would mind if I stayed and used the computer for a minute? MARYLIN I can’t imagine it would be a problem. MARK Thanks. I appreciate your help today. MARYLIN You’re not an asshole...

    And blogging. MARK And blogging. MARYLIN (pause) Pay them. In the scheme of things it’s a speeding ticket. That’s what Sy will tell you tomorrow. MARK Do you think anybody would mind if I stayed and used the computer for a minute? MARYLIN I can’t imagine it would be a problem. MARK Thanks. I appreciate your help today. MARYLIN You’re not an asshole...

    And blogging. MARK And blogging. MARYLIN (pause) Pay them. In the scheme of things it’s a speeding ticket. That’s what Sy will tell you tomorrow. MARK Do you think anybody would mind if I stayed and used the computer for a minute? MARYLIN I can’t imagine it would be a problem. MARK Thanks. I appreciate your help today. MARYLIN You’re not an asshole...

    And blogging. MARK And blogging. MARYLIN (pause) Pay them. In the scheme of things it’s a speeding ticket. That’s what Sy will tell you tomorrow. MARK Do you think anybody would mind if I stayed and used the computer for a minute? MARYLIN I can’t imagine it would be a problem. MARK Thanks. I appreciate your help today. MARYLIN You’re not an asshole...

    And blogging. MARK And blogging. MARYLIN (pause) Pay them. In the scheme of things it’s a speeding ticket. That’s what Sy will tell you tomorrow. MARK Do you think anybody would mind if I stayed and used the computer for a minute? MARYLIN I can’t imagine it would be a problem. MARK Thanks. I appreciate your help today. MARYLIN You’re not an asshole...

    And blogging. MARK And blogging. MARYLIN (pause) Pay them. In the scheme of things it’s a speeding ticket. That’s what Sy will tell you tomorrow. MARK Do you think anybody would mind if I stayed and used the computer for a minute? MARYLIN I can’t imagine it would be a problem. MARK Thanks. I appreciate your help today. MARYLIN You’re not an asshole...

    And blogging. MARK And blogging. MARYLIN (pause) Pay them. In the scheme of things it’s a speeding ticket. That’s what Sy will tell you tomorrow. MARK Do you think anybody would mind if I stayed and used the computer for a minute? MARYLIN I can’t imagine it would be a problem. MARK Thanks. I appreciate your help today. MARYLIN You’re not an asshole...

    And blogging. MARK And blogging. MARYLIN (pause) Pay them. In the scheme of things it’s a speeding ticket. That’s what Sy will tell you tomorrow. MARK Do you think anybody would mind if I stayed and used the computer for a minute? MARYLIN I can’t imagine it would be a problem. MARK Thanks. I appreciate your help today. MARYLIN You’re not an asshole...

    And blogging. MARK And blogging. MARYLIN (pause) Pay them. In the scheme of things it’s a speeding ticket. That’s what Sy will tell you tomorrow. MARK Do you think anybody would mind if I stayed and used the computer for a minute? MARYLIN I can’t imagine it would be a problem. MARK Thanks. I appreciate your help today. MARYLIN You’re not an asshole...

    And blogging. MARK And blogging. MARYLIN (pause) Pay them. In the scheme of things it’s a speeding ticket. That’s what Sy will tell you tomorrow. MARK Do you think anybody would mind if I stayed and used the computer for a minute? MARYLIN I can’t imagine it would be a problem. MARK Thanks. I appreciate your help today. MARYLIN You’re not an asshole...

    And blogging. MARK And blogging. MARYLIN (pause) Pay them. In the scheme of things it’s a speeding ticket. That’s what Sy will tell you tomorrow. MARK Do you think anybody would mind if I stayed and used the computer for a minute? MARYLIN I can’t imagine it would be a problem. MARK Thanks. I appreciate your help today. MARYLIN You’re not an asshole...

    And blogging. MARK And blogging. MARYLIN (pause) Pay them. In the scheme of things it’s a speeding ticket. That’s what Sy will tell you tomorrow. MARK Do you think anybody would mind if I stayed and used the computer for a minute? MARYLIN I can’t imagine it would be a problem. MARK Thanks. I appreciate your help today. MARYLIN You’re not an asshole...

    And blogging. MARK And blogging. MARYLIN (pause) Pay them. In the scheme of things it’s a speeding ticket. That’s what Sy will tell you tomorrow. MARK Do you think anybody would mind if I stayed and used the computer for a minute? MARYLIN I can’t imagine it would be a problem. MARK Thanks. I appreciate your help today. MARYLIN You’re not an asshole...

    And blogging. MARK And blogging. MARYLIN (pause) Pay them. In the scheme of things it’s a speeding ticket. That’s what Sy will tell you tomorrow. MARK Do you think anybody would mind if I stayed and used the computer for a minute? MARYLIN I can’t imagine it would be a problem. MARK Thanks. I appreciate your help today. MARYLIN You’re not an asshole...

    And blogging. MARK And blogging. MARYLIN (pause) Pay them. In the scheme of things it’s a speeding ticket. That’s what Sy will tell you tomorrow. MARK Do you think anybody would mind if I stayed and used the computer for a minute? MARYLIN I can’t imagine it would be a problem. MARK Thanks. I appreciate your help today. MARYLIN You’re not an asshole...

    And blogging. MARK And blogging. MARYLIN (pause) Pay them. In the scheme of things it’s a speeding ticket. That’s what Sy will tell you tomorrow. MARK Do you think anybody would mind if I stayed and used the computer for a minute? MARYLIN I can’t imagine it would be a problem. MARK Thanks. I appreciate your help today. MARYLIN You’re not an asshole...

    And blogging. MARK And blogging. MARYLIN (pause) Pay them. In the scheme of things it’s a speeding ticket. That’s what Sy will tell you tomorrow. MARK Do you think anybody would mind if I stayed and used the computer for a minute? MARYLIN I can’t imagine it would be a problem. MARK Thanks. I appreciate your help today. MARYLIN You’re not an asshole...

    And blogging. MARK And blogging. MARYLIN (pause) Pay them. In the scheme of things it’s a speeding ticket. That’s what Sy will tell you tomorrow. MARK Do you think anybody would mind if I stayed and used the computer for a minute? MARYLIN I can’t imagine it would be a problem. MARK Thanks. I appreciate your help today. MARYLIN You’re not an asshole...

    And blogging. MARK And blogging. MARYLIN (pause) Pay them. In the scheme of things it’s a speeding ticket. That’s what Sy will tell you tomorrow. MARK Do you think anybody would mind if I stayed and used the computer for a minute? MARYLIN I can’t imagine it would be a problem. MARK Thanks. I appreciate your help today. MARYLIN You’re not an asshole...

    And blogging. MARK And blogging. MARYLIN (pause) Pay them. In the scheme of things it’s a speeding ticket. That’s what Sy will tell you tomorrow. MARK Do you think anybody would mind if I stayed and used the computer for a minute? MARYLIN I can’t imagine it would be a problem. MARK Thanks. I appreciate your help today. MARYLIN You’re not an asshole...

    And blogging. MARK And blogging. MARYLIN (pause) Pay them. In the scheme of things it’s a speeding ticket. That’s what Sy will tell you tomorrow. MARK Do you think anybody would mind if I stayed and used the computer for a minute? MARYLIN I can’t imagine it would be a problem. MARK Thanks. I appreciate your help today. MARYLIN You’re not an asshole...

    And blogging. MARK And blogging. MARYLIN (pause) Pay them. In the scheme of things it’s a speeding ticket. That’s what Sy will tell you tomorrow. MARK Do you think anybody would mind if I stayed and used the computer for a minute? MARYLIN I can’t imagine it would be a problem. MARK Thanks. I appreciate your help today. MARYLIN You’re not an asshole...

    And blogging. MARK And blogging. MARYLIN (pause) Pay them. In the scheme of things it’s a speeding ticket. That’s what Sy will tell you tomorrow. MARK Do you think anybody would mind if I stayed and used the computer for a minute? MARYLIN I can’t imagine it would be a problem. MARK Thanks. I appreciate your help today. MARYLIN You’re not an asshole...

    And blogging. MARK And blogging. MARYLIN (pause) Pay them. In the scheme of things it’s a speeding ticket. That’s what Sy will tell you tomorrow. MARK Do you think anybody would mind if I stayed and used the computer for a minute? MARYLIN I can’t imagine it would be a problem. MARK Thanks. I appreciate your help today. MARYLIN You’re not an asshole...

    And blogging. MARK And blogging. MARYLIN (pause) Pay them. In the scheme of things it’s a speeding ticket. That’s what Sy will tell you tomorrow. MARK Do you think anybody would mind if I stayed and used the computer for a minute? MARYLIN I can’t imagine it would be a problem. MARK Thanks. I appreciate your help today. MARYLIN You’re not an asshole...

    And blogging. MARK And blogging. MARYLIN (pause) Pay them. In the scheme of things it’s a speeding ticket. That’s what Sy will tell you tomorrow. MARK Do you think anybody would mind if I stayed and used the computer for a minute? MARYLIN I can’t imagine it would be a problem. MARK Thanks. I appreciate your help today. MARYLIN You’re not an asshole...

    And blogging. MARK And blogging. MARYLIN (pause) Pay them. In the scheme of things it’s a speeding ticket. That’s what Sy will tell you tomorrow. MARK Do you think anybody would mind if I stayed and used the computer for a minute? MARYLIN I can’t imagine it would be a problem. MARK Thanks. I appreciate your help today. MARYLIN You’re not an asshole...

    And blogging. MARK And blogging. MARYLIN (pause) Pay them. In the scheme of things it’s a speeding ticket. That’s what Sy will tell you tomorrow. MARK Do you think anybody would mind if I stayed and used the computer for a minute? MARYLIN I can’t imagine it would be a problem. MARK Thanks. I appreciate your help today. MARYLIN You’re not an asshole...

    And blogging. MARK And blogging. MARYLIN (pause) Pay them. In the scheme of things it’s a speeding ticket. That’s what Sy will tell you tomorrow. MARK Do you think anybody would mind if I stayed and used the computer for a minute? MARYLIN I can’t imagine it would be a problem. MARK Thanks. I appreciate your help today. MARYLIN You’re not an asshole...

    And blogging. MARK And blogging. MARYLIN (pause) Pay them. In the scheme of things it’s a speeding ticket. That’s what Sy will tell you tomorrow. MARK Do you think anybody would mind if I stayed and used the computer for a minute? MARYLIN I can’t imagine it would be a problem. MARK Thanks. I appreciate your help today. MARYLIN You’re not an asshole...

    And blogging. MARK And blogging. MARYLIN (pause) Pay them. In the scheme of things it’s a speeding ticket. That’s what Sy will tell you tomorrow. MARK Do you think anybody would mind if I stayed and used the computer for a minute? MARYLIN I can’t imagine it would be a problem. MARK Thanks. I appreciate your help today. MARYLIN You’re not an asshole...

    And blogging. MARK And blogging. MARYLIN (pause) Pay them. In the scheme of things it’s a speeding ticket. That’s what Sy will tell you tomorrow. MARK Do you think anybody would mind if I stayed and used the computer for a minute? MARYLIN I can’t imagine it would be a problem. MARK Thanks. I appreciate your help today. MARYLIN You’re not an asshole...

    And blogging. MARK And blogging. MARYLIN (pause) Pay them. In the scheme of things it’s a speeding ticket. That’s what Sy will tell you tomorrow. MARK Do you think anybody would mind if I stayed and used the computer for a minute? MARYLIN I can’t imagine it would be a problem. MARK Thanks. I appreciate your help today. MARYLIN You’re not an asshole...

    And blogging. MARK And blogging. MARYLIN (pause) Pay them. In the scheme of things it’s a speeding ticket. That’s what Sy will tell you tomorrow. MARK Do you think anybody would mind if I stayed and used the computer for a minute? MARYLIN I can’t imagine it would be a problem. MARK Thanks. I appreciate your help today. MARYLIN You’re not an asshole...

    And blogging. MARK And blogging. MARYLIN (pause) Pay them. In the scheme of things it’s a speeding ticket. That’s what Sy will tell you tomorrow. MARK Do you think anybody would mind if I stayed and used the computer for a minute? MARYLIN I can’t imagine it would be a problem. MARK Thanks. I appreciate your help today. MARYLIN You’re not an asshole...

    And blogging. MARK And blogging. MARYLIN (pause) Pay them. In the scheme of things it’s a speeding ticket. That’s what Sy will tell you tomorrow. MARK Do you think anybody would mind if I stayed and used the computer for a minute? MARYLIN I can’t imagine it would be a problem. MARK Thanks. I appreciate your help today. MARYLIN You’re not an asshole...

    And blogging. MARK And blogging. MARYLIN (pause) Pay them. In the scheme of things it’s a speeding ticket. That’s what Sy will tell you tomorrow. MARK Do you think anybody would mind if I stayed and used the computer for a minute? MARYLIN I can’t imagine it would be a problem. MARK Thanks. I appreciate your help today. MARYLIN You’re not an asshole...

    And blogging. MARK And blogging. MARYLIN (pause) Pay them. In the scheme of things it’s a speeding ticket. That’s what Sy will tell you tomorrow. MARK Do you think anybody would mind if I stayed and used the computer for a minute? MARYLIN I can’t imagine it would be a problem. MARK Thanks. I appreciate your help today. MARYLIN You’re not an asshole...

    And blogging. MARK And blogging. MARYLIN (pause) Pay them. In the scheme of things it’s a speeding ticket. That’s what Sy will tell you tomorrow. MARK Do you think anybody would mind if I stayed and used the computer for a minute? MARYLIN I can’t imagine it would be a problem. MARK Thanks. I appreciate your help today. MARYLIN You’re not an asshole...

    And blogging. MARK And blogging. MARYLIN (pause) Pay them. In the scheme of things it’s a speeding ticket. That’s what Sy will tell you tomorrow. MARK Do you think anybody would mind if I stayed and used the computer for a minute? MARYLIN I can’t imagine it would be a problem. MARK Thanks. I appreciate your help today. MARYLIN You’re not an asshole...

    And blogging. MARK And blogging. MARYLIN (pause) Pay them. In the scheme of things it’s a speeding ticket. That’s what Sy will tell you tomorrow. MARK Do you think anybody would mind if I stayed and used the computer for a minute? MARYLIN I can’t imagine it would be a problem. MARK Thanks. I appreciate your help today. MARYLIN You’re not an asshole...

    And blogging. MARK And blogging. MARYLIN (pause) Pay them. In the scheme of things it’s a speeding ticket. That’s what Sy will tell you tomorrow. MARK Do you think anybody would mind if I stayed and used the computer for a minute? MARYLIN I can’t imagine it would be a problem. MARK Thanks. I appreciate your help today. MARYLIN You’re not an asshole...

    And blogging. MARK And blogging. MARYLIN (pause) Pay them. In the scheme of things it’s a speeding ticket. That’s what Sy will tell you tomorrow. MARK Do you think anybody would mind if I stayed and used the computer for a minute? MARYLIN I can’t imagine it would be a problem. MARK Thanks. I appreciate your help today. MARYLIN You’re not an asshole...

    And blogging. MARK And blogging. MARYLIN (pause) Pay them. In the scheme of things it’s a speeding ticket. That’s what Sy will tell you tomorrow. MARK Do you think anybody would mind if I stayed and used the computer for a minute? MARYLIN I can’t imagine it would be a problem. MARK Thanks. I appreciate your help today. MARYLIN You’re not an asshole...

    And blogging. MARK And blogging. MARYLIN (pause) Pay them. In the scheme of things it’s a speeding ticket. That’s what Sy will tell you tomorrow. MARK Do you think anybody would mind if I stayed and used the computer for a minute? MARYLIN I can’t imagine it would be a problem. MARK Thanks. I appreciate your help today. MARYLIN You’re not an asshole...

    And blogging. MARK And blogging. MARYLIN (pause) Pay them. In the scheme of things it’s a speeding ticket. That’s what Sy will tell you tomorrow. MARK Do you think anybody would mind if I stayed and used the computer for a minute? MARYLIN I can’t imagine it would be a problem. MARK Thanks. I appreciate your help today. MARYLIN You’re not an asshole...

    And blogging. MARK And blogging. MARYLIN (pause) Pay them. In the scheme of things it’s a speeding ticket. That’s what Sy will tell you tomorrow. MARK Do you think anybody would mind if I stayed and used the computer for a minute? MARYLIN I can’t imagine it would be a problem. MARK Thanks. I appreciate your help today. MARYLIN You’re not an asshole...

    And blogging. MARK And blogging. MARYLIN (pause) Pay them. In the scheme of things it’s a speeding ticket. That’s what Sy will tell you tomorrow. MARK Do you think anybody would mind if I stayed and used the computer for a minute? MARYLIN I can’t imagine it would be a problem. MARK Thanks. I appreciate your help today. MARYLIN You’re not an asshole...

    And blogging. MARK And blogging. MARYLIN (pause) Pay them. In the scheme of things it’s a speeding ticket. That’s what Sy will tell you tomorrow. MARK Do you think anybody would mind if I stayed and used the computer for a minute? MARYLIN I can’t imagine it would be a problem. MARK Thanks. I appreciate your help today. MARYLIN You’re not an asshole...

    And blogging. MARK And blogging. MARYLIN (pause) Pay them. In the scheme of things it’s a speeding ticket. That’s what Sy will tell you tomorrow. MARK Do you think anybody would mind if I stayed and used the computer for a minute? MARYLIN I can’t imagine it would be a problem. MARK Thanks. I appreciate your help today. MARYLIN You’re not an asshole...

    And blogging. MARK And blogging. MARYLIN (pause) Pay them. In the scheme of things it’s a speeding ticket. That’s what Sy will tell you tomorrow. MARK Do you think anybody would mind if I stayed and used the computer for a minute? MARYLIN I can’t imagine it would be a problem. MARK Thanks. I appreciate your help today. MARYLIN You’re not an asshole...

    And blogging. MARK And blogging. MARYLIN (pause) Pay them. In the scheme of things it’s a speeding ticket. That’s what Sy will tell you tomorrow. MARK Do you think anybody would mind if I stayed and used the computer for a minute? MARYLIN I can’t imagine it would be a problem. MARK Thanks. I appreciate your help today. MARYLIN You’re not an asshole...

    And blogging. MARK And blogging. MARYLIN (pause) Pay them. In the scheme of things it’s a speeding ticket. That’s what Sy will tell you tomorrow. MARK Do you think anybody would mind if I stayed and used the computer for a minute? MARYLIN I can’t imagine it would be a problem. MARK Thanks. I appreciate your help today. MARYLIN You’re not an asshole...

    And blogging. MARK And blogging. MARYLIN (pause) Pay them. In the scheme of things it’s a speeding ticket. That’s what Sy will tell you tomorrow. MARK Do you think anybody would mind if I stayed and used the computer for a minute? MARYLIN I can’t imagine it would be a problem. MARK Thanks. I appreciate your help today. MARYLIN You’re not an asshole...

    And blogging. MARK And blogging. MARYLIN (pause) Pay them. In the scheme of things it’s a speeding ticket. That’s what Sy will tell you tomorrow. MARK Do you think anybody would mind if I stayed and used the computer for a minute? MARYLIN I can’t imagine it would be a problem. MARK Thanks. I appreciate your help today. MARYLIN You’re not an asshole...

    And blogging. MARK And blogging. MARYLIN (pause) Pay them. In the scheme of things it’s a speeding ticket. That’s what Sy will tell you tomorrow. MARK Do you think anybody would mind if I stayed and used the computer for a minute? MARYLIN I can’t imagine it would be a problem. MARK Thanks. I appreciate your help today. MARYLIN You’re not an asshole...

    And blogging. MARK And blogging. MARYLIN (pause) Pay them. In the scheme of things it’s a speeding ticket. That’s what Sy will tell you tomorrow. MARK Do you think anybody would mind if I stayed and used the computer for a minute? MARYLIN I can’t imagine it would be a problem. MARK Thanks. I appreciate your help today. MARYLIN You’re not an asshole...

    And blogging. MARK And blogging. MARYLIN (pause) Pay them. In the scheme of things it’s a speeding ticket. That’s what Sy will tell you tomorrow. MARK Do you think anybody would mind if I stayed and used the computer for a minute? MARYLIN I can’t imagine it would be a problem. MARK Thanks. I appreciate your help today. MARYLIN You’re not an asshole...

    And blogging. MARK And blogging. MARYLIN (pause) Pay them. In the scheme of things it’s a speeding ticket. That’s what Sy will tell you tomorrow. MARK Do you think anybody would mind if I stayed and used the computer for a minute? MARYLIN I can’t imagine it would be a problem. MARK Thanks. I appreciate your help today. MARYLIN You’re not an asshole...

    And blogging. MARK And blogging. MARYLIN (pause) Pay them. In the scheme of things it’s a speeding ticket. That’s what Sy will tell you tomorrow. MARK Do you think anybody would mind if I stayed and used the computer for a minute? MARYLIN I can’t imagine it would be a problem. MARK Thanks. I appreciate your help today. MARYLIN You’re not an asshole...

    And blogging. MARK And blogging. MARYLIN (pause) Pay them. In the scheme of things it’s a speeding ticket. That’s what Sy will tell you tomorrow. MARK Do you think anybody would mind if I stayed and used the computer for a minute? MARYLIN I can’t imagine it would be a problem. MARK Thanks. I appreciate your help today. MARYLIN You’re not an asshole...

    And blogging. MARK And blogging. MARYLIN (pause) Pay them. In the scheme of things it’s a speeding ticket. That’s what Sy will tell you tomorrow. MARK Do you think anybody would mind if I stayed and used the computer for a minute? MARYLIN I can’t imagine it would be a problem. MARK Thanks. I appreciate your help today. MARYLIN You’re not an asshole...

    And blogging. MARK And blogging. MARYLIN (pause) Pay them. In the scheme of things it’s a speeding ticket. That’s what Sy will tell you tomorrow. MARK Do you think anybody would mind if I stayed and used the computer for a minute? MARYLIN I can’t imagine it would be a problem. MARK Thanks. I appreciate your help today. MARYLIN You’re not an asshole...

    And blogging. MARK And blogging. MARYLIN (pause) Pay them. In the scheme of things it’s a speeding ticket. That’s what Sy will tell you tomorrow. MARK Do you think anybody would mind if I stayed and used the computer for a minute? MARYLIN I can’t imagine it would be a problem. MARK Thanks. I appreciate your help today. MARYLIN You’re not an asshole...

    And blogging. MARK And blogging. MARYLIN (pause) Pay them. In the scheme of things it’s a speeding ticket. That’s what Sy will tell you tomorrow. MARK Do you think anybody would mind if I stayed and used the computer for a minute? MARYLIN I can’t imagine it would be a problem. MARK Thanks. I appreciate your help today. MARYLIN You’re not an asshole...

    And blogging. MARK And blogging. MARYLIN (pause) Pay them. In the scheme of things it’s a speeding ticket. That’s what Sy will tell you tomorrow. MARK Do you think anybody would mind if I stayed and used the computer for a minute? MARYLIN I can’t imagine it would be a problem. MARK Thanks. I appreciate your help today. MARYLIN You’re not an asshole...

    And blogging. MARK And blogging. MARYLIN (pause) Pay them. In the scheme of things it’s a speeding ticket. That’s what Sy will tell you tomorrow. MARK Do you think anybody would mind if I stayed and used the computer for a minute? MARYLIN I can’t imagine it would be a problem. MARK Thanks. I appreciate your help today. MARYLIN You’re not an asshole...

    And blogging. MARK And blogging. MARYLIN (pause) Pay them. In the scheme of things it’s a speeding ticket. That’s what Sy will tell you tomorrow. MARK Do you think anybody would mind if I stayed and used the computer for a minute? MARYLIN I can’t imagine it would be a problem. MARK Thanks. I appreciate your help today. MARYLIN You’re not an asshole...

    And blogging. MARK And blogging. MARYLIN (pause) Pay them. In the scheme of things it’s a speeding ticket. That’s what Sy will tell you tomorrow. MARK Do you think anybody would mind if I stayed and used the computer for a minute? MARYLIN I can’t imagine it would be a problem. MARK Thanks. I appreciate your help today. MARYLIN You’re not an asshole...

    And blogging. MARK And blogging. MARYLIN (pause) Pay them. In the scheme of things it’s a speeding ticket. That’s what Sy will tell you tomorrow. MARK Do you think anybody would mind if I stayed and used the computer for a minute? MARYLIN I can’t imagine it would be a problem. MARK Thanks. I appreciate your help today. MARYLIN You’re not an asshole...

    And blogging. MARK And blogging. MARYLIN (pause) Pay them. In the scheme of things it’s a speeding ticket. That’s what Sy will tell you tomorrow. MARK Do you think anybody would mind if I stayed and used the computer for a minute? MARYLIN I can’t imagine it would be a problem. MARK Thanks. I appreciate your help today. MARYLIN You’re not an asshole...

    And blogging. MARK And blogging. MARYLIN (pause) Pay them. In the scheme of things it’s a speeding ticket. That’s what Sy will tell you tomorrow. MARK Do you think anybody would mind if I stayed and used the computer for a minute? MARYLIN I can’t imagine it would be a problem. MARK Thanks. I appreciate your help today. MARYLIN You’re not an asshole...

    And blogging. MARK And blogging. MARYLIN (pause) Pay them. In the scheme of things it’s a speeding ticket. That’s what Sy will tell you tomorrow. MARK Do you think anybody would mind if I stayed and used the computer for a minute? MARYLIN I can’t imagine it would be a problem. MARK Thanks. I appreciate your help today. MARYLIN You’re not an asshole...

    And blogging. MARK And blogging. MARYLIN (pause) Pay them. In the scheme of things it’s a speeding ticket. That’s what Sy will tell you tomorrow. MARK Do you think anybody would mind if I stayed and used the computer for a minute? MARYLIN I can’t imagine it would be a problem. MARK Thanks. I appreciate your help today. MARYLIN You’re not an asshole...

    And blogging. MARK And blogging. MARYLIN (pause) Pay them. In the scheme of things it’s a speeding ticket. That’s what Sy will tell you tomorrow. MARK Do you think anybody would mind if I stayed and used the computer for a minute? MARYLIN I can’t imagine it would be a problem. MARK Thanks. I appreciate your help today. MARYLIN You’re not an asshole...

    And blogging. MARK And blogging. MARYLIN (pause) Pay them. In the scheme of things it’s a speeding ticket. That’s what Sy will tell you tomorrow. MARK Do you think anybody would mind if I stayed and used the computer for a minute? MARYLIN I can’t imagine it would be a problem. MARK Thanks. I appreciate your help today. MARYLIN You’re not an asshole...

    And blogging. MARK And blogging. MARYLIN (pause) Pay them. In the scheme of things it’s a speeding ticket. That’s what Sy will tell you tomorrow. MARK Do you think anybody would mind if I stayed and used the computer for a minute? MARYLIN I can’t imagine it would be a problem. MARK Thanks. I appreciate your help today. MARYLIN You’re not an asshole...

    And blogging. MARK And blogging. MARYLIN (pause) Pay them. In the scheme of things it’s a speeding ticket. That’s what Sy will tell you tomorrow. MARK Do you think anybody would mind if I stayed and used the computer for a minute? MARYLIN I can’t imagine it would be a problem. MARK Thanks. I appreciate your help today. MARYLIN You’re not an asshole...

    And blogging. MARK And blogging. MARYLIN (pause) Pay them. In the scheme of things it’s a speeding ticket. That’s what Sy will tell you tomorrow. MARK Do you think anybody would mind if I stayed and used the computer for a minute? MARYLIN I can’t imagine it would be a problem. MARK Thanks. I appreciate your help today. MARYLIN You’re not an asshole...

    And blogging. MARK And blogging. MARYLIN (pause) Pay them. In the scheme of things it’s a speeding ticket. That’s what Sy will tell you tomorrow. MARK Do you think anybody would mind if I stayed and used the computer for a minute? MARYLIN I can’t imagine it would be a problem. MARK Thanks. I appreciate your help today. MARYLIN You’re not an asshole...

    And blogging. MARK And blogging. MARYLIN (pause) Pay them. In the scheme of things it’s a speeding ticket. That’s what Sy will tell you tomorrow. MARK Do you think anybody would mind if I stayed and used the computer for a minute? MARYLIN I can’t imagine it would be a problem. MARK Thanks. I appreciate your help today. MARYLIN You’re not an asshole...

    And blogging. MARK And blogging. MARYLIN (pause) Pay them. In the scheme of things it’s a speeding ticket. That’s what Sy will tell you tomorrow. MARK Do you think anybody would mind if I stayed and used the computer for a minute? MARYLIN I can’t imagine it would be a problem. MARK Thanks. I appreciate your help today. MARYLIN You’re not an asshole...

    And blogging. MARK And blogging. MARYLIN (pause) Pay them. In the scheme of things it’s a speeding ticket. That’s what Sy will tell you tomorrow. MARK Do you think anybody would mind if I stayed and used the computer for a minute? MARYLIN I can’t imagine it would be a problem. MARK Thanks. I appreciate your help today. MARYLIN You’re not an asshole...

    And blogging. MARK And blogging. MARYLIN (pause) Pay them. In the scheme of things it’s a speeding ticket. That’s what Sy will tell you tomorrow. MARK Do you think anybody would mind if I stayed and used the computer for a minute? MARYLIN I can’t imagine it would be a problem. MARK Thanks. I appreciate your help today. MARYLIN You’re not an asshole...

    And blogging. MARK And blogging. MARYLIN (pause) Pay them. In the scheme of things it’s a speeding ticket. That’s what Sy will tell you tomorrow. MARK Do you think anybody would mind if I stayed and used the computer for a minute? MARYLIN I can’t imagine it would be a problem. MARK Thanks. I appreciate your help today. MARYLIN You’re not an asshole...

    And blogging. MARK And blogging. MARYLIN (pause) Pay them. In the scheme of things it’s a speeding ticket. That’s what Sy will tell you tomorrow. MARK Do you think anybody would mind if I stayed and used the computer for a minute? MARYLIN I can’t imagine it would be a problem. MARK Thanks. I appreciate your help today. MARYLIN You’re not an asshole...

    And blogging. MARK And blogging. MARYLIN (pause) Pay them. In the scheme of things it’s a speeding ticket. That’s what Sy will tell you tomorrow. MARK Do you think anybody would mind if I stayed and used the computer for a minute? MARYLIN I can’t imagine it would be a problem. MARK Thanks. I appreciate your help today. MARYLIN You’re not an asshole...

    And blogging. MARK And blogging. MARYLIN (pause) Pay them. In the scheme of things it’s a speeding ticket. That’s what Sy will tell you tomorrow. MARK Do you think anybody would mind if I stayed and used the computer for a minute? MARYLIN I can’t imagine it would be a problem. MARK Thanks. I appreciate your help today. MARYLIN You’re not an asshole...

    And blogging. MARK And blogging. MARYLIN (pause) Pay them. In the scheme of things it’s a speeding ticket. That’s what Sy will tell you tomorrow. MARK Do you think anybody would mind if I stayed and used the computer for a minute? MARYLIN I can’t imagine it would be a problem. MARK Thanks. I appreciate your help today. MARYLIN You’re not an asshole...

    And blogging. MARK And blogging. MARYLIN (pause) Pay them. In the scheme of things it’s a speeding ticket. That’s what Sy will tell you tomorrow. MARK Do you think anybody would mind if I stayed and used the computer for a minute? MARYLIN I can’t imagine it would be a problem. MARK Thanks. I appreciate your help today. MARYLIN You’re not an asshole...

    And blogging. MARK And blogging. MARYLIN (pause) Pay them. In the scheme of things it’s a speeding ticket. That’s what Sy will tell you tomorrow. MARK Do you think anybody would mind if I stayed and used the computer for a minute? MARYLIN I can’t imagine it would be a problem. MARK Thanks. I appreciate your help today. MARYLIN You’re not an asshole...

    And blogging. MARK And blogging. MARYLIN (pause) Pay them. In the scheme of things it’s a speeding ticket. That’s what Sy will tell you tomorrow. MARK Do you think anybody would mind if I stayed and used the computer for a minute? MARYLIN I can’t imagine it would be a problem. MARK Thanks. I appreciate your help today. MARYLIN You’re not an asshole...

    And blogging. MARK And blogging. MARYLIN (pause) Pay them. In the scheme of things it’s a speeding ticket. That’s what Sy will tell you tomorrow. MARK Do you think anybody would mind if I stayed and used the computer for a minute? MARYLIN I can’t imagine it would be a problem. MARK Thanks. I appreciate your help today. MARYLIN You’re not an asshole...

    And blogging. MARK And blogging. MARYLIN (pause) Pay them. In the scheme of things it’s a speeding ticket. That’s what Sy will tell you tomorrow. MARK Do you think anybody would mind if I stayed and used the computer for a minute? MARYLIN I can’t imagine it would be a problem. MARK Thanks. I appreciate your help today. MARYLIN You’re not an asshole...

    And blogging. MARK And blogging. MARYLIN (pause) Pay them. In the scheme of things it’s a speeding ticket. That’s what Sy will tell you tomorrow. MARK Do you think anybody would mind if I stayed and used the computer for a minute? MARYLIN I can’t imagine it would be a problem. MARK Thanks. I appreciate your help today. MARYLIN You’re not an asshole...

    And blogging. MARK And blogging. MARYLIN (pause) Pay them. In the scheme of things it’s a speeding ticket. That’s what Sy will tell you tomorrow. MARK Do you think anybody would mind if I stayed and used the computer for a minute? MARYLIN I can’t imagine it would be a problem. MARK Thanks. I appreciate your help today. MARYLIN You’re not an asshole...

    And blogging. MARK And blogging. MARYLIN (pause) Pay them. In the scheme of things it’s a speeding ticket. That’s what Sy will tell you tomorrow. MARK Do you think anybody would mind if I stayed and used the computer for a minute? MARYLIN I can’t imagine it would be a problem. MARK Thanks. I appreciate your help today. MARYLIN You’re not an asshole...

    And blogging. MARK And blogging. MARYLIN (pause) Pay them. In the scheme of things it’s a speeding ticket. That’s what Sy will tell you tomorrow. MARK Do you think anybody would mind if I stayed and used the computer for a minute? MARYLIN I can’t imagine it would be a problem. MARK Thanks. I appreciate your help today. MARYLIN You’re not an asshole...

    And blogging. MARK And blogging. MARYLIN (pause) Pay them. In the scheme of things it’s a speeding ticket. That’s what Sy will tell you tomorrow. MARK Do you think anybody would mind if I stayed and used the computer for a minute? MARYLIN I can’t imagine it would be a problem. MARK Thanks. I appreciate your help today. MARYLIN You’re not an asshole...

    And blogging. MARK And blogging. MARYLIN (pause) Pay them. In the scheme of things it’s a speeding ticket. That’s what Sy will tell you tomorrow. MARK Do you think anybody would mind if I stayed and used the computer for a minute? MARYLIN I can’t imagine it would be a problem. MARK Thanks. I appreciate your help today. MARYLIN You’re not an asshole...

    And blogging. MARK And blogging. MARYLIN (pause) Pay them. In the scheme of things it’s a speeding ticket. That’s what Sy will tell you tomorrow. MARK Do you think anybody would mind if I stayed and used the computer for a minute? MARYLIN I can’t imagine it would be a problem. MARK Thanks. I appreciate your help today. MARYLIN You’re not an asshole...

    And blogging. MARK And blogging. MARYLIN (pause) Pay them. In the scheme of things it’s a speeding ticket. That’s what Sy will tell you tomorrow. MARK Do you think anybody would mind if I stayed and used the computer for a minute? MARYLIN I can’t imagine it would be a problem. MARK Thanks. I appreciate your help today. MARYLIN You’re not an asshole...

    And blogging. MARK And blogging. MARYLIN (pause) Pay them. In the scheme of things it’s a speeding ticket. That’s what Sy will tell you tomorrow. MARK Do you think anybody would mind if I stayed and used the computer for a minute? MARYLIN I can’t imagine it would be a problem. MARK Thanks. I appreciate your help today. MARYLIN You’re not an asshole...

    And blogging. MARK And blogging. MARYLIN (pause) Pay them. In the scheme of things it’s a speeding ticket. That’s what Sy will tell you tomorrow. MARK Do you think anybody would mind if I stayed and used the computer for a minute? MARYLIN I can’t imagine it would be a problem. MARK Thanks. I appreciate your help today. MARYLIN You’re not an asshole...

    And blogging. MARK And blogging. MARYLIN (pause) Pay them. In the scheme of things it’s a speeding ticket. That’s what Sy will tell you tomorrow. MARK Do you think anybody would mind if I stayed and used the computer for a minute? MARYLIN I can’t imagine it would be a problem. MARK Thanks. I appreciate your help today. MARYLIN You’re not an asshole...

    And blogging. MARK And blogging. MARYLIN (pause) Pay them. In the scheme of things it’s a speeding ticket. That’s what Sy will tell you tomorrow. MARK Do you think anybody would mind if I stayed and used the computer for a minute? MARYLIN I can’t imagine it would be a problem. MARK Thanks. I appreciate your help today. MARYLIN You’re not an asshole...

    And blogging. MARK And blogging. MARYLIN (pause) Pay them. In the scheme of things it’s a speeding ticket. That’s what Sy will tell you tomorrow. MARK Do you think anybody would mind if I stayed and used the computer for a minute? MARYLIN I can’t imagine it would be a problem. MARK Thanks. I appreciate your help today. MARYLIN You’re not an asshole...

    And blogging. MARK And blogging. MARYLIN (pause) Pay them. In the scheme of things it’s a speeding ticket. That’s what Sy will tell you tomorrow. MARK Do you think anybody would mind if I stayed and used the computer for a minute? MARYLIN I can’t imagine it would be a problem. MARK Thanks. I appreciate your help today. MARYLIN You’re not an asshole...

    And blogging. MARK And blogging. MARYLIN (pause) Pay them. In the scheme of things it’s a speeding ticket. That’s what Sy will tell you tomorrow. MARK Do you think anybody would mind if I stayed and used the computer for a minute? MARYLIN I can’t imagine it would be a problem. MARK Thanks. I appreciate your help today. MARYLIN You’re not an asshole...

    And blogging. MARK And blogging. MARYLIN (pause) Pay them. In the scheme of things it’s a speeding ticket. That’s what Sy will tell you tomorrow. MARK Do you think anybody would mind if I stayed and used the computer for a minute? MARYLIN I can’t imagine it would be a problem. MARK Thanks. I appreciate your help today. MARYLIN You’re not an asshole...

    And blogging. MARK And blogging. MARYLIN (pause) Pay them. In the scheme of things it’s a speeding ticket. That’s what Sy will tell you tomorrow. MARK Do you think anybody would mind if I stayed and used the computer for a minute? MARYLIN I can’t imagine it would be a problem. MARK Thanks. I appreciate your help today. MARYLIN You’re not an asshole...

    And blogging. MARK And blogging. MARYLIN (pause) Pay them. In the scheme of things it’s a speeding ticket. That’s what Sy will tell you tomorrow. MARK Do you think anybody would mind if I stayed and used the computer for a minute? MARYLIN I can’t imagine it would be a problem. MARK Thanks. I appreciate your help today. MARYLIN You’re not an asshole...

    And blogging. MARK And blogging. MARYLIN (pause) Pay them. In the scheme of things it’s a speeding ticket. That’s what Sy will tell you tomorrow. MARK Do you think anybody would mind if I stayed and used the computer for a minute? MARYLIN I can’t imagine it would be a problem. MARK Thanks. I appreciate your help today. MARYLIN You’re not an asshole...

    And blogging. MARK And blogging. MARYLIN (pause) Pay them. In the scheme of things it’s a speeding ticket. That’s what Sy will tell you tomorrow. MARK Do you think anybody would mind if I stayed and used the computer for a minute? MARYLIN I can’t imagine it would be a problem. MARK Thanks. I appreciate your help today. MARYLIN You’re not an asshole...

    And blogging. MARK And blogging. MARYLIN (pause) Pay them. In the scheme of things it’s a speeding ticket. That’s what Sy will tell you tomorrow. MARK Do you think anybody would mind if I stayed and used the computer for a minute? MARYLIN I can’t imagine it would be a problem. MARK Thanks. I appreciate your help today. MARYLIN You’re not an asshole...

    And blogging. MARK And blogging. MARYLIN (pause) Pay them. In the scheme of things it’s a speeding ticket. That’s what Sy will tell you tomorrow. MARK Do you think anybody would mind if I stayed and used the computer for a minute? MARYLIN I can’t imagine it would be a problem. MARK Thanks. I appreciate your help today. MARYLIN You’re not an asshole...

    And blogging. MARK And blogging. MARYLIN (pause) Pay them. In the scheme of things it’s a speeding ticket. That’s what Sy will tell you tomorrow. MARK Do you think anybody would mind if I stayed and used the computer for a minute? MARYLIN I can’t imagine it would be a problem. MARK Thanks. I appreciate your help today. MARYLIN You’re not an asshole...

    And blogging. MARK And blogging. MARYLIN (pause) Pay them. In the scheme of things it’s a speeding ticket. That’s what Sy will tell you tomorrow. MARK Do you think anybody would mind if I stayed and used the computer for a minute? MARYLIN I can’t imagine it would be a problem. MARK Thanks. I appreciate your help today. MARYLIN You’re not an asshole...

    And blogging. MARK And blogging. MARYLIN (pause) Pay them. In the scheme of things it’s a speeding ticket. That’s what Sy will tell you tomorrow. MARK Do you think anybody would mind if I stayed and used the computer for a minute? MARYLIN I can’t imagine it would be a problem. MARK Thanks. I appreciate your help today. MARYLIN You’re not an asshole...

    And blogging. MARK And blogging. MARYLIN (pause) Pay them. In the scheme of things it’s a speeding ticket. That’s what Sy will tell you tomorrow. MARK Do you think anybody would mind if I stayed and used the computer for a minute? MARYLIN I can’t imagine it would be a problem. MARK Thanks. I appreciate your help today. MARYLIN You’re not an asshole...

    And blogging. MARK And blogging. MARYLIN (pause) Pay them. In the scheme of things it’s a speeding ticket. That’s what Sy will tell you tomorrow. MARK Do you think anybody would mind if I stayed and used the computer for a minute? MARYLIN I can’t imagine it would be a problem. MARK Thanks. I appreciate your help today. MARYLIN You’re not an asshole...

    And blogging. MARK And blogging. MARYLIN (pause) Pay them. In the scheme of things it’s a speeding ticket. That’s what Sy will tell you tomorrow. MARK Do you think anybody would mind if I stayed and used the computer for a minute? MARYLIN I can’t imagine it would be a problem. MARK Thanks. I appreciate your help today. MARYLIN You’re not an asshole...

    And blogging. MARK And blogging. MARYLIN (pause) Pay them. In the scheme of things it’s a speeding ticket. That’s what Sy will tell you tomorrow. MARK Do you think anybody would mind if I stayed and used the computer for a minute? MARYLIN I can’t imagine it would be a problem. MARK Thanks. I appreciate your help today. MARYLIN You’re not an asshole...

    And blogging. MARK And blogging. MARYLIN (pause) Pay them. In the scheme of things it’s a speeding ticket. That’s what Sy will tell you tomorrow. MARK Do you think anybody would mind if I stayed and used the computer for a minute? MARYLIN I can’t imagine it would be a problem. MARK Thanks. I appreciate your help today. MARYLIN You’re not an asshole...

    And blogging. MARK And blogging. MARYLIN (pause) Pay them. In the scheme of things it’s a speeding ticket. That’s what Sy will tell you tomorrow. MARK Do you think anybody would mind if I stayed and used the computer for a minute? MARYLIN I can’t imagine it would be a problem. MARK Thanks. I appreciate your help today. MARYLIN You’re not an asshole...

    And blogging. MARK And blogging. MARYLIN (pause) Pay them. In the scheme of things it’s a speeding ticket. That’s what Sy will tell you tomorrow. MARK Do you think anybody would mind if I stayed and used the computer for a minute? MARYLIN I can’t imagine it would be a problem. MARK Thanks. I appreciate your help today. MARYLIN You’re not an asshole...

    And blogging. MARK And blogging. MARYLIN (pause) Pay them. In the scheme of things it’s a speeding ticket. That’s what Sy will tell you tomorrow. MARK Do you think anybody would mind if I stayed and used the computer for a minute? MARYLIN I can’t imagine it would be a problem. MARK Thanks. I appreciate your help today. MARYLIN You’re not an asshole...

    And blogging. MARK And blogging. MARYLIN (pause) Pay them. In the scheme of things it’s a speeding ticket. That’s what Sy will tell you tomorrow. MARK Do you think anybody would mind if I stayed and used the computer for a minute? MARYLIN I can’t imagine it would be a problem. MARK Thanks. I appreciate your help today. MARYLIN You’re not an asshole...

    And blogging. MARK And blogging. MARYLIN (pause) Pay them. In the scheme of things it’s a speeding ticket. That’s what Sy will tell you tomorrow. MARK Do you think anybody would mind if I stayed and used the computer for a minute? MARYLIN I can’t imagine it would be a problem. MARK Thanks. I appreciate your help today. MARYLIN You’re not an asshole...

    And blogging. MARK And blogging. MARYLIN (pause) Pay them. In the scheme of things it’s a speeding ticket. That’s what Sy will tell you tomorrow. MARK Do you think anybody would mind if I stayed and used the computer for a minute? MARYLIN I can’t imagine it would be a problem. MARK Thanks. I appreciate your help today. MARYLIN You’re not an asshole...

    And blogging. MARK And blogging. MARYLIN (pause) Pay them. In the scheme of things it’s a speeding ticket. That’s what Sy will tell you tomorrow. MARK Do you think anybody would mind if I stayed and used the computer for a minute? MARYLIN I can’t imagine it would be a problem. MARK Thanks. I appreciate your help today. MARYLIN You’re not an asshole...

    And blogging. MARK And blogging. MARYLIN (pause) Pay them. In the scheme of things it’s a speeding ticket. That’s what Sy will tell you tomorrow. MARK Do you think anybody would mind if I stayed and used the computer for a minute? MARYLIN I can’t imagine it would be a problem. MARK Thanks. I appreciate your help today. MARYLIN You’re not an asshole...

    And blogging. MARK And blogging. MARYLIN (pause) Pay them. In the scheme of things it’s a speeding ticket. That’s what Sy will tell you tomorrow. MARK Do you think anybody would mind if I stayed and used the computer for a minute? MARYLIN I can’t imagine it would be a problem. MARK Thanks. I appreciate your help today. MARYLIN You’re not an asshole...

    And blogging. MARK And blogging. MARYLIN (pause) Pay them. In the scheme of things it’s a speeding ticket. That’s what Sy will tell you tomorrow. MARK Do you think anybody would mind if I stayed and used the computer for a minute? MARYLIN I can’t imagine it would be a problem. MARK Thanks. I appreciate your help today. MARYLIN You’re not an asshole...

    And blogging. MARK And blogging. MARYLIN (pause) Pay them. In the scheme of things it’s a speeding ticket. That’s what Sy will tell you tomorrow. MARK Do you think anybody would mind if I stayed and used the computer for a minute? MARYLIN I can’t imagine it would be a problem. MARK Thanks. I appreciate your help today. MARYLIN You’re not an asshole...

    And blogging. MARK And blogging. MARYLIN (pause) Pay them. In the scheme of things it’s a speeding ticket. That’s what Sy will tell you tomorrow. MARK Do you think anybody would mind if I stayed and used the computer for a minute? MARYLIN I can’t imagine it would be a problem. MARK Thanks. I appreciate your help today. MARYLIN You’re not an asshole...

    And blogging. MARK And blogging. MARYLIN (pause) Pay them. In the scheme of things it’s a speeding ticket. That’s what Sy will tell you tomorrow. MARK Do you think anybody would mind if I stayed and used the computer for a minute? MARYLIN I can’t imagine it would be a problem. MARK Thanks. I appreciate your help today. MARYLIN You’re not an asshole...

    And blogging. MARK And blogging. MARYLIN (pause) Pay them. In the scheme of things it’s a speeding ticket. That’s what Sy will tell you tomorrow. MARK Do you think anybody would mind if I stayed and used the computer for a minute? MARYLIN I can’t imagine it would be a problem. MARK Thanks. I appreciate your help today. MARYLIN You’re not an asshole...

    And blogging. MARK And blogging. MARYLIN (pause) Pay them. In the scheme of things it’s a speeding ticket. That’s what Sy will tell you tomorrow. MARK Do you think anybody would mind if I stayed and used the computer for a minute? MARYLIN I can’t imagine it would be a problem. MARK Thanks. I appreciate your help today. MARYLIN You’re not an asshole...

    And blogging. MARK And blogging. MARYLIN (pause) Pay them. In the scheme of things it’s a speeding ticket. That’s what Sy will tell you tomorrow. MARK Do you think anybody would mind if I stayed and used the computer for a minute? MARYLIN I can’t imagine it would be a problem. MARK Thanks. I appreciate your help today. MARYLIN You’re not an asshole...

    And blogging. MARK And blogging. MARYLIN (pause) Pay them. In the scheme of things it’s a speeding ticket. That’s what Sy will tell you tomorrow. MARK Do you think anybody would mind if I stayed and used the computer for a minute? MARYLIN I can’t imagine it would be a problem. MARK Thanks. I appreciate your help today. MARYLIN You’re not an asshole...

    And blogging. MARK And blogging. MARYLIN (pause) Pay them. In the scheme of things it’s a speeding ticket. That’s what Sy will tell you tomorrow. MARK Do you think anybody would mind if I stayed and used the computer for a minute? MARYLIN I can’t imagine it would be a problem. MARK Thanks. I appreciate your help today. MARYLIN You’re not an asshole...

    And blogging. MARK And blogging. MARYLIN (pause) Pay them. In the scheme of things it’s a speeding ticket. That’s what Sy will tell you tomorrow. MARK Do you think anybody would mind if I stayed and used the computer for a minute? MARYLIN I can’t imagine it would be a problem. MARK Thanks. I appreciate your help today. MARYLIN You’re not an asshole...

    And blogging. MARK And blogging. MARYLIN (pause) Pay them. In the scheme of things it’s a speeding ticket. That’s what Sy will tell you tomorrow. MARK Do you think anybody would mind if I stayed and used the computer for a minute? MARYLIN I can’t imagine it would be a problem. MARK Thanks. I appreciate your help today. MARYLIN You’re not an asshole...

    And blogging. MARK And blogging. MARYLIN (pause) Pay them. In the scheme of things it’s a speeding ticket. That’s what Sy will tell you tomorrow. MARK Do you think anybody would mind if I stayed and used the computer for a minute? MARYLIN I can’t imagine it would be a problem. MARK Thanks. I appreciate your help today. MARYLIN You’re not an asshole...

    And blogging. MARK And blogging. MARYLIN (pause) Pay them. In the scheme of things it’s a speeding ticket. That’s what Sy will tell you tomorrow. MARK Do you think anybody would mind if I stayed and used the computer for a minute? MARYLIN I can’t imagine it would be a problem. MARK Thanks. I appreciate your help today. MARYLIN You’re not an asshole...

    And blogging. MARK And blogging. MARYLIN (pause) Pay them. In the scheme of things it’s a speeding ticket. That’s what Sy will tell you tomorrow. MARK Do you think anybody would mind if I stayed and used the computer for a minute? MARYLIN I can’t imagine it would be a problem. MARK Thanks. I appreciate your help today. MARYLIN You’re not an asshole...

    And blogging. MARK And blogging. MARYLIN (pause) Pay them. In the scheme of things it’s a speeding ticket. That’s what Sy will tell you tomorrow. MARK Do you think anybody would mind if I stayed and used the computer for a minute? MARYLIN I can’t imagine it would be a problem. MARK Thanks. I appreciate your help today. MARYLIN You’re not an asshole...

    And blogging. MARK And blogging. MARYLIN (pause) Pay them. In the scheme of things it’s a speeding ticket. That’s what Sy will tell you tomorrow. MARK Do you think anybody would mind if I stayed and used the computer for a minute? MARYLIN I can’t imagine it would be a problem. MARK Thanks. I appreciate your help today. MARYLIN You’re not an asshole...

    And blogging. MARK And blogging. MARYLIN (pause) Pay them. In the scheme of things it’s a speeding ticket. That’s what Sy will tell you tomorrow. MARK Do you think anybody would mind if I stayed and used the computer for a minute? MARYLIN I can’t imagine it would be a problem. MARK Thanks. I appreciate your help today. MARYLIN You’re not an asshole...

    And blogging. MARK And blogging. MARYLIN (pause) Pay them. In the scheme of things it’s a speeding ticket. That’s what Sy will tell you tomorrow. MARK Do you think anybody would mind if I stayed and used the computer for a minute? MARYLIN I can’t imagine it would be a problem. MARK Thanks. I appreciate your help today. MARYLIN You’re not an asshole...

    And blogging. MARK And blogging. MARYLIN (pause) Pay them. In the scheme of things it’s a speeding ticket. That’s what Sy will tell you tomorrow. MARK Do you think anybody would mind if I stayed and used the computer for a minute? MARYLIN I can’t imagine it would be a problem. MARK Thanks. I appreciate your help today. MARYLIN You’re not an asshole...

    And blogging. MARK And blogging. MARYLIN (pause) Pay them. In the scheme of things it’s a speeding ticket. That’s what Sy will tell you tomorrow. MARK Do you think anybody would mind if I stayed and used the computer for a minute? MARYLIN I can’t imagine it would be a problem. MARK Thanks. I appreciate your help today. MARYLIN You’re not an asshole...

    And blogging. MARK And blogging. MARYLIN (pause) Pay them. In the scheme of things it’s a speeding ticket. That’s what Sy will tell you tomorrow. MARK Do you think anybody would mind if I stayed and used the computer for a minute? MARYLIN I can’t imagine it would be a problem. MARK Thanks. I appreciate your help today. MARYLIN You’re not an asshole...

    And blogging. MARK And blogging. MARYLIN (pause) Pay them. In the scheme of things it’s a speeding ticket. That’s what Sy will tell you tomorrow. MARK Do you think anybody would mind if I stayed and used the computer for a minute? MARYLIN I can’t imagine it would be a problem. MARK Thanks. I appreciate your help today. MARYLIN You’re not an asshole...

    And blogging. MARK And blogging. MARYLIN (pause) Pay them. In the scheme of things it’s a speeding ticket. That’s what Sy will tell you tomorrow. MARK Do you think anybody would mind if I stayed and used the computer for a minute? MARYLIN I can’t imagine it would be a problem. MARK Thanks. I appreciate your help today. MARYLIN You’re not an asshole...

    And blogging. MARK And blogging. MARYLIN (pause) Pay them. In the scheme of things it’s a speeding ticket. That’s what Sy will tell you tomorrow. MARK Do you think anybody would mind if I stayed and used the computer for a minute? MARYLIN I can’t imagine it would be a problem. MARK Thanks. I appreciate your help today. MARYLIN You’re not an asshole...

    And blogging. MARK And blogging. MARYLIN (pause) Pay them. In the scheme of things it’s a speeding ticket. That’s what Sy will tell you tomorrow. MARK Do you think anybody would mind if I stayed and used the computer for a minute? MARYLIN I can’t imagine it would be a problem. MARK Thanks. I appreciate your help today. MARYLIN You’re not an asshole...

    And blogging. MARK And blogging. MARYLIN (pause) Pay them. In the scheme of things it’s a speeding ticket. That’s what Sy will tell you tomorrow. MARK Do you think anybody would mind if I stayed and used the computer for a minute? MARYLIN I can’t imagine it would be a problem. MARK Thanks. I appreciate your help today. MARYLIN You’re not an asshole...

    And blogging. MARK And blogging. MARYLIN (pause) Pay them. In the scheme of things it’s a speeding ticket. That’s what Sy will tell you tomorrow. MARK Do you think anybody would mind if I stayed and used the computer for a minute? MARYLIN I can’t imagine it would be a problem. MARK Thanks. I appreciate your help today. MARYLIN You’re not an asshole...

    And blogging. MARK And blogging. MARYLIN (pause) Pay them. In the scheme of things it’s a speeding ticket. That’s what Sy will tell you tomorrow. MARK Do you think anybody would mind if I stayed and used the computer for a minute? MARYLIN I can’t imagine it would be a problem. MARK Thanks. I appreciate your help today. MARYLIN You’re not an asshole...

    And blogging. MARK And blogging. MARYLIN (pause) Pay them. In the scheme of things it’s a speeding ticket. That’s what Sy will tell you tomorrow. MARK Do you think anybody would mind if I stayed and used the computer for a minute? MARYLIN I can’t imagine it would be a problem. MARK Thanks. I appreciate your help today. MARYLIN You’re not an asshole...

    And blogging. MARK And blogging. MARYLIN (pause) Pay them. In the scheme of things it’s a speeding ticket. That’s what Sy will tell you tomorrow. MARK Do you think anybody would mind if I stayed and used the computer for a minute? MARYLIN I can’t imagine it would be a problem. MARK Thanks. I appreciate your help today. MARYLIN You’re not an asshole...

    And blogging. MARK And blogging. MARYLIN (pause) Pay them. In the scheme of things it’s a speeding ticket. That’s what Sy will tell you tomorrow. MARK Do you think anybody would mind if I stayed and used the computer for a minute? MARYLIN I can’t imagine it would be a problem. MARK Thanks. I appreciate your help today. MARYLIN You’re not an asshole...

    And blogging. MARK And blogging. MARYLIN (pause) Pay them. In the scheme of things it’s a speeding ticket. That’s what Sy will tell you tomorrow. MARK Do you think anybody would mind if I stayed and used the computer for a minute? MARYLIN I can’t imagine it would be a problem. MARK Thanks. I appreciate your help today. MARYLIN You’re not an asshole...

    And blogging. MARK And blogging. MARYLIN (pause) Pay them. In the scheme of things it’s a speeding ticket. That’s what Sy will tell you tomorrow. MARK Do you think anybody would mind if I stayed and used the computer for a minute? MARYLIN I can’t imagine it would be a problem. MARK Thanks. I appreciate your help today. MARYLIN You’re not an asshole...

    And blogging. MARK And blogging. MARYLIN (pause) Pay them. In the scheme of things it’s a speeding ticket. That’s what Sy will tell you tomorrow. MARK Do you think anybody would mind if I stayed and used the computer for a minute? MARYLIN I can’t imagine it would be a problem. MARK Thanks. I appreciate your help today. MARYLIN You’re not an asshole...

    And blogging. MARK And blogging. MARYLIN (pause) Pay them. In the scheme of things it’s a speeding ticket. That’s what Sy will tell you tomorrow. MARK Do you think anybody would mind if I stayed and used the computer for a minute? MARYLIN I can’t imagine it would be a problem. MARK Thanks. I appreciate your help today. MARYLIN You’re not an asshole...

    And blogging. MARK And blogging. MARYLIN (pause) Pay them. In the scheme of things it’s a speeding ticket. That’s what Sy will tell you tomorrow. MARK Do you think anybody would mind if I stayed and used the computer for a minute? MARYLIN I can’t imagine it would be a problem. MARK Thanks. I appreciate your help today. MARYLIN You’re not an asshole...

    And blogging. MARK And blogging. MARYLIN (pause) Pay them. In the scheme of things it’s a speeding ticket. That’s what Sy will tell you tomorrow. MARK Do you think anybody would mind if I stayed and used the computer for a minute? MARYLIN I can’t imagine it would be a problem. MARK Thanks. I appreciate your help today. MARYLIN You’re not an asshole...

    And blogging. MARK And blogging. MARYLIN (pause) Pay them. In the scheme of things it’s a speeding ticket. That’s what Sy will tell you tomorrow. MARK Do you think anybody would mind if I stayed and used the computer for a minute? MARYLIN I can’t imagine it would be a problem. MARK Thanks. I appreciate your help today. MARYLIN You’re not an asshole...

    And blogging. MARK And blogging. MARYLIN (pause) Pay them. In the scheme of things it’s a speeding ticket. That’s what Sy will tell you tomorrow. MARK Do you think anybody would mind if I stayed and used the computer for a minute? MARYLIN I can’t imagine it would be a problem. MARK Thanks. I appreciate your help today. MARYLIN You’re not an asshole...

    And blogging. MARK And blogging. MARYLIN (pause) Pay them. In the scheme of things it’s a speeding ticket. That’s what Sy will tell you tomorrow. MARK Do you think anybody would mind if I stayed and used the computer for a minute? MARYLIN I can’t imagine it would be a problem. MARK Thanks. I appreciate your help today. MARYLIN You’re not an asshole...

    And blogging. MARK And blogging. MARYLIN (pause) Pay them. In the scheme of things it’s a speeding ticket. That’s what Sy will tell you tomorrow. MARK Do you think anybody would mind if I stayed and used the computer for a minute? MARYLIN I can’t imagine it would be a problem. MARK Thanks. I appreciate your help today. MARYLIN You’re not an asshole...

    And blogging. MARK And blogging. MARYLIN (pause) Pay them. In the scheme of things it’s a speeding ticket. That’s what Sy will tell you tomorrow. MARK Do you think anybody would mind if I stayed and used the computer for a minute? MARYLIN I can’t imagine it would be a problem. MARK Thanks. I appreciate your help today. MARYLIN You’re not an asshole...

    And blogging. MARK And blogging. MARYLIN (pause) Pay them. In the scheme of things it’s a speeding ticket. That’s what Sy will tell you tomorrow. MARK Do you think anybody would mind if I stayed and used the computer for a minute? MARYLIN I can’t imagine it would be a problem. MARK Thanks. I appreciate your help today. MARYLIN You’re not an asshole...

    And blogging. MARK And blogging. MARYLIN (pause) Pay them. In the scheme of things it’s a speeding ticket. That’s what Sy will tell you tomorrow. MARK Do you think anybody would mind if I stayed and used the computer for a minute? MARYLIN I can’t imagine it would be a problem. MARK Thanks. I appreciate your help today. MARYLIN You’re not an asshole...

    And blogging. MARK And blogging. MARYLIN (pause) Pay them. In the scheme of things it’s a speeding ticket. That’s what Sy will tell you tomorrow. MARK Do you think anybody would mind if I stayed and used the computer for a minute? MARYLIN I can’t imagine it would be a problem. MARK Thanks. I appreciate your help today. MARYLIN You’re not an asshole...

    And blogging. MARK And blogging. MARYLIN (pause) Pay them. In the scheme of things it’s a speeding ticket. That’s what Sy will tell you tomorrow. MARK Do you think anybody would mind if I stayed and used the computer for a minute? MARYLIN I can’t imagine it would be a problem. MARK Thanks. I appreciate your help today. MARYLIN You’re not an asshole...

    And blogging. MARK And blogging. MARYLIN (pause) Pay them. In the scheme of things it’s a speeding ticket. That’s what Sy will tell you tomorrow. MARK Do you think anybody would mind if I stayed and used the computer for a minute? MARYLIN I can’t imagine it would be a problem. MARK Thanks. I appreciate your help today. MARYLIN You’re not an asshole...

    And blogging. MARK And blogging. MARYLIN (pause) Pay them. In the scheme of things it’s a speeding ticket. That’s what Sy will tell you tomorrow. MARK Do you think anybody would mind if I stayed and used the computer for a minute? MARYLIN I can’t imagine it would be a problem. MARK Thanks. I appreciate your help today. MARYLIN You’re not an asshole...

    And blogging. MARK And blogging. MARYLIN (pause) Pay them. In the scheme of things it’s a speeding ticket. That’s what Sy will tell you tomorrow. MARK Do you think anybody would mind if I stayed and used the computer for a minute? MARYLIN I can’t imagine it would be a problem. MARK Thanks. I appreciate your help today. MARYLIN You’re not an asshole...

    And blogging. MARK And blogging. MARYLIN (pause) Pay them. In the scheme of things it’s a speeding ticket. That’s what Sy will tell you tomorrow. MARK Do you think anybody would mind if I stayed and used the computer for a minute? MARYLIN I can’t imagine it would be a problem. MARK Thanks. I appreciate your help today. MARYLIN You’re not an asshole...

    And blogging. MARK And blogging. MARYLIN (pause) Pay them. In the scheme of things it’s a speeding ticket. That’s what Sy will tell you tomorrow. MARK Do you think anybody would mind if I stayed and used the computer for a minute? MARYLIN I can’t imagine it would be a problem. MARK Thanks. I appreciate your help today. MARYLIN You’re not an asshole...

    And blogging. MARK And blogging. MARYLIN (pause) Pay them. In the scheme of things it’s a speeding ticket. That’s what Sy will tell you tomorrow. MARK Do you think anybody would mind if I stayed and used the computer for a minute? MARYLIN I can’t imagine it would be a problem. MARK Thanks. I appreciate your help today. MARYLIN You’re not an asshole...

    And blogging. MARK And blogging. MARYLIN (pause) Pay them. In the scheme of things it’s a speeding ticket. That’s what Sy will tell you tomorrow. MARK Do you think anybody would mind if I stayed and used the computer for a minute? MARYLIN I can’t imagine it would be a problem. MARK Thanks. I appreciate your help today. MARYLIN You’re not an asshole...

    And blogging. MARK And blogging. MARYLIN (pause) Pay them. In the scheme of things it’s a speeding ticket. That’s what Sy will tell you tomorrow. MARK Do you think anybody would mind if I stayed and used the computer for a minute? MARYLIN I can’t imagine it would be a problem. MARK Thanks. I appreciate your help today. MARYLIN You’re not an asshole...

    And blogging. MARK And blogging. MARYLIN (pause) Pay them. In the scheme of things it’s a speeding ticket. That’s what Sy will tell you tomorrow. MARK Do you think anybody would mind if I stayed and used the computer for a minute? MARYLIN I can’t imagine it would be a problem. MARK Thanks. I appreciate your help today. MARYLIN You’re not an asshole...

    And blogging. MARK And blogging. MARYLIN (pause) Pay them. In the scheme of things it’s a speeding ticket. That’s what Sy will tell you tomorrow. MARK Do you think anybody would mind if I stayed and used the computer for a minute? MARYLIN I can’t imagine it would be a problem. MARK Thanks. I appreciate your help today. MARYLIN You’re not an asshole...

    And blogging. MARK And blogging. MARYLIN (pause) Pay them. In the scheme of things it’s a speeding ticket. That’s what Sy will tell you tomorrow. MARK Do you think anybody would mind if I stayed and used the computer for a minute? MARYLIN I can’t imagine it would be a problem. MARK Thanks. I appreciate your help today. MARYLIN You’re not an asshole...

    And blogging. MARK And blogging. MARYLIN (pause) Pay them. In the scheme of things it’s a speeding ticket. That’s what Sy will tell you tomorrow. MARK Do you think anybody would mind if I stayed and used the computer for a minute? MARYLIN I can’t imagine it would be a problem. MARK Thanks. I appreciate your help today. MARYLIN You’re not an asshole...

    And blogging. MARK And blogging. MARYLIN (pause) Pay them. In the scheme of things it’s a speeding ticket. That’s what Sy will tell you tomorrow. MARK Do you think anybody would mind if I stayed and used the computer for a minute? MARYLIN I can’t imagine it would be a problem. MARK Thanks. I appreciate your help today. MARYLIN You’re not an asshole...

    And blogging. MARK And blogging. MARYLIN (pause) Pay them. In the scheme of things it’s a speeding ticket. That’s what Sy will tell you tomorrow. MARK Do you think anybody would mind if I stayed and used the computer for a minute? MARYLIN I can’t imagine it would be a problem. MARK Thanks. I appreciate your help today. MARYLIN You’re not an asshole...

    And blogging. MARK And blogging. MARYLIN (pause) Pay them. In the scheme of things it’s a speeding ticket. That’s what Sy will tell you tomorrow. MARK Do you think anybody would mind if I stayed and used the computer for a minute? MARYLIN I can’t imagine it would be a problem. MARK Thanks. I appreciate your help today. MARYLIN You’re not an asshole...

    And blogging. MARK And blogging. MARYLIN (pause) Pay them. In the scheme of things it’s a speeding ticket. That’s what Sy will tell you tomorrow. MARK Do you think anybody would mind if I stayed and used the computer for a minute? MARYLIN I can’t imagine it would be a problem. MARK Thanks. I appreciate your help today. MARYLIN You’re not an asshole...

    And blogging. MARK And blogging. MARYLIN (pause) Pay them. In the scheme of things it’s a speeding ticket. That’s what Sy will tell you tomorrow. MARK Do you think anybody would mind if I stayed and used the computer for a minute? MARYLIN I can’t imagine it would be a problem. MARK Thanks. I appreciate your help today. MARYLIN You’re not an asshole...

    And blogging. MARK And blogging. MARYLIN (pause) Pay them. In the scheme of things it’s a speeding ticket. That’s what Sy will tell you tomorrow. MARK Do you think anybody would mind if I stayed and used the computer for a minute? MARYLIN I can’t imagine it would be a problem. MARK Thanks. I appreciate your help today. MARYLIN You’re not an asshole...

    And blogging. MARK And blogging. MARYLIN (pause) Pay them. In the scheme of things it’s a speeding ticket. That’s what Sy will tell you tomorrow. MARK Do you think anybody would mind if I stayed and used the computer for a minute? MARYLIN I can’t imagine it would be a problem. MARK Thanks. I appreciate your help today. MARYLIN You’re not an asshole...

    And blogging. MARK And blogging. MARYLIN (pause) Pay them. In the scheme of things it’s a speeding ticket. That’s what Sy will tell you tomorrow. MARK Do you think anybody would mind if I stayed and used the computer for a minute? MARYLIN I can’t imagine it would be a problem. MARK Thanks. I appreciate your help today. MARYLIN You’re not an asshole...

    And blogging. MARK And blogging. MARYLIN (pause) Pay them. In the scheme of things it’s a speeding ticket. That’s what Sy will tell you tomorrow. MARK Do you think anybody would mind if I stayed and used the computer for a minute? MARYLIN I can’t imagine it would be a problem. MARK Thanks. I appreciate your help today. MARYLIN You’re not an asshole...

    And blogging. MARK And blogging. MARYLIN (pause) Pay them. In the scheme of things it’s a speeding ticket. That’s what Sy will tell you tomorrow. MARK Do you think anybody would mind if I stayed and used the computer for a minute? MARYLIN I can’t imagine it would be a problem. MARK Thanks. I appreciate your help today. MARYLIN You’re not an asshole...

    And blogging. MARK And blogging. MARYLIN (pause) Pay them. In the scheme of things it’s a speeding ticket. That’s what Sy will tell you tomorrow. MARK Do you think anybody would mind if I stayed and used the computer for a minute? MARYLIN I can’t imagine it would be a problem. MARK Thanks. I appreciate your help today. MARYLIN You’re not an asshole...

    And blogging. MARK And blogging. MARYLIN (pause) Pay them. In the scheme of things it’s a speeding ticket. That’s what Sy will tell you tomorrow. MARK Do you think anybody would mind if I stayed and used the computer for a minute? MARYLIN I can’t imagine it would be a problem. MARK Thanks. I appreciate your help today. MARYLIN You’re not an asshole...

    And blogging. MARK And blogging. MARYLIN (pause) Pay them. In the scheme of things it’s a speeding ticket. That’s what Sy will tell you tomorrow. MARK Do you think anybody would mind if I stayed and used the computer for a minute? MARYLIN I can’t imagine it would be a problem. MARK Thanks. I appreciate your help today. MARYLIN You’re not an asshole...

    And blogging. MARK And blogging. MARYLIN (pause) Pay them. In the scheme of things it’s a speeding ticket. That’s what Sy will tell you tomorrow. MARK Do you think anybody would mind if I stayed and used the computer for a minute? MARYLIN I can’t imagine it would be a problem. MARK Thanks. I appreciate your help today. MARYLIN You’re not an asshole...

    And blogging. MARK And blogging. MARYLIN (pause) Pay them. In the scheme of things it’s a speeding ticket. That’s what Sy will tell you tomorrow. MARK Do you think anybody would mind if I stayed and used the computer for a minute? MARYLIN I can’t imagine it would be a problem. MARK Thanks. I appreciate your help today. MARYLIN You’re not an asshole...

    And blogging. MARK And blogging. MARYLIN (pause) Pay them. In the scheme of things it’s a speeding ticket. That’s what Sy will tell you tomorrow. MARK Do you think anybody would mind if I stayed and used the computer for a minute? MARYLIN I can’t imagine it would be a problem. MARK Thanks. I appreciate your help today. MARYLIN You’re not an asshole...

    And blogging. MARK And blogging. MARYLIN (pause) Pay them. In the scheme of things it’s a speeding ticket. That’s what Sy will tell you tomorrow. MARK Do you think anybody would mind if I stayed and used the computer for a minute? MARYLIN I can’t imagine it would be a problem. MARK Thanks. I appreciate your help today. MARYLIN You’re not an asshole...

    And blogging. MARK And blogging. MARYLIN (pause) Pay them. In the scheme of things it’s a speeding ticket. That’s what Sy will tell you tomorrow. MARK Do you think anybody would mind if I stayed and used the computer for a minute? MARYLIN I can’t imagine it would be a problem. MARK Thanks. I appreciate your help today. MARYLIN You’re not an asshole...

    And blogging. MARK And blogging. MARYLIN (pause) Pay them. In the scheme of things it’s a speeding ticket. That’s what Sy will tell you tomorrow. MARK Do you think anybody would mind if I stayed and used the computer for a minute? MARYLIN I can’t imagine it would be a problem. MARK Thanks. I appreciate your help today. MARYLIN You’re not an asshole...

    And blogging. MARK And blogging. MARYLIN (pause) Pay them. In the scheme of things it’s a speeding ticket. That’s what Sy will tell you tomorrow. MARK Do you think anybody would mind if I stayed and used the computer for a minute? MARYLIN I can’t imagine it would be a problem. MARK Thanks. I appreciate your help today. MARYLIN You’re not an asshole...

    And blogging. MARK And blogging. MARYLIN (pause) Pay them. In the scheme of things it’s a speeding ticket. That’s what Sy will tell you tomorrow. MARK Do you think anybody would mind if I stayed and used the computer for a minute? MARYLIN I can’t imagine it would be a problem. MARK Thanks. I appreciate your help today. MARYLIN You’re not an asshole...

    And blogging. MARK And blogging. MARYLIN (pause) Pay them. In the scheme of things it’s a speeding ticket. That’s what Sy will tell you tomorrow. MARK Do you think anybody would mind if I stayed and used the computer for a minute? MARYLIN I can’t imagine it would be a problem. MARK Thanks. I appreciate your help today. MARYLIN You’re not an asshole...

    And blogging. MARK And blogging. MARYLIN (pause) Pay them. In the scheme of things it’s a speeding ticket. That’s what Sy will tell you tomorrow. MARK Do you think anybody would mind if I stayed and used the computer for a minute? MARYLIN I can’t imagine it would be a problem. MARK Thanks. I appreciate your help today. MARYLIN You’re not an asshole...

    And blogging. MARK And blogging. MARYLIN (pause) Pay them. In the scheme of things it’s a speeding ticket. That’s what Sy will tell you tomorrow. MARK Do you think anybody would mind if I stayed and used the computer for a minute? MARYLIN I can’t imagine it would be a problem. MARK Thanks. I appreciate your help today. MARYLIN You’re not an asshole...

    And blogging. MARK And blogging. MARYLIN (pause) Pay them. In the scheme of things it’s a speeding ticket. That’s what Sy will tell you tomorrow. MARK Do you think anybody would mind if I stayed and used the computer for a minute? MARYLIN I can’t imagine it would be a problem. MARK Thanks. I appreciate your help today. MARYLIN You’re not an asshole...

    And blogging. MARK And blogging. MARYLIN (pause) Pay them. In the scheme of things it’s a speeding ticket. That’s what Sy will tell you tomorrow. MARK Do you think anybody would mind if I stayed and used the computer for a minute? MARYLIN I can’t imagine it would be a problem. MARK Thanks. I appreciate your help today. MARYLIN You’re not an asshole...

    And blogging. MARK And blogging. MARYLIN (pause) Pay them. In the scheme of things it’s a speeding ticket. That’s what Sy will tell you tomorrow. MARK Do you think anybody would mind if I stayed and used the computer for a minute? MARYLIN I can’t imagine it would be a problem. MARK Thanks. I appreciate your help today. MARYLIN You’re not an asshole...

    And blogging. MARK And blogging. MARYLIN (pause) Pay them. In the scheme of things it’s a speeding ticket. That’s what Sy will tell you tomorrow. MARK Do you think anybody would mind if I stayed and used the computer for a minute? MARYLIN I can’t imagine it would be a problem. MARK Thanks. I appreciate your help today. MARYLIN You’re not an asshole...

    And blogging. MARK And blogging. MARYLIN (pause) Pay them. In the scheme of things it’s a speeding ticket. That’s what Sy will tell you tomorrow. MARK Do you think anybody would mind if I stayed and used the computer for a minute? MARYLIN I can’t imagine it would be a problem. MARK Thanks. I appreciate your help today. MARYLIN You’re not an asshole...

    And blogging. MARK And blogging. MARYLIN (pause) Pay them. In the scheme of things it’s a speeding ticket. That’s what Sy will tell you tomorrow. MARK Do you think anybody would mind if I stayed and used the computer for a minute? MARYLIN I can’t imagine it would be a problem. MARK Thanks. I appreciate your help today. MARYLIN You’re not an asshole...

    And blogging. MARK And blogging. MARYLIN (pause) Pay them. In the scheme of things it’s a speeding ticket. That’s what Sy will tell you tomorrow. MARK Do you think anybody would mind if I stayed and used the computer for a minute? MARYLIN I can’t imagine it would be a problem. MARK Thanks. I appreciate your help today. MARYLIN You’re not an asshole...

    And blogging. MARK And blogging. MARYLIN (pause) Pay them. In the scheme of things it’s a speeding ticket. That’s what Sy will tell you tomorrow. MARK Do you think anybody would mind if I stayed and used the computer for a minute? MARYLIN I can’t imagine it would be a problem. MARK Thanks. I appreciate your help today. MARYLIN You’re not an asshole...

    And blogging. MARK And blogging. MARYLIN (pause) Pay them. In the scheme of things it’s a speeding ticket. That’s what Sy will tell you tomorrow. MARK Do you think anybody would mind if I stayed and used the computer for a minute? MARYLIN I can’t imagine it would be a problem. MARK Thanks. I appreciate your help today. MARYLIN You’re not an asshole...

    And blogging. MARK And blogging. MARYLIN (pause) Pay them. In the scheme of things it’s a speeding ticket. That’s what Sy will tell you tomorrow. MARK Do you think anybody would mind if I stayed and used the computer for a minute? MARYLIN I can’t imagine it would be a problem. MARK Thanks. I appreciate your help today. MARYLIN You’re not an asshole...

    And blogging. MARK And blogging. MARYLIN (pause) Pay them. In the scheme of things it’s a speeding ticket. That’s what Sy will tell you tomorrow. MARK Do you think anybody would mind if I stayed and used the computer for a minute? MARYLIN I can’t imagine it would be a problem. MARK Thanks. I appreciate your help today. MARYLIN You’re not an asshole...

    And blogging. MARK And blogging. MARYLIN (pause) Pay them. In the scheme of things it’s a speeding ticket. That’s what Sy will tell you tomorrow. MARK Do you think anybody would mind if I stayed and used the computer for a minute? MARYLIN I can’t imagine it would be a problem. MARK Thanks. I appreciate your help today. MARYLIN You’re not an asshole...

    And blogging. MARK And blogging. MARYLIN (pause) Pay them. In the scheme of things it’s a speeding ticket. That’s what Sy will tell you tomorrow. MARK Do you think anybody would mind if I stayed and used the computer for a minute? MARYLIN I can’t imagine it would be a problem. MARK Thanks. I appreciate your help today. MARYLIN You’re not an asshole...

    And blogging. MARK And blogging. MARYLIN (pause) Pay them. In the scheme of things it’s a speeding ticket. That’s what Sy will tell you tomorrow. MARK Do you think anybody would mind if I stayed and used the computer for a minute? MARYLIN I can’t imagine it would be a problem. MARK Thanks. I appreciate your help today. MARYLIN You’re not an asshole...

    And blogging. MARK And blogging. MARYLIN (pause) Pay them. In the scheme of things it’s a speeding ticket. That’s what Sy will tell you tomorrow. MARK Do you think anybody would mind if I stayed and used the computer for a minute? MARYLIN I can’t imagine it would be a problem. MARK Thanks. I appreciate your help today. MARYLIN You’re not an asshole...

    And blogging. MARK And blogging. MARYLIN (pause) Pay them. In the scheme of things it’s a speeding ticket. That’s what Sy will tell you tomorrow. MARK Do you think anybody would mind if I stayed and used the computer for a minute? MARYLIN I can’t imagine it would be a problem. MARK Thanks. I appreciate your help today. MARYLIN You’re not an asshole...

    And blogging. MARK And blogging. MARYLIN (pause) Pay them. In the scheme of things it’s a speeding ticket. That’s what Sy will tell you tomorrow. MARK Do you think anybody would mind if I stayed and used the computer for a minute? MARYLIN I can’t imagine it would be a problem. MARK Thanks. I appreciate your help today. MARYLIN You’re not an asshole...

    And blogging. MARK And blogging. MARYLIN (pause) Pay them. In the scheme of things it’s a speeding ticket. That’s what Sy will tell you tomorrow. MARK Do you think anybody would mind if I stayed and used the computer for a minute? MARYLIN I can’t imagine it would be a problem. MARK Thanks. I appreciate your help today. MARYLIN You’re not an asshole...

    And blogging. MARK And blogging. MARYLIN (pause) Pay them. In the scheme of things it’s a speeding ticket. That’s what Sy will tell you tomorrow. MARK Do you think anybody would mind if I stayed and used the computer for a minute? MARYLIN I can’t imagine it would be a problem. MARK Thanks. I appreciate your help today. MARYLIN You’re not an asshole...

    And blogging. MARK And blogging. MARYLIN (pause) Pay them. In the scheme of things it’s a speeding ticket. That’s what Sy will tell you tomorrow. MARK Do you think anybody would mind if I stayed and used the computer for a minute? MARYLIN I can’t imagine it would be a problem. MARK Thanks. I appreciate your help today. MARYLIN You’re not an asshole...

    And blogging. MARK And blogging. MARYLIN (pause) Pay them. In the scheme of things it’s a speeding ticket. That’s what Sy will tell you tomorrow. MARK Do you think anybody would mind if I stayed and used the computer for a minute? MARYLIN I can’t imagine it would be a problem. MARK Thanks. I appreciate your help today. MARYLIN You’re not an asshole...

    And blogging. MARK And blogging. MARYLIN (pause) Pay them. In the scheme of things it’s a speeding ticket. That’s what Sy will tell you tomorrow. MARK Do you think anybody would mind if I stayed and used the computer for a minute? MARYLIN I can’t imagine it would be a problem. MARK Thanks. I appreciate your help today. MARYLIN You’re not an asshole...

    And blogging. MARK And blogging. MARYLIN (pause) Pay them. In the scheme of things it’s a speeding ticket. That’s what Sy will tell you tomorrow. MARK Do you think anybody would mind if I stayed and used the computer for a minute? MARYLIN I can’t imagine it would be a problem. MARK Thanks. I appreciate your help today. MARYLIN You’re not an asshole...

    And blogging. MARK And blogging. MARYLIN (pause) Pay them. In the scheme of things it’s a speeding ticket. That’s what Sy will tell you tomorrow. MARK Do you think anybody would mind if I stayed and used the computer for a minute? MARYLIN I can’t imagine it would be a problem. MARK Thanks. I appreciate your help today. MARYLIN You’re not an asshole...

    And blogging. MARK And blogging. MARYLIN (pause) Pay them. In the scheme of things it’s a speeding ticket. That’s what Sy will tell you tomorrow. MARK Do you think anybody would mind if I stayed and used the computer for a minute? MARYLIN I can’t imagine it would be a problem. MARK Thanks. I appreciate your help today. MARYLIN You’re not an asshole...

    And blogging. MARK And blogging. MARYLIN (pause) Pay them. In the scheme of things it’s a speeding ticket. That’s what Sy will tell you tomorrow. MARK Do you think anybody would mind if I stayed and used the computer for a minute? MARYLIN I can’t imagine it would be a problem. MARK Thanks. I appreciate your help today. MARYLIN You’re not an asshole...

    And blogging. MARK And blogging. MARYLIN (pause) Pay them. In the scheme of things it’s a speeding ticket. That’s what Sy will tell you tomorrow. MARK Do you think anybody would mind if I stayed and used the computer for a minute? MARYLIN I can’t imagine it would be a problem. MARK Thanks. I appreciate your help today. MARYLIN You’re not an asshole...

    And blogging. MARK And blogging. MARYLIN (pause) Pay them. In the scheme of things it’s a speeding ticket. That’s what Sy will tell you tomorrow. MARK Do you think anybody would mind if I stayed and used the computer for a minute? MARYLIN I can’t imagine it would be a problem. MARK Thanks. I appreciate your help today. MARYLIN You’re not an asshole...

    And blogging. MARK And blogging. MARYLIN (pause) Pay them. In the scheme of things it’s a speeding ticket. That’s what Sy will tell you tomorrow. MARK Do you think anybody would mind if I stayed and used the computer for a minute? MARYLIN I can’t imagine it would be a problem. MARK Thanks. I appreciate your help today. MARYLIN You’re not an asshole...

    And blogging. MARK And blogging. MARYLIN (pause) Pay them. In the scheme of things it’s a speeding ticket. That’s what Sy will tell you tomorrow. MARK Do you think anybody would mind if I stayed and used the computer for a minute? MARYLIN I can’t imagine it would be a problem. MARK Thanks. I appreciate your help today. MARYLIN You’re not an asshole...

    And blogging. MARK And blogging. MARYLIN (pause) Pay them. In the scheme of things it’s a speeding ticket. That’s what Sy will tell you tomorrow. MARK Do you think anybody would mind if I stayed and used the computer for a minute? MARYLIN I can’t imagine it would be a problem. MARK Thanks. I appreciate your help today. MARYLIN You’re not an asshole...

    And blogging. MARK And blogging. MARYLIN (pause) Pay them. In the scheme of things it’s a speeding ticket. That’s what Sy will tell you tomorrow. MARK Do you think anybody would mind if I stayed and used the computer for a minute? MARYLIN I can’t imagine it would be a problem. MARK Thanks. I appreciate your help today. MARYLIN You’re not an asshole...

    And blogging. MARK And blogging. MARYLIN (pause) Pay them. In the scheme of things it’s a speeding ticket. That’s what Sy will tell you tomorrow. MARK Do you think anybody would mind if I stayed and used the computer for a minute? MARYLIN I can’t imagine it would be a problem. MARK Thanks. I appreciate your help today. MARYLIN You’re not an asshole...

    And blogging. MARK And blogging. MARYLIN (pause) Pay them. In the scheme of things it’s a speeding ticket. That’s what Sy will tell you tomorrow. MARK Do you think anybody would mind if I stayed and used the computer for a minute? MARYLIN I can’t imagine it would be a problem. MARK Thanks. I appreciate your help today. MARYLIN You’re not an asshole...

    And blogging. MARK And blogging. MARYLIN (pause) Pay them. In the scheme of things it’s a speeding ticket. That’s what Sy will tell you tomorrow. MARK Do you think anybody would mind if I stayed and used the computer for a minute? MARYLIN I can’t imagine it would be a problem. MARK Thanks. I appreciate your help today. MARYLIN You’re not an asshole...

    And blogging. MARK And blogging. MARYLIN (pause) Pay them. In the scheme of things it’s a speeding ticket. That’s what Sy will tell you tomorrow. MARK Do you think anybody would mind if I stayed and used the computer for a minute? MARYLIN I can’t imagine it would be a problem. MARK Thanks. I appreciate your help today. MARYLIN You’re not an asshole...

    And blogging. MARK And blogging. MARYLIN (pause) Pay them. In the scheme of things it’s a speeding ticket. That’s what Sy will tell you tomorrow. MARK Do you think anybody would mind if I stayed and used the computer for a minute? MARYLIN I can’t imagine it would be a problem. MARK Thanks. I appreciate your help today. MARYLIN You’re not an asshole...

    And blogging. MARK And blogging. MARYLIN (pause) Pay them. In the scheme of things it’s a speeding ticket. That’s what Sy will tell you tomorrow. MARK Do you think anybody would mind if I stayed and used the computer for a minute? MARYLIN I can’t imagine it would be a problem. MARK Thanks. I appreciate your help today. MARYLIN You’re not an asshole...

    And blogging. MARK And blogging. MARYLIN (pause) Pay them. In the scheme of things it’s a speeding ticket. That’s what Sy will tell you tomorrow. MARK Do you think anybody would mind if I stayed and used the computer for a minute? MARYLIN I can’t imagine it would be a problem. MARK Thanks. I appreciate your help today. MARYLIN You’re not an asshole...

    And blogging. MARK And blogging. MARYLIN (pause) Pay them. In the scheme of things it’s a speeding ticket. That’s what Sy will tell you tomorrow. MARK Do you think anybody would mind if I stayed and used the computer for a minute? MARYLIN I can’t imagine it would be a problem. MARK Thanks. I appreciate your help today. MARYLIN You’re not an asshole...

    And blogging. MARK And blogging. MARYLIN (pause) Pay them. In the scheme of things it’s a speeding ticket. That’s what Sy will tell you tomorrow. MARK Do you think anybody would mind if I stayed and used the computer for a minute? MARYLIN I can’t imagine it would be a problem. MARK Thanks. I appreciate your help today. MARYLIN You’re not an asshole...

    And blogging. MARK And blogging. MARYLIN (pause) Pay them. In the scheme of things it’s a speeding ticket. That’s what Sy will tell you tomorrow. MARK Do you think anybody would mind if I stayed and used the computer for a minute? MARYLIN I can’t imagine it would be a problem. MARK Thanks. I appreciate your help today. MARYLIN You’re not an asshole...

    And blogging. MARK And blogging. MARYLIN (pause) Pay them. In the scheme of things it’s a speeding ticket. That’s what Sy will tell you tomorrow. MARK Do you think anybody would mind if I stayed and used the computer for a minute? MARYLIN I can’t imagine it would be a problem. MARK Thanks. I appreciate your help today. MARYLIN You’re not an asshole...

    And blogging. MARK And blogging. MARYLIN (pause) Pay them. In the scheme of things it’s a speeding ticket. That’s what Sy will tell you tomorrow. MARK Do you think anybody would mind if I stayed and used the computer for a minute? MARYLIN I can’t imagine it would be a problem. MARK Thanks. I appreciate your help today. MARYLIN You’re not an asshole...

    And blogging. MARK And blogging. MARYLIN (pause) Pay them. In the scheme of things it’s a speeding ticket. That’s what Sy will tell you tomorrow. MARK Do you think anybody would mind if I stayed and used the computer for a minute? MARYLIN I can’t imagine it would be a problem. MARK Thanks. I appreciate your help today. MARYLIN You’re not an asshole...

    And blogging. MARK And blogging. MARYLIN (pause) Pay them. In the scheme of things it’s a speeding ticket. That’s what Sy will tell you tomorrow. MARK Do you think anybody would mind if I stayed and used the computer for a minute? MARYLIN I can’t imagine it would be a problem. MARK Thanks. I appreciate your help today. MARYLIN You’re not an asshole...

    And blogging. MARK And blogging. MARYLIN (pause) Pay them. In the scheme of things it’s a speeding ticket. That’s what Sy will tell you tomorrow. MARK Do you think anybody would mind if I stayed and used the computer for a minute? MARYLIN I can’t imagine it would be a problem. MARK Thanks. I appreciate your help today. MARYLIN You’re not an asshole...

    And blogging. MARK And blogging. MARYLIN (pause) Pay them. In the scheme of things it’s a speeding ticket. That’s what Sy will tell you tomorrow. MARK Do you think anybody would mind if I stayed and used the computer for a minute? MARYLIN I can’t imagine it would be a problem. MARK Thanks. I appreciate your help today. MARYLIN You’re not an asshole...

    And blogging. MARK And blogging. MARYLIN (pause) Pay them. In the scheme of things it’s a speeding ticket. That’s what Sy will tell you tomorrow. MARK Do you think anybody would mind if I stayed and used the computer for a minute? MARYLIN I can’t imagine it would be a problem. MARK Thanks. I appreciate your help today. MARYLIN You’re not an asshole...

    And blogging. MARK And blogging. MARYLIN (pause) Pay them. In the scheme of things it’s a speeding ticket. That’s what Sy will tell you tomorrow. MARK Do you think anybody would mind if I stayed and used the computer for a minute? MARYLIN I can’t imagine it would be a problem. MARK Thanks. I appreciate your help today. MARYLIN You’re not an asshole...

    And blogging. MARK And blogging. MARYLIN (pause) Pay them. In the scheme of things it’s a speeding ticket. That’s what Sy will tell you tomorrow. MARK Do you think anybody would mind if I stayed and used the computer for a minute? MARYLIN I can’t imagine it would be a problem. MARK Thanks. I appreciate your help today. MARYLIN You’re not an asshole...

    And blogging. MARK And blogging. MARYLIN (pause) Pay them. In the scheme of things it’s a speeding ticket. That’s what Sy will tell you tomorrow. MARK Do you think anybody would mind if I stayed and used the computer for a minute? MARYLIN I can’t imagine it would be a problem. MARK Thanks. I appreciate your help today. MARYLIN You’re not an asshole...

    And blogging. MARK And blogging. MARYLIN (pause) Pay them. In the scheme of things it’s a speeding ticket. That’s what Sy will tell you tomorrow. MARK Do you think anybody would mind if I stayed and used the computer for a minute? MARYLIN I can’t imagine it would be a problem. MARK Thanks. I appreciate your help today. MARYLIN You’re not an asshole...

    And blogging. MARK And blogging. MARYLIN (pause) Pay them. In the scheme of things it’s a speeding ticket. That’s what Sy will tell you tomorrow. MARK Do you think anybody would mind if I stayed and used the computer for a minute? MARYLIN I can’t imagine it would be a problem. MARK Thanks. I appreciate your help today. MARYLIN You’re not an asshole...

    And blogging. MARK And blogging. MARYLIN (pause) Pay them. In the scheme of things it’s a speeding ticket. That’s what Sy will tell you tomorrow. MARK Do you think anybody would mind if I stayed and used the computer for a minute? MARYLIN I can’t imagine it would be a problem. MARK Thanks. I appreciate your help today. MARYLIN You’re not an asshole...

    And blogging. MARK And blogging. MARYLIN (pause) Pay them. In the scheme of things it’s a speeding ticket. That’s what Sy will tell you tomorrow. MARK Do you think anybody would mind if I stayed and used the computer for a minute? MARYLIN I can’t imagine it would be a problem. MARK Thanks. I appreciate your help today. MARYLIN You’re not an asshole...

    And blogging. MARK And blogging. MARYLIN (pause) Pay them. In the scheme of things it’s a speeding ticket. That’s what Sy will tell you tomorrow. MARK Do you think anybody would mind if I stayed and used the computer for a minute? MARYLIN I can’t imagine it would be a problem. MARK Thanks. I appreciate your help today. MARYLIN You’re not an asshole...

    And blogging. MARK And blogging. MARYLIN (pause) Pay them. In the scheme of things it’s a speeding ticket. That’s what Sy will tell you tomorrow. MARK Do you think anybody would mind if I stayed and used the computer for a minute? MARYLIN I can’t imagine it would be a problem. MARK Thanks. I appreciate your help today. MARYLIN You’re not an asshole...

    And blogging. MARK And blogging. MARYLIN (pause) Pay them. In the scheme of things it’s a speeding ticket. That’s what Sy will tell you tomorrow. MARK Do you think anybody would mind if I stayed and used the computer for a minute? MARYLIN I can’t imagine it would be a problem. MARK Thanks. I appreciate your help today. MARYLIN You’re not an asshole...

    And blogging. MARK And blogging. MARYLIN (pause) Pay them. In the scheme of things it’s a speeding ticket. That’s what Sy will tell you tomorrow. MARK Do you think anybody would mind if I stayed and used the computer for a minute? MARYLIN I can’t imagine it would be a problem. MARK Thanks. I appreciate your help today. MARYLIN You’re not an asshole...

    And blogging. MARK And blogging. MARYLIN (pause) Pay them. In the scheme of things it’s a speeding ticket. That’s what Sy will tell you tomorrow. MARK Do you think anybody would mind if I stayed and used the computer for a minute? MARYLIN I can’t imagine it would be a problem. MARK Thanks. I appreciate your help today. MARYLIN You’re not an asshole...

    And blogging. MARK And blogging. MARYLIN (pause) Pay them. In the scheme of things it’s a speeding ticket. That’s what Sy will tell you tomorrow. MARK Do you think anybody would mind if I stayed and used the computer for a minute? MARYLIN I can’t imagine it would be a problem. MARK Thanks. I appreciate your help today. MARYLIN You’re not an asshole...

    And blogging. MARK And blogging. MARYLIN (pause) Pay them. In the scheme of things it’s a speeding ticket. That’s what Sy will tell you tomorrow. MARK Do you think anybody would mind if I stayed and used the computer for a minute? MARYLIN I can’t imagine it would be a problem. MARK Thanks. I appreciate your help today. MARYLIN You’re not an asshole...

    And blogging. MARK And blogging. MARYLIN (pause) Pay them. In the scheme of things it’s a speeding ticket. That’s what Sy will tell you tomorrow. MARK Do you think anybody would mind if I stayed and used the computer for a minute? MARYLIN I can’t imagine it would be a problem. MARK Thanks. I appreciate your help today. MARYLIN You’re not an asshole...

    And blogging. MARK And blogging. MARYLIN (pause) Pay them. In the scheme of things it’s a speeding ticket. That’s what Sy will tell you tomorrow. MARK Do you think anybody would mind if I stayed and used the computer for a minute? MARYLIN I can’t imagine it would be a problem. MARK Thanks. I appreciate your help today. MARYLIN You’re not an asshole...

    And blogging. MARK And blogging. MARYLIN (pause) Pay them. In the scheme of things it’s a speeding ticket. That’s what Sy will tell you tomorrow. MARK Do you think anybody would mind if I stayed and used the computer for a minute? MARYLIN I can’t imagine it would be a problem. MARK Thanks. I appreciate your help today. MARYLIN You’re not an asshole...

    And blogging. MARK And blogging. MARYLIN (pause) Pay them. In the scheme of things it’s a speeding ticket. That’s what Sy will tell you tomorrow. MARK Do you think anybody would mind if I stayed and used the computer for a minute? MARYLIN I can’t imagine it would be a problem. MARK Thanks. I appreciate your help today. MARYLIN You’re not an asshole...

    And blogging. MARK And blogging. MARYLIN (pause) Pay them. In the scheme of things it’s a speeding ticket. That’s what Sy will tell you tomorrow. MARK Do you think anybody would mind if I stayed and used the computer for a minute? MARYLIN I can’t imagine it would be a problem. MARK Thanks. I appreciate your help today. MARYLIN You’re not an asshole...

    And blogging. MARK And blogging. MARYLIN (pause) Pay them. In the scheme of things it’s a speeding ticket. That’s what Sy will tell you tomorrow. MARK Do you think anybody would mind if I stayed and used the computer for a minute? MARYLIN I can’t imagine it would be a problem. MARK Thanks. I appreciate your help today. MARYLIN You’re not an asshole...

    And blogging. MARK And blogging. MARYLIN (pause) Pay them. In the scheme of things it’s a speeding ticket. That’s what Sy will tell you tomorrow. MARK Do you think anybody would mind if I stayed and used the computer for a minute? MARYLIN I can’t imagine it would be a problem. MARK Thanks. I appreciate your help today. MARYLIN You’re not an asshole...

    And blogging. MARK And blogging. MARYLIN (pause) Pay them. In the scheme of things it’s a speeding ticket. That’s what Sy will tell you tomorrow. MARK Do you think anybody would mind if I stayed and used the computer for a minute? MARYLIN I can’t imagine it would be a problem. MARK Thanks. I appreciate your help today. MARYLIN You’re not an asshole...

    And blogging. MARK And blogging. MARYLIN (pause) Pay them. In the scheme of things it’s a speeding ticket. That’s what Sy will tell you tomorrow. MARK Do you think anybody would mind if I stayed and used the computer for a minute? MARYLIN I can’t imagine it would be a problem. MARK Thanks. I appreciate your help today. MARYLIN You’re not an asshole...

    And blogging. MARK And blogging. MARYLIN (pause) Pay them. In the scheme of things it’s a speeding ticket. That’s what Sy will tell you tomorrow. MARK Do you think anybody would mind if I stayed and used the computer for a minute? MARYLIN I can’t imagine it would be a problem. MARK Thanks. I appreciate your help today. MARYLIN You’re not an asshole...

    And blogging. MARK And blogging. MARYLIN (pause) Pay them. In the scheme of things it’s a speeding ticket. That’s what Sy will tell you tomorrow. MARK Do you think anybody would mind if I stayed and used the computer for a minute? MARYLIN I can’t imagine it would be a problem. MARK Thanks. I appreciate your help today. MARYLIN You’re not an asshole...

    And blogging. MARK And blogging. MARYLIN (pause) Pay them. In the scheme of things it’s a speeding ticket. That’s what Sy will tell you tomorrow. MARK Do you think anybody would mind if I stayed and used the computer for a minute? MARYLIN I can’t imagine it would be a problem. MARK Thanks. I appreciate your help today. MARYLIN You’re not an asshole...

    And blogging. MARK And blogging. MARYLIN (pause) Pay them. In the scheme of things it’s a speeding ticket. That’s what Sy will tell you tomorrow. MARK Do you think anybody would mind if I stayed and used the computer for a minute? MARYLIN I can’t imagine it would be a problem. MARK Thanks. I appreciate your help today. MARYLIN You’re not an asshole...

    And blogging. MARK And blogging. MARYLIN (pause) Pay them. In the scheme of things it’s a speeding ticket. That’s what Sy will tell you tomorrow. MARK Do you think anybody would mind if I stayed and used the computer for a minute? MARYLIN I can’t imagine it would be a problem. MARK Thanks. I appreciate your help today. MARYLIN You’re not an asshole...

    And blogging. MARK And blogging. MARYLIN (pause) Pay them. In the scheme of things it’s a speeding ticket. That’s what Sy will tell you tomorrow. MARK Do you think anybody would mind if I stayed and used the computer for a minute? MARYLIN I can’t imagine it would be a problem. MARK Thanks. I appreciate your help today. MARYLIN You’re not an asshole...

    And blogging. MARK And blogging. MARYLIN (pause) Pay them. In the scheme of things it’s a speeding ticket. That’s what Sy will tell you tomorrow. MARK Do you think anybody would mind if I stayed and used the computer for a minute? MARYLIN I can’t imagine it would be a problem. MARK Thanks. I appreciate your help today. MARYLIN You’re not an asshole...

    And blogging. MARK And blogging. MARYLIN (pause) Pay them. In the scheme of things it’s a speeding ticket. That’s what Sy will tell you tomorrow. MARK Do you think anybody would mind if I stayed and used the computer for a minute? MARYLIN I can’t imagine it would be a problem. MARK Thanks. I appreciate your help today. MARYLIN You’re not an asshole...

    And blogging. MARK And blogging. MARYLIN (pause) Pay them. In the scheme of things it’s a speeding ticket. That’s what Sy will tell you tomorrow. MARK Do you think anybody would mind if I stayed and used the computer for a minute? MARYLIN I can’t imagine it would be a problem. MARK Thanks. I appreciate your help today. MARYLIN You’re not an asshole...

    And blogging. MARK And blogging. MARYLIN (pause) Pay them. In the scheme of things it’s a speeding ticket. That’s what Sy will tell you tomorrow. MARK Do you think anybody would mind if I stayed and used the computer for a minute? MARYLIN I can’t imagine it would be a problem. MARK Thanks. I appreciate your help today. MARYLIN You’re not an asshole...

    And blogging. MARK And blogging. MARYLIN (pause) Pay them. In the scheme of things it’s a speeding ticket. That’s what Sy will tell you tomorrow. MARK Do you think anybody would mind if I stayed and used the computer for a minute? MARYLIN I can’t imagine it would be a problem. MARK Thanks. I appreciate your help today. MARYLIN You’re not an asshole...

    And blogging. MARK And blogging. MARYLIN (pause) Pay them. In the scheme of things it’s a speeding ticket. That’s what Sy will tell you tomorrow. MARK Do you think anybody would mind if I stayed and used the computer for a minute? MARYLIN I can’t imagine it would be a problem. MARK Thanks. I appreciate your help today. MARYLIN You’re not an asshole...

    And blogging. MARK And blogging. MARYLIN (pause) Pay them. In the scheme of things it’s a speeding ticket. That’s what Sy will tell you tomorrow. MARK Do you think anybody would mind if I stayed and used the computer for a minute? MARYLIN I can’t imagine it would be a problem. MARK Thanks. I appreciate your help today. MARYLIN You’re not an asshole...

    And blogging. MARK And blogging. MARYLIN (pause) Pay them. In the scheme of things it’s a speeding ticket. That’s what Sy will tell you tomorrow. MARK Do you think anybody would mind if I stayed and used the computer for a minute? MARYLIN I can’t imagine it would be a problem. MARK Thanks. I appreciate your help today. MARYLIN You’re not an asshole...

    And blogging. MARK And blogging. MARYLIN (pause) Pay them. In the scheme of things it’s a speeding ticket. That’s what Sy will tell you tomorrow. MARK Do you think anybody would mind if I stayed and used the computer for a minute? MARYLIN I can’t imagine it would be a problem. MARK Thanks. I appreciate your help today. MARYLIN You’re not an asshole...

    And blogging. MARK And blogging. MARYLIN (pause) Pay them. In the scheme of things it’s a speeding ticket. That’s what Sy will tell you tomorrow. MARK Do you think anybody would mind if I stayed and used the computer for a minute? MARYLIN I can’t imagine it would be a problem. MARK Thanks. I appreciate your help today. MARYLIN You’re not an asshole...

    And blogging. MARK And blogging. MARYLIN (pause) Pay them. In the scheme of things it’s a speeding ticket. That’s what Sy will tell you tomorrow. MARK Do you think anybody would mind if I stayed and used the computer for a minute? MARYLIN I can’t imagine it would be a problem. MARK Thanks. I appreciate your help today. MARYLIN You’re not an asshole...

    And blogging. MARK And blogging. MARYLIN (pause) Pay them. In the scheme of things it’s a speeding ticket. That’s what Sy will tell you tomorrow. MARK Do you think anybody would mind if I stayed and used the computer for a minute? MARYLIN I can’t imagine it would be a problem. MARK Thanks. I appreciate your help today. MARYLIN You’re not an asshole...

    And blogging. MARK And blogging. MARYLIN (pause) Pay them. In the scheme of things it’s a speeding ticket. That’s what Sy will tell you tomorrow. MARK Do you think anybody would mind if I stayed and used the computer for a minute? MARYLIN I can’t imagine it would be a problem. MARK Thanks. I appreciate your help today. MARYLIN You’re not an asshole...

    And blogging. MARK And blogging. MARYLIN (pause) Pay them. In the scheme of things it’s a speeding ticket. That’s what Sy will tell you tomorrow. MARK Do you think anybody would mind if I stayed and used the computer for a minute? MARYLIN I can’t imagine it would be a problem. MARK Thanks. I appreciate your help today. MARYLIN You’re not an asshole...

    And blogging. MARK And blogging. MARYLIN (pause) Pay them. In the scheme of things it’s a speeding ticket. That’s what Sy will tell you tomorrow. MARK Do you think anybody would mind if I stayed and used the computer for a minute? MARYLIN I can’t imagine it would be a problem. MARK Thanks. I appreciate your help today. MARYLIN You’re not an asshole...

    And blogging. MARK And blogging. MARYLIN (pause) Pay them. In the scheme of things it’s a speeding ticket. That’s what Sy will tell you tomorrow. MARK Do you think anybody would mind if I stayed and used the computer for a minute? MARYLIN I can’t imagine it would be a problem. MARK Thanks. I appreciate your help today. MARYLIN You’re not an asshole...

    And blogging. MARK And blogging. MARYLIN (pause) Pay them. In the scheme of things it’s a speeding ticket. That’s what Sy will tell you tomorrow. MARK Do you think anybody would mind if I stayed and used the computer for a minute? MARYLIN I can’t imagine it would be a problem. MARK Thanks. I appreciate your help today. MARYLIN You’re not an asshole...

    And blogging. MARK And blogging. MARYLIN (pause) Pay them. In the scheme of things it’s a speeding ticket. That’s what Sy will tell you tomorrow. MARK Do you think anybody would mind if I stayed and used the computer for a minute? MARYLIN I can’t imagine it would be a problem. MARK Thanks. I appreciate your help today. MARYLIN You’re not an asshole...

    And blogging. MARK And blogging. MARYLIN (pause) Pay them. In the scheme of things it’s a speeding ticket. That’s what Sy will tell you tomorrow. MARK Do you think anybody would mind if I stayed and used the computer for a minute? MARYLIN I can’t imagine it would be a problem. MARK Thanks. I appreciate your help today. MARYLIN You’re not an asshole...

    And blogging. MARK And blogging. MARYLIN (pause) Pay them. In the scheme of things it’s a speeding ticket. That’s what Sy will tell you tomorrow. MARK Do you think anybody would mind if I stayed and used the computer for a minute? MARYLIN I can’t imagine it would be a problem. MARK Thanks. I appreciate your help today. MARYLIN You’re not an asshole...

    And blogging. MARK And blogging. MARYLIN (pause) Pay them. In the scheme of things it’s a speeding ticket. That’s what Sy will tell you tomorrow. MARK Do you think anybody would mind if I stayed and used the computer for a minute? MARYLIN I can’t imagine it would be a problem. MARK Thanks. I appreciate your help today. MARYLIN You’re not an asshole...

    And blogging. MARK And blogging. MARYLIN (pause) Pay them. In the scheme of things it’s a speeding ticket. That’s what Sy will tell you tomorrow. MARK Do you think anybody would mind if I stayed and used the computer for a minute? MARYLIN I can’t imagine it would be a problem. MARK Thanks. I appreciate your help today. MARYLIN You’re not an asshole...

    And blogging. MARK And blogging. MARYLIN (pause) Pay them. In the scheme of things it’s a speeding ticket. That’s what Sy will tell you tomorrow. MARK Do you think anybody would mind if I stayed and used the computer for a minute? MARYLIN I can’t imagine it would be a problem. MARK Thanks. I appreciate your help today. MARYLIN You’re not an asshole...

    And blogging. MARK And blogging. MARYLIN (pause) Pay them. In the scheme of things it’s a speeding ticket. That’s what Sy will tell you tomorrow. MARK Do you think anybody would mind if I stayed and used the computer for a minute? MARYLIN I can’t imagine it would be a problem. MARK Thanks. I appreciate your help today. MARYLIN You’re not an asshole...

    And blogging. MARK And blogging. MARYLIN (pause) Pay them. In the scheme of things it’s a speeding ticket. That’s what Sy will tell you tomorrow. MARK Do you think anybody would mind if I stayed and used the computer for a minute? MARYLIN I can’t imagine it would be a problem. MARK Thanks. I appreciate your help today. MARYLIN You’re not an asshole...

    And blogging. MARK And blogging. MARYLIN (pause) Pay them. In the scheme of things it’s a speeding ticket. That’s what Sy will tell you tomorrow. MARK Do you think anybody would mind if I stayed and used the computer for a minute? MARYLIN I can’t imagine it would be a problem. MARK Thanks. I appreciate your help today. MARYLIN You’re not an asshole...

    And blogging. MARK And blogging. MARYLIN (pause) Pay them. In the scheme of things it’s a speeding ticket. That’s what Sy will tell you tomorrow. MARK Do you think anybody would mind if I stayed and used the computer for a minute? MARYLIN I can’t imagine it would be a problem. MARK Thanks. I appreciate your help today. MARYLIN You’re not an asshole...

    And blogging. MARK And blogging. MARYLIN (pause) Pay them. In the scheme of things it’s a speeding ticket. That’s what Sy will tell you tomorrow. MARK Do you think anybody would mind if I stayed and used the computer for a minute? MARYLIN I can’t imagine it would be a problem. MARK Thanks. I appreciate your help today. MARYLIN You’re not an asshole...

    And blogging. MARK And blogging. MARYLIN (pause) Pay them. In the scheme of things it’s a speeding ticket. That’s what Sy will tell you tomorrow. MARK Do you think anybody would mind if I stayed and used the computer for a minute? MARYLIN I can’t imagine it would be a problem. MARK Thanks. I appreciate your help today. MARYLIN You’re not an asshole...

    And blogging. MARK And blogging. MARYLIN (pause) Pay them. In the scheme of things it’s a speeding ticket. That’s what Sy will tell you tomorrow. MARK Do you think anybody would mind if I stayed and used the computer for a minute? MARYLIN I can’t imagine it would be a problem. MARK Thanks. I appreciate your help today. MARYLIN You’re not an asshole...

    And blogging. MARK And blogging. MARYLIN (pause) Pay them. In the scheme of things it’s a speeding ticket. That’s what Sy will tell you tomorrow. MARK Do you think anybody would mind if I stayed and used the computer for a minute? MARYLIN I can’t imagine it would be a problem. MARK Thanks. I appreciate your help today. MARYLIN You’re not an asshole...

    And blogging. MARK And blogging. MARYLIN (pause) Pay them. In the scheme of things it’s a speeding ticket. That’s what Sy will tell you tomorrow. MARK Do you think anybody would mind if I stayed and used the computer for a minute? MARYLIN I can’t imagine it would be a problem. MARK Thanks. I appreciate your help today. MARYLIN You’re not an asshole...

    And blogging. MARK And blogging. MARYLIN (pause) Pay them. In the scheme of things it’s a speeding ticket. That’s what Sy will tell you tomorrow. MARK Do you think anybody would mind if I stayed and used the computer for a minute? MARYLIN I can’t imagine it would be a problem. MARK Thanks. I appreciate your help today. MARYLIN You’re not an asshole...

    And blogging. MARK And blogging. MARYLIN (pause) Pay them. In the scheme of things it’s a speeding ticket. That’s what Sy will tell you tomorrow. MARK Do you think anybody would mind if I stayed and used the computer for a minute? MARYLIN I can’t imagine it would be a problem. MARK Thanks. I appreciate your help today. MARYLIN You’re not an asshole...

    And blogging. MARK And blogging. MARYLIN (pause) Pay them. In the scheme of things it’s a speeding ticket. That’s what Sy will tell you tomorrow. MARK Do you think anybody would mind if I stayed and used the computer for a minute? MARYLIN I can’t imagine it would be a problem. MARK Thanks. I appreciate your help today. MARYLIN You’re not an asshole...

    And blogging. MARK And blogging. MARYLIN (pause) Pay them. In the scheme of things it’s a speeding ticket. That’s what Sy will tell you tomorrow. MARK Do you think anybody would mind if I stayed and used the computer for a minute? MARYLIN I can’t imagine it would be a problem. MARK Thanks. I appreciate your help today. MARYLIN You’re not an asshole...

    And blogging. MARK And blogging. MARYLIN (pause) Pay them. In the scheme of things it’s a speeding ticket. That’s what Sy will tell you tomorrow. MARK Do you think anybody would mind if I stayed and used the computer for a minute? MARYLIN I can’t imagine it would be a problem. MARK Thanks. I appreciate your help today. MARYLIN You’re not an asshole...

    And blogging. MARK And blogging. MARYLIN (pause) Pay them. In the scheme of things it’s a speeding ticket. That’s what Sy will tell you tomorrow. MARK Do you think anybody would mind if I stayed and used the computer for a minute? MARYLIN I can’t imagine it would be a problem. MARK Thanks. I appreciate your help today. MARYLIN You’re not an asshole...

    And blogging. MARK And blogging. MARYLIN (pause) Pay them. In the scheme of things it’s a speeding ticket. That’s what Sy will tell you tomorrow. MARK Do you think anybody would mind if I stayed and used the computer for a minute? MARYLIN I can’t imagine it would be a problem. MARK Thanks. I appreciate your help today. MARYLIN You’re not an asshole...

    And blogging. MARK And blogging. MARYLIN (pause) Pay them. In the scheme of things it’s a speeding ticket. That’s what Sy will tell you tomorrow. MARK Do you think anybody would mind if I stayed and used the computer for a minute? MARYLIN I can’t imagine it would be a problem. MARK Thanks. I appreciate your help today. MARYLIN You’re not an asshole...

    And blogging. MARK And blogging. MARYLIN (pause) Pay them. In the scheme of things it’s a speeding ticket. That’s what Sy will tell you tomorrow. MARK Do you think anybody would mind if I stayed and used the computer for a minute? MARYLIN I can’t imagine it would be a problem. MARK Thanks. I appreciate your help today. MARYLIN You’re not an asshole...

    And blogging. MARK And blogging. MARYLIN (pause) Pay them. In the scheme of things it’s a speeding ticket. That’s what Sy will tell you tomorrow. MARK Do you think anybody would mind if I stayed and used the computer for a minute? MARYLIN I can’t imagine it would be a problem. MARK Thanks. I appreciate your help today. MARYLIN You’re not an asshole...

    And blogging. MARK And blogging. MARYLIN (pause) Pay them. In the scheme of things it’s a speeding ticket. That’s what Sy will tell you tomorrow. MARK Do you think anybody would mind if I stayed and used the computer for a minute? MARYLIN I can’t imagine it would be a problem. MARK Thanks. I appreciate your help today. MARYLIN You’re not an asshole...

    And blogging. MARK And blogging. MARYLIN (pause) Pay them. In the scheme of things it’s a speeding ticket. That’s what Sy will tell you tomorrow. MARK Do you think anybody would mind if I stayed and used the computer for a minute? MARYLIN I can’t imagine it would be a problem. MARK Thanks. I appreciate your help today. MARYLIN You’re not an asshole...

    And blogging. MARK And blogging. MARYLIN (pause) Pay them. In the scheme of things it’s a speeding ticket. That’s what Sy will tell you tomorrow. MARK Do you think anybody would mind if I stayed and used the computer for a minute? MARYLIN I can’t imagine it would be a problem. MARK Thanks. I appreciate your help today. MARYLIN You’re not an asshole...

    And blogging. MARK And blogging. MARYLIN (pause) Pay them. In the scheme of things it’s a speeding ticket. That’s what Sy will tell you tomorrow. MARK Do you think anybody would mind if I stayed and used the computer for a minute? MARYLIN I can’t imagine it would be a problem. MARK Thanks. I appreciate your help today. MARYLIN You’re not an asshole...

    And blogging. MARK And blogging. MARYLIN (pause) Pay them. In the scheme of things it’s a speeding ticket. That’s what Sy will tell you tomorrow. MARK Do you think anybody would mind if I stayed and used the computer for a minute? MARYLIN I can’t imagine it would be a problem. MARK Thanks. I appreciate your help today. MARYLIN You’re not an asshole...

    And blogging. MARK And blogging. MARYLIN (pause) Pay them. In the scheme of things it’s a speeding ticket. That’s what Sy will tell you tomorrow. MARK Do you think anybody would mind if I stayed and used the computer for a minute? MARYLIN I can’t imagine it would be a problem. MARK Thanks. I appreciate your help today. MARYLIN You’re not an asshole...

    And blogging. MARK And blogging. MARYLIN (pause) Pay them. In the scheme of things it’s a speeding ticket. That’s what Sy will tell you tomorrow. MARK Do you think anybody would mind if I stayed and used the computer for a minute? MARYLIN I can’t imagine it would be a problem. MARK Thanks. I appreciate your help today. MARYLIN You’re not an asshole...

    And blogging. MARK And blogging. MARYLIN (pause) Pay them. In the scheme of things it’s a speeding ticket. That’s what Sy will tell you tomorrow. MARK Do you think anybody would mind if I stayed and used the computer for a minute? MARYLIN I can’t imagine it would be a problem. MARK Thanks. I appreciate your help today. MARYLIN You’re not an asshole...

    And blogging. MARK And blogging. MARYLIN (pause) Pay them. In the scheme of things it’s a speeding ticket. That’s what Sy will tell you tomorrow. MARK Do you think anybody would mind if I stayed and used the computer for a minute? MARYLIN I can’t imagine it would be a problem. MARK Thanks. I appreciate your help today. MARYLIN You’re not an asshole...

    And blogging. MARK And blogging. MARYLIN (pause) Pay them. In the scheme of things it’s a speeding ticket. That’s what Sy will tell you tomorrow. MARK Do you think anybody would mind if I stayed and used the computer for a minute? MARYLIN I can’t imagine it would be a problem. MARK Thanks. I appreciate your help today. MARYLIN You’re not an asshole...

    And blogging. MARK And blogging. MARYLIN (pause) Pay them. In the scheme of things it’s a speeding ticket. That’s what Sy will tell you tomorrow. MARK Do you think anybody would mind if I stayed and used the computer for a minute? MARYLIN I can’t imagine it would be a problem. MARK Thanks. I appreciate your help today. MARYLIN You’re not an asshole...

    And blogging. MARK And blogging. MARYLIN (pause) Pay them. In the scheme of things it’s a speeding ticket. That’s what Sy will tell you tomorrow. MARK Do you think anybody would mind if I stayed and used the computer for a minute? MARYLIN I can’t imagine it would be a problem. MARK Thanks. I appreciate your help today. MARYLIN You’re not an asshole...

    And blogging. MARK And blogging. MARYLIN (pause) Pay them. In the scheme of things it’s a speeding ticket. That’s what Sy will tell you tomorrow. MARK Do you think anybody would mind if I stayed and used the computer for a minute? MARYLIN I can’t imagine it would be a problem. MARK Thanks. I appreciate your help today. MARYLIN You’re not an asshole...

    And blogging. MARK And blogging. MARYLIN (pause) Pay them. In the scheme of things it’s a speeding ticket. That’s what Sy will tell you tomorrow. MARK Do you think anybody would mind if I stayed and used the computer for a minute? MARYLIN I can’t imagine it would be a problem. MARK Thanks. I appreciate your help today. MARYLIN You’re not an asshole...

    And blogging. MARK And blogging. MARYLIN (pause) Pay them. In the scheme of things it’s a speeding ticket. That’s what Sy will tell you tomorrow. MARK Do you think anybody would mind if I stayed and used the computer for a minute? MARYLIN I can’t imagine it would be a problem. MARK Thanks. I appreciate your help today. MARYLIN You’re not an asshole...

    And blogging. MARK And blogging. MARYLIN (pause) Pay them. In the scheme of things it’s a speeding ticket. That’s what Sy will tell you tomorrow. MARK Do you think anybody would mind if I stayed and used the computer for a minute? MARYLIN I can’t imagine it would be a problem. MARK Thanks. I appreciate your help today. MARYLIN You’re not an asshole...

    And blogging. MARK And blogging. MARYLIN (pause) Pay them. In the scheme of things it’s a speeding ticket. That’s what Sy will tell you tomorrow. MARK Do you think anybody would mind if I stayed and used the computer for a minute? MARYLIN I can’t imagine it would be a problem. MARK Thanks. I appreciate your help today. MARYLIN You’re not an asshole...

    And blogging. MARK And blogging. MARYLIN (pause) Pay them. In the scheme of things it’s a speeding ticket. That’s what Sy will tell you tomorrow. MARK Do you think anybody would mind if I stayed and used the computer for a minute? MARYLIN I can’t imagine it would be a problem. MARK Thanks. I appreciate your help today. MARYLIN You’re not an asshole...

    And blogging. MARK And blogging. MARYLIN (pause) Pay them. In the scheme of things it’s a speeding ticket. That’s what Sy will tell you tomorrow. MARK Do you think anybody would mind if I stayed and used the computer for a minute? MARYLIN I can’t imagine it would be a problem. MARK Thanks. I appreciate your help today. MARYLIN You’re not an asshole...

    And blogging. MARK And blogging. MARYLIN (pause) Pay them. In the scheme of things it’s a speeding ticket. That’s what Sy will tell you tomorrow. MARK Do you think anybody would mind if I stayed and used the computer for a minute? MARYLIN I can’t imagine it would be a problem. MARK Thanks. I appreciate your help today. MARYLIN You’re not an asshole...

    And blogging. MARK And blogging. MARYLIN (pause) Pay them. In the scheme of things it’s a speeding ticket. That’s what Sy will tell you tomorrow. MARK Do you think anybody would mind if I stayed and used the computer for a minute? MARYLIN I can’t imagine it would be a problem. MARK Thanks. I appreciate your help today. MARYLIN You’re not an asshole...

    And blogging. MARK And blogging. MARYLIN (pause) Pay them. In the scheme of things it’s a speeding ticket. That’s what Sy will tell you tomorrow. MARK Do you think anybody would mind if I stayed and used the computer for a minute? MARYLIN I can’t imagine it would be a problem. MARK Thanks. I appreciate your help today. MARYLIN You’re not an asshole...

    And blogging. MARK And blogging. MARYLIN (pause) Pay them. In the scheme of things it’s a speeding ticket. That’s what Sy will tell you tomorrow. MARK Do you think anybody would mind if I stayed and used the computer for a minute? MARYLIN I can’t imagine it would be a problem. MARK Thanks. I appreciate your help today. MARYLIN You’re not an asshole...

    And blogging. MARK And blogging. MARYLIN (pause) Pay them. In the scheme of things it’s a speeding ticket. That’s what Sy will tell you tomorrow. MARK Do you think anybody would mind if I stayed and used the computer for a minute? MARYLIN I can’t imagine it would be a problem. MARK Thanks. I appreciate your help today. MARYLIN You’re not an asshole...

    And blogging. MARK And blogging. MARYLIN (pause) Pay them. In the scheme of things it’s a speeding ticket. That’s what Sy will tell you tomorrow. MARK Do you think anybody would mind if I stayed and used the computer for a minute? MARYLIN I can’t imagine it would be a problem. MARK Thanks. I appreciate your help today. MARYLIN You’re not an asshole...

    And blogging. MARK And blogging. MARYLIN (pause) Pay them. In the scheme of things it’s a speeding ticket. That’s what Sy will tell you tomorrow. MARK Do you think anybody would mind if I stayed and used the computer for a minute? MARYLIN I can’t imagine it would be a problem. MARK Thanks. I appreciate your help today. MARYLIN You’re not an asshole...

    And blogging. MARK And blogging. MARYLIN (pause) Pay them. In the scheme of things it’s a speeding ticket. That’s what Sy will tell you tomorrow. MARK Do you think anybody would mind if I stayed and used the computer for a minute? MARYLIN I can’t imagine it would be a problem. MARK Thanks. I appreciate your help today. MARYLIN You’re not an asshole...

    And blogging. MARK And blogging. MARYLIN (pause) Pay them. In the scheme of things it’s a speeding ticket. That’s what Sy will tell you tomorrow. MARK Do you think anybody would mind if I stayed and used the computer for a minute? MARYLIN I can’t imagine it would be a problem. MARK Thanks. I appreciate your help today. MARYLIN You’re not an asshole...

    And blogging. MARK And blogging. MARYLIN (pause) Pay them. In the scheme of things it’s a speeding ticket. That’s what Sy will tell you tomorrow. MARK Do you think anybody would mind if I stayed and used the computer for a minute? MARYLIN I can’t imagine it would be a problem. MARK Thanks. I appreciate your help today. MARYLIN You’re not an asshole...

    And blogging. MARK And blogging. MARYLIN (pause) Pay them. In the scheme of things it’s a speeding ticket. That’s what Sy will tell you tomorrow. MARK Do you think anybody would mind if I stayed and used the computer for a minute? MARYLIN I can’t imagine it would be a problem. MARK Thanks. I appreciate your help today. MARYLIN You’re not an asshole...

    And blogging. MARK And blogging. MARYLIN (pause) Pay them. In the scheme of things it’s a speeding ticket. That’s what Sy will tell you tomorrow. MARK Do you think anybody would mind if I stayed and used the computer for a minute? MARYLIN I can’t imagine it would be a problem. MARK Thanks. I appreciate your help today. MARYLIN You’re not an asshole...

    And blogging. MARK And blogging. MARYLIN (pause) Pay them. In the scheme of things it’s a speeding ticket. That’s what Sy will tell you tomorrow. MARK Do you think anybody would mind if I stayed and used the computer for a minute? MARYLIN I can’t imagine it would be a problem. MARK Thanks. I appreciate your help today. MARYLIN You’re not an asshole...

    And blogging. MARK And blogging. MARYLIN (pause) Pay them. In the scheme of things it’s a speeding ticket. That’s what Sy will tell you tomorrow. MARK Do you think anybody would mind if I stayed and used the computer for a minute? MARYLIN I can’t imagine it would be a problem. MARK Thanks. I appreciate your help today. MARYLIN You’re not an asshole...

    And blogging. MARK And blogging. MARYLIN (pause) Pay them. In the scheme of things it’s a speeding ticket. That’s what Sy will tell you tomorrow. MARK Do you think anybody would mind if I stayed and used the computer for a minute? MARYLIN I can’t imagine it would be a problem. MARK Thanks. I appreciate your help today. MARYLIN You’re not an asshole...

    And blogging. MARK And blogging. MARYLIN (pause) Pay them. In the scheme of things it’s a speeding ticket. That’s what Sy will tell you tomorrow. MARK Do you think anybody would mind if I stayed and used the computer for a minute? MARYLIN I can’t imagine it would be a problem. MARK Thanks. I appreciate your help today. MARYLIN You’re not an asshole...

    And blogging. MARK And blogging. MARYLIN (pause) Pay them. In the scheme of things it’s a speeding ticket. That’s what Sy will tell you tomorrow. MARK Do you think anybody would mind if I stayed and used the computer for a minute? MARYLIN I can’t imagine it would be a problem. MARK Thanks. I appreciate your help today. MARYLIN You’re not an asshole...

    And blogging. MARK And blogging. MARYLIN (pause) Pay them. In the scheme of things it’s a speeding ticket. That’s what Sy will tell you tomorrow. MARK Do you think anybody would mind if I stayed and used the computer for a minute? MARYLIN I can’t imagine it would be a problem. MARK Thanks. I appreciate your help today. MARYLIN You’re not an asshole...

    And blogging. MARK And blogging. MARYLIN (pause) Pay them. In the scheme of things it’s a speeding ticket. That’s what Sy will tell you tomorrow. MARK Do you think anybody would mind if I stayed and used the computer for a minute? MARYLIN I can’t imagine it would be a problem. MARK Thanks. I appreciate your help today. MARYLIN You’re not an asshole...

    And blogging. MARK And blogging. MARYLIN (pause) Pay them. In the scheme of things it’s a speeding ticket. That’s what Sy will tell you tomorrow. MARK Do you think anybody would mind if I stayed and used the computer for a minute? MARYLIN I can’t imagine it would be a problem. MARK Thanks. I appreciate your help today. MARYLIN You’re not an asshole...

    And blogging. MARK And blogging. MARYLIN (pause) Pay them. In the scheme of things it’s a speeding ticket. That’s what Sy will tell you tomorrow. MARK Do you think anybody would mind if I stayed and used the computer for a minute? MARYLIN I can’t imagine it would be a problem. MARK Thanks. I appreciate your help today. MARYLIN You’re not an asshole...

    And blogging. MARK And blogging. MARYLIN (pause) Pay them. In the scheme of things it’s a speeding ticket. That’s what Sy will tell you tomorrow. MARK Do you think anybody would mind if I stayed and used the computer for a minute? MARYLIN I can’t imagine it would be a problem. MARK Thanks. I appreciate your help today. MARYLIN You’re not an asshole...

    And blogging. MARK And blogging. MARYLIN (pause) Pay them. In the scheme of things it’s a speeding ticket. That’s what Sy will tell you tomorrow. MARK Do you think anybody would mind if I stayed and used the computer for a minute? MARYLIN I can’t imagine it would be a problem. MARK Thanks. I appreciate your help today. MARYLIN You’re not an asshole...

    And blogging. MARK And blogging. MARYLIN (pause) Pay them. In the scheme of things it’s a speeding ticket. That’s what Sy will tell you tomorrow. MARK Do you think anybody would mind if I stayed and used the computer for a minute? MARYLIN I can’t imagine it would be a problem. MARK Thanks. I appreciate your help today. MARYLIN You’re not an asshole...

    And blogging. MARK And blogging. MARYLIN (pause) Pay them. In the scheme of things it’s a speeding ticket. That’s what Sy will tell you tomorrow. MARK Do you think anybody would mind if I stayed and used the computer for a minute? MARYLIN I can’t imagine it would be a problem. MARK Thanks. I appreciate your help today. MARYLIN You’re not an asshole...

    And blogging. MARK And blogging. MARYLIN (pause) Pay them. In the scheme of things it’s a speeding ticket. That’s what Sy will tell you tomorrow. MARK Do you think anybody would mind if I stayed and used the computer for a minute? MARYLIN I can’t imagine it would be a problem. MARK Thanks. I appreciate your help today. MARYLIN You’re not an asshole...

    And blogging. MARK And blogging. MARYLIN (pause) Pay them. In the scheme of things it’s a speeding ticket. That’s what Sy will tell you tomorrow. MARK Do you think anybody would mind if I stayed and used the computer for a minute? MARYLIN I can’t imagine it would be a problem. MARK Thanks. I appreciate your help today. MARYLIN You’re not an asshole...

    And blogging. MARK And blogging. MARYLIN (pause) Pay them. In the scheme of things it’s a speeding ticket. That’s what Sy will tell you tomorrow. MARK Do you think anybody would mind if I stayed and used the computer for a minute? MARYLIN I can’t imagine it would be a problem. MARK Thanks. I appreciate your help today. MARYLIN You’re not an asshole...

    And blogging. MARK And blogging. MARYLIN (pause) Pay them. In the scheme of things it’s a speeding ticket. That’s what Sy will tell you tomorrow. MARK Do you think anybody would mind if I stayed and used the computer for a minute? MARYLIN I can’t imagine it would be a problem. MARK Thanks. I appreciate your help today. MARYLIN You’re not an asshole...

    And blogging. MARK And blogging. MARYLIN (pause) Pay them. In the scheme of things it’s a speeding ticket. That’s what Sy will tell you tomorrow. MARK Do you think anybody would mind if I stayed and used the computer for a minute? MARYLIN I can’t imagine it would be a problem. MARK Thanks. I appreciate your help today. MARYLIN You’re not an asshole...

    And blogging. MARK And blogging. MARYLIN (pause) Pay them. In the scheme of things it’s a speeding ticket. That’s what Sy will tell you tomorrow. MARK Do you think anybody would mind if I stayed and used the computer for a minute? MARYLIN I can’t imagine it would be a problem. MARK Thanks. I appreciate your help today. MARYLIN You’re not an asshole...

    And blogging. MARK And blogging. MARYLIN (pause) Pay them. In the scheme of things it’s a speeding ticket. That’s what Sy will tell you tomorrow. MARK Do you think anybody would mind if I stayed and used the computer for a minute? MARYLIN I can’t imagine it would be a problem. MARK Thanks. I appreciate your help today. MARYLIN You’re not an asshole...

    And blogging. MARK And blogging. MARYLIN (pause) Pay them. In the scheme of things it’s a speeding ticket. That’s what Sy will tell you tomorrow. MARK Do you think anybody would mind if I stayed and used the computer for a minute? MARYLIN I can’t imagine it would be a problem. MARK Thanks. I appreciate your help today. MARYLIN You’re not an asshole...

    And blogging. MARK And blogging. MARYLIN (pause) Pay them. In the scheme of things it’s a speeding ticket. That’s what Sy will tell you tomorrow. MARK Do you think anybody would mind if I stayed and used the computer for a minute? MARYLIN I can’t imagine it would be a problem. MARK Thanks. I appreciate your help today. MARYLIN You’re not an asshole...

    And blogging. MARK And blogging. MARYLIN (pause) Pay them. In the scheme of things it’s a speeding ticket. That’s what Sy will tell you tomorrow. MARK Do you think anybody would mind if I stayed and used the computer for a minute? MARYLIN I can’t imagine it would be a problem. MARK Thanks. I appreciate your help today. MARYLIN You’re not an asshole...

    And blogging. MARK And blogging. MARYLIN (pause) Pay them. In the scheme of things it’s a speeding ticket. That’s what Sy will tell you tomorrow. MARK Do you think anybody would mind if I stayed and used the computer for a minute? MARYLIN I can’t imagine it would be a problem. MARK Thanks. I appreciate your help today. MARYLIN You’re not an asshole...

    And blogging. MARK And blogging. MARYLIN (pause) Pay them. In the scheme of things it’s a speeding ticket. That’s what Sy will tell you tomorrow. MARK Do you think anybody would mind if I stayed and used the computer for a minute? MARYLIN I can’t imagine it would be a problem. MARK Thanks. I appreciate your help today. MARYLIN You’re not an asshole...

    And blogging. MARK And blogging. MARYLIN (pause) Pay them. In the scheme of things it’s a speeding ticket. That’s what Sy will tell you tomorrow. MARK Do you think anybody would mind if I stayed and used the computer for a minute? MARYLIN I can’t imagine it would be a problem. MARK Thanks. I appreciate your help today. MARYLIN You’re not an asshole...

    And blogging. MARK And blogging. MARYLIN (pause) Pay them. In the scheme of things it’s a speeding ticket. That’s what Sy will tell you tomorrow. MARK Do you think anybody would mind if I stayed and used the computer for a minute? MARYLIN I can’t imagine it would be a problem. MARK Thanks. I appreciate your help today. MARYLIN You’re not an asshole...

    And blogging. MARK And blogging. MARYLIN (pause) Pay them. In the scheme of things it’s a speeding ticket. That’s what Sy will tell you tomorrow. MARK Do you think anybody would mind if I stayed and used the computer for a minute? MARYLIN I can’t imagine it would be a problem. MARK Thanks. I appreciate your help today. MARYLIN You’re not an asshole...

    And blogging. MARK And blogging. MARYLIN (pause) Pay them. In the scheme of things it’s a speeding ticket. That’s what Sy will tell you tomorrow. MARK Do you think anybody would mind if I stayed and used the computer for a minute? MARYLIN I can’t imagine it would be a problem. MARK Thanks. I appreciate your help today. MARYLIN You’re not an asshole...

    And blogging. MARK And blogging. MARYLIN (pause) Pay them. In the scheme of things it’s a speeding ticket. That’s what Sy will tell you tomorrow. MARK Do you think anybody would mind if I stayed and used the computer for a minute? MARYLIN I can’t imagine it would be a problem. MARK Thanks. I appreciate your help today. MARYLIN You’re not an asshole...

    And blogging. MARK And blogging. MARYLIN (pause) Pay them. In the scheme of things it’s a speeding ticket. That’s what Sy will tell you tomorrow. MARK Do you think anybody would mind if I stayed and used the computer for a minute? MARYLIN I can’t imagine it would be a problem. MARK Thanks. I appreciate your help today. MARYLIN You’re not an asshole...

    And blogging. MARK And blogging. MARYLIN (pause) Pay them. In the scheme of things it’s a speeding ticket. That’s what Sy will tell you tomorrow. MARK Do you think anybody would mind if I stayed and used the computer for a minute? MARYLIN I can’t imagine it would be a problem. MARK Thanks. I appreciate your help today. MARYLIN You’re not an asshole...

    And blogging. MARK And blogging. MARYLIN (pause) Pay them. In the scheme of things it’s a speeding ticket. That’s what Sy will tell you tomorrow. MARK Do you think anybody would mind if I stayed and used the computer for a minute? MARYLIN I can’t imagine it would be a problem. MARK Thanks. I appreciate your help today. MARYLIN You’re not an asshole...

    And blogging. MARK And blogging. MARYLIN (pause) Pay them. In the scheme of things it’s a speeding ticket. That’s what Sy will tell you tomorrow. MARK Do you think anybody would mind if I stayed and used the computer for a minute? MARYLIN I can’t imagine it would be a problem. MARK Thanks. I appreciate your help today. MARYLIN You’re not an asshole...

    And blogging. MARK And blogging. MARYLIN (pause) Pay them. In the scheme of things it’s a speeding ticket. That’s what Sy will tell you tomorrow. MARK Do you think anybody would mind if I stayed and used the computer for a minute? MARYLIN I can’t imagine it would be a problem. MARK Thanks. I appreciate your help today. MARYLIN You’re not an asshole...

    And blogging. MARK And blogging. MARYLIN (pause) Pay them. In the scheme of things it’s a speeding ticket. That’s what Sy will tell you tomorrow. MARK Do you think anybody would mind if I stayed and used the computer for a minute? MARYLIN I can’t imagine it would be a problem. MARK Thanks. I appreciate your help today. MARYLIN You’re not an asshole...

    And blogging. MARK And blogging. MARYLIN (pause) Pay them. In the scheme of things it’s a speeding ticket. That’s what Sy will tell you tomorrow. MARK Do you think anybody would mind if I stayed and used the computer for a minute? MARYLIN I can’t imagine it would be a problem. MARK Thanks. I appreciate your help today. MARYLIN You’re not an asshole...

    And blogging. MARK And blogging. MARYLIN (pause) Pay them. In the scheme of things it’s a speeding ticket. That’s what Sy will tell you tomorrow. MARK Do you think anybody would mind if I stayed and used the computer for a minute? MARYLIN I can’t imagine it would be a problem. MARK Thanks. I appreciate your help today. MARYLIN You’re not an asshole...

    And blogging. MARK And blogging. MARYLIN (pause) Pay them. In the scheme of things it’s a speeding ticket. That’s what Sy will tell you tomorrow. MARK Do you think anybody would mind if I stayed and used the computer for a minute? MARYLIN I can’t imagine it would be a problem. MARK Thanks. I appreciate your help today. MARYLIN You’re not an asshole...

    And blogging. MARK And blogging. MARYLIN (pause) Pay them. In the scheme of things it’s a speeding ticket. That’s what Sy will tell you tomorrow. MARK Do you think anybody would mind if I stayed and used the computer for a minute? MARYLIN I can’t imagine it would be a problem. MARK Thanks. I appreciate your help today. MARYLIN You’re not an asshole...

    And blogging. MARK And blogging. MARYLIN (pause) Pay them. In the scheme of things it’s a speeding ticket. That’s what Sy will tell you tomorrow. MARK Do you think anybody would mind if I stayed and used the computer for a minute? MARYLIN I can’t imagine it would be a problem. MARK Thanks. I appreciate your help today. MARYLIN You’re not an asshole...

    And blogging. MARK And blogging. MARYLIN (pause) Pay them. In the scheme of things it’s a speeding ticket. That’s what Sy will tell you tomorrow. MARK Do you think anybody would mind if I stayed and used the computer for a minute? MARYLIN I can’t imagine it would be a problem. MARK Thanks. I appreciate your help today. MARYLIN You’re not an asshole...

    And blogging. MARK And blogging. MARYLIN (pause) Pay them. In the scheme of things it’s a speeding ticket. That’s what Sy will tell you tomorrow. MARK Do you think anybody would mind if I stayed and used the computer for a minute? MARYLIN I can’t imagine it would be a problem. MARK Thanks. I appreciate your help today. MARYLIN You’re not an asshole...

    And blogging. MARK And blogging. MARYLIN (pause) Pay them. In the scheme of things it’s a speeding ticket. That’s what Sy will tell you tomorrow. MARK Do you think anybody would mind if I stayed and used the computer for a minute? MARYLIN I can’t imagine it would be a problem. MARK Thanks. I appreciate your help today. MARYLIN You’re not an asshole...

    And blogging. MARK And blogging. MARYLIN (pause) Pay them. In the scheme of things it’s a speeding ticket. That’s what Sy will tell you tomorrow. MARK Do you think anybody would mind if I stayed and used the computer for a minute? MARYLIN I can’t imagine it would be a problem. MARK Thanks. I appreciate your help today. MARYLIN You’re not an asshole...

    And blogging. MARK And blogging. MARYLIN (pause) Pay them. In the scheme of things it’s a speeding ticket. That’s what Sy will tell you tomorrow. MARK Do you think anybody would mind if I stayed and used the computer for a minute? MARYLIN I can’t imagine it would be a problem. MARK Thanks. I appreciate your help today. MARYLIN You’re not an asshole...

    And blogging. MARK And blogging. MARYLIN (pause) Pay them. In the scheme of things it’s a speeding ticket. That’s what Sy will tell you tomorrow. MARK Do you think anybody would mind if I stayed and used the computer for a minute? MARYLIN I can’t imagine it would be a problem. MARK Thanks. I appreciate your help today. MARYLIN You’re not an asshole...

    And blogging. MARK And blogging. MARYLIN (pause) Pay them. In the scheme of things it’s a speeding ticket. That’s what Sy will tell you tomorrow. MARK Do you think anybody would mind if I stayed and used the computer for a minute? MARYLIN I can’t imagine it would be a problem. MARK Thanks. I appreciate your help today. MARYLIN You’re not an asshole...

    And blogging. MARK And blogging. MARYLIN (pause) Pay them. In the scheme of things it’s a speeding ticket. That’s what Sy will tell you tomorrow. MARK Do you think anybody would mind if I stayed and used the computer for a minute? MARYLIN I can’t imagine it would be a problem. MARK Thanks. I appreciate your help today. MARYLIN You’re not an asshole...

    And blogging. MARK And blogging. MARYLIN (pause) Pay them. In the scheme of things it’s a speeding ticket. That’s what Sy will tell you tomorrow. MARK Do you think anybody would mind if I stayed and used the computer for a minute? MARYLIN I can’t imagine it would be a problem. MARK Thanks. I appreciate your help today. MARYLIN You’re not an asshole...

    And blogging. MARK And blogging. MARYLIN (pause) Pay them. In the scheme of things it’s a speeding ticket. That’s what Sy will tell you tomorrow. MARK Do you think anybody would mind if I stayed and used the computer for a minute? MARYLIN I can’t imagine it would be a problem. MARK Thanks. I appreciate your help today. MARYLIN You’re not an asshole...

    And blogging. MARK And blogging. MARYLIN (pause) Pay them. In the scheme of things it’s a speeding ticket. That’s what Sy will tell you tomorrow. MARK Do you think anybody would mind if I stayed and used the computer for a minute? MARYLIN I can’t imagine it would be a problem. MARK Thanks. I appreciate your help today. MARYLIN You’re not an asshole...

    And blogging. MARK And blogging. MARYLIN (pause) Pay them. In the scheme of things it’s a speeding ticket. That’s what Sy will tell you tomorrow. MARK Do you think anybody would mind if I stayed and used the computer for a minute? MARYLIN I can’t imagine it would be a problem. MARK Thanks. I appreciate your help today. MARYLIN You’re not an asshole...

    And blogging. MARK And blogging. MARYLIN (pause) Pay them. In the scheme of things it’s a speeding ticket. That’s what Sy will tell you tomorrow. MARK Do you think anybody would mind if I stayed and used the computer for a minute? MARYLIN I can’t imagine it would be a problem. MARK Thanks. I appreciate your help today. MARYLIN You’re not an asshole...

    And blogging. MARK And blogging. MARYLIN (pause) Pay them. In the scheme of things it’s a speeding ticket. That’s what Sy will tell you tomorrow. MARK Do you think anybody would mind if I stayed and used the computer for a minute? MARYLIN I can’t imagine it would be a problem. MARK Thanks. I appreciate your help today. MARYLIN You’re not an asshole...

    And blogging. MARK And blogging. MARYLIN (pause) Pay them. In the scheme of things it’s a speeding ticket. That’s what Sy will tell you tomorrow. MARK Do you think anybody would mind if I stayed and used the computer for a minute? MARYLIN I can’t imagine it would be a problem. MARK Thanks. I appreciate your help today. MARYLIN You’re not an asshole...

    And blogging. MARK And blogging. MARYLIN (pause) Pay them. In the scheme of things it’s a speeding ticket. That’s what Sy will tell you tomorrow. MARK Do you think anybody would mind if I stayed and used the computer for a minute? MARYLIN I can’t imagine it would be a problem. MARK Thanks. I appreciate your help today. MARYLIN You’re not an asshole...

    And blogging. MARK And blogging. MARYLIN (pause) Pay them. In the scheme of things it’s a speeding ticket. That’s what Sy will tell you tomorrow. MARK Do you think anybody would mind if I stayed and used the computer for a minute? MARYLIN I can’t imagine it would be a problem. MARK Thanks. I appreciate your help today. MARYLIN You’re not an asshole...

    And blogging. MARK And blogging. MARYLIN (pause) Pay them. In the scheme of things it’s a speeding ticket. That’s what Sy will tell you tomorrow. MARK Do you think anybody would mind if I stayed and used the computer for a minute? MARYLIN I can’t imagine it would be a problem. MARK Thanks. I appreciate your help today. MARYLIN You’re not an asshole...

    And blogging. MARK And blogging. MARYLIN (pause) Pay them. In the scheme of things it’s a speeding ticket. That’s what Sy will tell you tomorrow. MARK Do you think anybody would mind if I stayed and used the computer for a minute? MARYLIN I can’t imagine it would be a problem. MARK Thanks. I appreciate your help today. MARYLIN You’re not an asshole...

    And blogging. MARK And blogging. MARYLIN (pause) Pay them. In the scheme of things it’s a speeding ticket. That’s what Sy will tell you tomorrow. MARK Do you think anybody would mind if I stayed and used the computer for a minute? MARYLIN I can’t imagine it would be a problem. MARK Thanks. I appreciate your help today. MARYLIN You’re not an asshole...

    And blogging. MARK And blogging. MARYLIN (pause) Pay them. In the scheme of things it’s a speeding ticket. That’s what Sy will tell you tomorrow. MARK Do you think anybody would mind if I stayed and used the computer for a minute? MARYLIN I can’t imagine it would be a problem. MARK Thanks. I appreciate your help today. MARYLIN You’re not an asshole...

    And blogging. MARK And blogging. MARYLIN (pause) Pay them. In the scheme of things it’s a speeding ticket. That’s what Sy will tell you tomorrow. MARK Do you think anybody would mind if I stayed and used the computer for a minute? MARYLIN I can’t imagine it would be a problem. MARK Thanks. I appreciate your help today. MARYLIN You’re not an asshole...

    And blogging. MARK And blogging. MARYLIN (pause) Pay them. In the scheme of things it’s a speeding ticket. That’s what Sy will tell you tomorrow. MARK Do you think anybody would mind if I stayed and used the computer for a minute? MARYLIN I can’t imagine it would be a problem. MARK Thanks. I appreciate your help today. MARYLIN You’re not an asshole...

    And blogging. MARK And blogging. MARYLIN (pause) Pay them. In the scheme of things it’s a speeding ticket. That’s what Sy will tell you tomorrow. MARK Do you think anybody would mind if I stayed and used the computer for a minute? MARYLIN I can’t imagine it would be a problem. MARK Thanks. I appreciate your help today. MARYLIN You’re not an asshole...

    And blogging. MARK And blogging. MARYLIN (pause) Pay them. In the scheme of things it’s a speeding ticket. That’s what Sy will tell you tomorrow. MARK Do you think anybody would mind if I stayed and used the computer for a minute? MARYLIN I can’t imagine it would be a problem. MARK Thanks. I appreciate your help today. MARYLIN You’re not an asshole...

    And blogging. MARK And blogging. MARYLIN (pause) Pay them. In the scheme of things it’s a speeding ticket. That’s what Sy will tell you tomorrow. MARK Do you think anybody would mind if I stayed and used the computer for a minute? MARYLIN I can’t imagine it would be a problem. MARK Thanks. I appreciate your help today. MARYLIN You’re not an asshole...

    And blogging. MARK And blogging. MARYLIN (pause) Pay them. In the scheme of things it’s a speeding ticket. That’s what Sy will tell you tomorrow. MARK Do you think anybody would mind if I stayed and used the computer for a minute? MARYLIN I can’t imagine it would be a problem. MARK Thanks. I appreciate your help today. MARYLIN You’re not an asshole...

    And blogging. MARK And blogging. MARYLIN (pause) Pay them. In the scheme of things it’s a speeding ticket. That’s what Sy will tell you tomorrow. MARK Do you think anybody would mind if I stayed and used the computer for a minute? MARYLIN I can’t imagine it would be a problem. MARK Thanks. I appreciate your help today. MARYLIN You’re not an asshole...

    And blogging. MARK And blogging. MARYLIN (pause) Pay them. In the scheme of things it’s a speeding ticket. That’s what Sy will tell you tomorrow. MARK Do you think anybody would mind if I stayed and used the computer for a minute? MARYLIN I can’t imagine it would be a problem. MARK Thanks. I appreciate your help today. MARYLIN You’re not an asshole...

    And blogging. MARK And blogging. MARYLIN (pause) Pay them. In the scheme of things it’s a speeding ticket. That’s what Sy will tell you tomorrow. MARK Do you think anybody would mind if I stayed and used the computer for a minute? MARYLIN I can’t imagine it would be a problem. MARK Thanks. I appreciate your help today. MARYLIN You’re not an asshole...

    And blogging. MARK And blogging. MARYLIN (pause) Pay them. In the scheme of things it’s a speeding ticket. That’s what Sy will tell you tomorrow. MARK Do you think anybody would mind if I stayed and used the computer for a minute? MARYLIN I can’t imagine it would be a problem. MARK Thanks. I appreciate your help today. MARYLIN You’re not an asshole...

    And blogging. MARK And blogging. MARYLIN (pause) Pay them. In the scheme of things it’s a speeding ticket. That’s what Sy will tell you tomorrow. MARK Do you think anybody would mind if I stayed and used the computer for a minute? MARYLIN I can’t imagine it would be a problem. MARK Thanks. I appreciate your help today. MARYLIN You’re not an asshole...

    And blogging. MARK And blogging. MARYLIN (pause) Pay them. In the scheme of things it’s a speeding ticket. That’s what Sy will tell you tomorrow. MARK Do you think anybody would mind if I stayed and used the computer for a minute? MARYLIN I can’t imagine it would be a problem. MARK Thanks. I appreciate your help today. MARYLIN You’re not an asshole...

    And blogging. MARK And blogging. MARYLIN (pause) Pay them. In the scheme of things it’s a speeding ticket. That’s what Sy will tell you tomorrow. MARK Do you think anybody would mind if I stayed and used the computer for a minute? MARYLIN I can’t imagine it would be a problem. MARK Thanks. I appreciate your help today. MARYLIN You’re not an asshole...

    And blogging. MARK And blogging. MARYLIN (pause) Pay them. In the scheme of things it’s a speeding ticket. That’s what Sy will tell you tomorrow. MARK Do you think anybody would mind if I stayed and used the computer for a minute? MARYLIN I can’t imagine it would be a problem. MARK Thanks. I appreciate your help today. MARYLIN You’re not an asshole...

  5. The Social Network (2010) - full transcript. On a fall night in 2003, Harvard undergrad and computer programming genius Mark Zuckerberg sits down at his computer and heatedly begins working on a new idea. In a fury of blogging and programming, what begins in his dorm room soon becomes a global social network and a revolution in communication.

  6. 12 de sept. de 2018 · In 2003, Harvard undergrad and computer genius Mark Zuckerberg (Jesse Eisenberg) begins work on a new concept that eventually turns into the global social network known as Facebook.