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  1. By William E. Stafford. Traveling through the dark I found a deer. dead on the edge of the Wilson River road. It is usually best to roll them into the canyon: that road is narrow; to swerve might make more dead. By glow of the tail-light I stumbled back of the car. and stood by the heap, a doe, a recent killing;

    • Summary
    • Detailed Analysis
    • Structure and Form
    • Literary Devices
    • Similar Poetry

    ‘Traveling through the Dark’by William Stafford is a short but effective poem about the death of a deer. The speaker starts the poem by describing how he saw a deer on the side of the road and decided to stop and roll the body off and out of the way. This, he says, could save someone from losing their life. Before he can roll the deer into the rive...

    Stanza One

    The first lines of this narrative poem begin with the speaker describing how they came upon a dead deer on the side of the road. Rather than drive past it, they decided to stop and roll it down into the canyon. The speaker suggests that this is the best practice when one finds “them.” Here, he’s alluding to the fact that he, or others he knows, have more than once been in this same situation. This gives the entire series of events a feeling of repetitionand normalcy. The reason that it’s impo...

    Stanza Two

    The speaker continues to describe the scene, using imagery in order to help the reader better understand what they experienced in these moments. They noted how the tail lights of their car were the only lights they had to move by. They “stumbled” to the back of the car, suggesting that it’s quite dark out and there may be more things in the way. There, they encounter the dead doe who, although recently killed was already stiffening. The fourth line of this stanza reveals that the deer was pre...

    Stanza Three

    The third stanza builds up tension with the speaker realizing that the fawn inside its mother is still alive, “never to be born.” This makes him hesitate as he prepares to roll her off the road. He wasn’t sure for a moment what the right choice was, to do something about the unborn fawn or continue with his mission.

    ‘Traveling through the Dark’ by William Stafford is a five-stanza poem that is separated into sets of four lines, known as quatrains. This remains true throughout the entire poem until the final stanza, which has two lines, making it a couplet. The poem is written in free verse. This means that the lines do not follow a specific rhyme schemeor metr...

    Throughout this poem, Stafford engages with several literary devices. These include but are not limited to: 1. Alliteration: can be seen when the poet repeatsthe same consonant sound at the beginning of multiple words. For example, “dark” and “deer” in the first line of the poem and “parking” and “purred” in lines one and two of the fourth stanza. ...

    Readers who enjoyed ‘Traveling through the Dark’ should also consider reading some of William Stafford poems. For example: 1. ‘Cutting Loose’ – focuses on being positive in life, despite circumstances and events that might try to tear one down. 2. ‘Our Story’ – describes a never ending love story featuring a couple who will always find their way ba...

    • Female
    • October 9, 1995
    • Poetry Analyst And Editor
  2. The American poet William Stafford published "Traveling through the Dark" in 1962. While driving on a narrow road at night, the poem's speaker finds a dead deer and decides to move the body so that it won't cause other drivers to dangerously swerve out of the way.

  3. 3 de nov. de 2023 · William Stafford and a Summary of "Traveling Through the Dark" "Traveling Through the Dark" is a deceptively simple poem that records the actions of a driver who finds a deer killed on the road by a previous car.

  4. Dive deep into William Stafford's Traveling Through the Dark with extended analysis, commentary, and discussion.

  5. Traveling Through the Dark Lyrics. Traveling through the dark I found a deer. dead on the edge of the Wilson River road. It is usually best to roll them into the canyon: that road is...

  6. Singled out as an example of moral directive is the much-anthologized poem "Traveling through the Dark." The speaker of the poem is driving through the dark and stops to clear a dead doe off the narrow highway, but hesitates before pushing the doe down the embankment when he notices that the animal is pregnant, and that her unborn fawn is still ...