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  1. Koolhaas rodea el Commons Building transformando la estructura más antigua en una pieza que se puede admirar desde el Puente Mies, cerca de la entrada al Campus Center.

  2. Rem Koolhaas OMA - Office for Metropolitan Architecture Suiza La propuesta conecta el centro del campus, donde confluyen sus dos ejes principales, con el sector sur a través de un edificio que se levanta y se pliega en su extremo oeste, cruzando como un puente la explanada central; organizada en terrazas escalo

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  3. Rem Koolhaas was the winner of an international architectural competition organized in 1997 as part of the set of actions planned to modernize the center. Among the finalists were Peter Eisenman, Helmut Jahn, Zaha Hadid and Kazuyo Sejima .

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  4. McCormick Tribune Campus Center, Chicago. The aim of the project was to reinvigorate the IIT Campus, planned by Mies van der Rohe in the 1940s. Over the years the campus had sprawled but lost half its population, and was separated by elevated railway tracks.

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  5. The McCormick Tribune Campus Center opened September 30, 2003. [1] A single-story 110,000-square-foot (10,000 m 2) building, it was the first building designed by architect Rem Koolhaas within the United States.

  6. In the middle of the greatest concentration of Ludwig Mies van der Rohe’s International Style buildings in Chicago you will find the McCormick Tribune Campus Center, designed by Rem Koolhaas of the Office for Metropolitan Architecture (OMA).

  7. Here we take a Street View tour of 8 of Koolhaas’ buildings from around the world, which play with scale, materials and shape, and get a sense of how he's injected modern cityscapes with a sense...

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