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  1. Liberation theology is a theological approach emphasizing the "liberation of the oppressed". It engages in socio-economic analyses, with social concern for the poor and political liberation for oppressed peoples [1] and addresses other forms of perceived inequality.

  2. Hace 3 días · liberation theology, religious movement arising in late 20th-century Roman Catholicism and centred in Latin America. It sought to apply religious faith by aiding the poor and oppressed through involvement in political and civic affairs.

  3. Liberation theology emerged in the 1960s in Latin America and thrived until it reached a crisis in the 1990s. This work traces the distinct developments in thought through the decades, thus presenting a contextual theology.

  4. La teología de la liberación es una corriente teológica cristiana integrada por varias vertientes católicas y protestantes, nacida en América Latina en la década de 1960 tras la aparición de las Comunidades Eclesiales de Base, el Concilio Vaticano II (1962-1965) y la Conferencia Episcopal de Medellín (1968), que se caracteriza por considerar que...

  5. En este artículo se realizará, en primer lugar, un balance crítico de las interpretaciones anteriores de la teología de la liberación. En segundo lugar, se definirá un nuevo marco de análisis del fenómeno desde la perspectiva de campo social.

  6. Liberation theology emerged formally among theologians in South America in response to rising expectations produced by two key external factors: the successful Cuban revolution (1959) and the ecumenical zeitgeist associated with Vatican II (1962–1965).

  7. Liberation theology looks to understand Christianity and religion through the salvific process of liberation. Such a theology does “not stop with reflecting on the world, but rather tries to be a part of the process through which the world is transformed” (Gutiérrez 1973, 12).