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  1. 1 de dic. de 2020 · Transit Signal Priorities (TSP) is a common control strategy at signalized intersections in Bus Transit Corridors (BTC). Performance pre-evaluation for the TSP is usually based on simulation assessment models and analytical assessment models in order to delineate the scope of TSP projects.

    • Yue Qiu, Linghan Zheng, Yuchuan Du, Shengchuan Jiang
    • 2020
  2. Las señales de tránsito de advertencia, o en inglés warning signs, se encargan de alertar a los conductores de peligros o situaciones inesperadas que pueden presentarse en los siguientes kilómetros del camino. Por lo general buscan la reducción de velocidad, preparación de frenos y el incremento de la atención en el camino.

  3. 1 de feb. de 2020 · To alleviate bus retardation in all its forms, transit signal priority (TSP) is commonly used. Curiously however, the potential of TSP to enhance bus control practices has not been explored in detail. This paper evaluates a form of TSP designed for this purpose.

    • Paul Anderson, Paul Anderson, Carlos F. Daganzo
    • 2019
  4. The TRB Transit Cooperative Research Program's TCRP Synthesis 149: Transit Signal Priority: Current State of the Practice documents the current practice of TSP, which is an important tool that increases bus speeds and reliability, thereby improving transit system efficiency and effectiveness.

  5. Transit Signal Priority (TSP) tools modify traffic signal timing or phasing when transit vehicles are present either conditionally for late runs or unconditionally for all arriving transit.

  6. Transit Priority as a Societal Objective. Transit use benefits society. Congestion. Air quality, climate impact, energy use. Vibrant communities. Priority breaks the vicious cycle in which congestion drives people to switch from transit to car.

  7. Transit signal progressions, a form of pre-timed or “passive” transit signal priority, are signal progressions (green waves) set to realistic travel speeds for on-street transit, often in the 12–20 mph range. Signal progression speeds determine the pace of an urban street.