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  1. A subject complement is a word or phrase that follows a linking verb and identifies or describes the subject. (Note: A linking verb is a verb used to link a subject to a new identity or description. Common examples are "to be," "to become," "to appear," "to feel," "to look," "to smell," and "to taste.")

  2. A subject complement gives us more information about the subject. It usually comes after linking verbs and sense verbs (including be, seem, smell, taste), and after change of state verbs (including go, get, become). Subject complements: parts of speech.

  3. 30 de jun. de 2023 · A subject complement is a word or phrase that appears after a linking verb in a sentence and is closely related to the sentence’s subject—identifying, defining, or describing it. A subject complement’s job, along with a linking verb, is to clarify the subject of a sentence.

  4. A subject complement in English describes or renames a sentence subject and completes the sense of the verb by means of an adjective, a noun, a pronoun, a possessive noun or pronoun, or an adverb of time or place. A subject complement can be a word or words, a phrase, or a clause.

  5. 31 de jul. de 2019 · A subject complement is a word or phrase (usually an adjective phrase, noun phrase, or pronoun) that follows a linking verb and describes or renames the subject of the sentence. Also called a subjective complement . In traditional grammar, a subject complement is usually identified as either a predicate nominative or a predicate adjective .

    • Richard Nordquist
  6. Define subject complement: the definition of subject complement is a complement that follows a linking verb and modifies or completes the sentences predicate. In summary, a subject complement: always follows a linking verb. is an noun, pronoun, or adjective.

  7. 14 de may. de 2024 · Subject complement refers to words, phrases, and clauses that come after the linking verb and expounds or modifies a sentence’s subject. Subject complements are grammatical components contained in the predicate of a sentence.