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  1. The Brotherhood of Evil is a group of DC Comics supervillains, archenemies of the Doom Patrol, Justice League and Teen Titans. The Brotherhood of Evil appears in the third season of the HBO Max series Doom Patrol.

  2. The Brotherhood of Evil is an organization dedicated to conquering the world and destroying the Doom Patrol. They are lead by genius The Brain and his talking gorilla sidekick Monsieur Mallah, who hold a personal grudge against the Doom Patrol's leader Niles Caulder.

  3. La Hermandad del mal (en inglés Brotherhood of Evil) es un grupo ficticio de supervillanos del universo DC Comics. Son los archienemigos de la Patrulla Condenada original y de los Jóvenes Titanes.

  4. Fantasy. Sci-fi. The Brotherhood of Evil is an evil organization bent on world domination led by The Brain and his associates Monsieur Mallah, Madame Rouge, and General Immortus, and are the main antagonists of Season 5. Their plan is to eliminate the Doom Patrol and take over the world.

  5. Fantasy. Horror. Sci-fi. The Brotherhood of Evil is an evil organization that seeks world domination and a massive group of all of the DC Comics supervillains in the Teen Titans comic book series and serves as the main antagonists of the fifth and final season of the Teen Titans cartoon series.

  6. Learn about the Brotherhood of Evil, a team of supervillains who fight the Doom Patrol and the Teen Titans in various comics and media. See the list of members, their powers, and their appearances.

  7. The Brotherhood of Evil is the most powerful Terrorist Organizations in the world, lead by the disembodied scientist known only as the Brain. Their operations have been thwarted by many superheroes, but most prominently, the Doom Patrol and the Teen Titans. 74 Appearances of Brotherhood of Evil...