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  1. › wiki › WerowocomocoWerowocomoco - Wikipedia

    Werowocomoco was a village that served as the headquarters of Chief Powhatan, a Virginia Algonquian political and spiritual leader when the English founded Jamestown in 1607. The name Werowocomoco comes from the Powhatan werowans , meaning "leader" in English; and komakah (-comoco), "settlement".

  2. 11 de dic. de 2023 · Beyond the story of Powhatan, Pocahontas, and Captain John Smith, Werowocomoco holds countless untold lessons about American Indian societies in the Chesapeake stretching back thousands of years. Duration: 10 minutes, 15 seconds.

  3. Werowocomoco—translated in the general sense from the Virginia Algonquian language as “place of leadership”—was the residence of a powerful political and spiritual leader known as Powhatan. His daughter Pocahontas could be found there too.

  4. Werowocomoco, translated from the Virginia Algonquian language, means “place of leadership”. As an archaeological site, Werowocomoco was confirmed in 2002, nearly 400 years after the Indian leader paramount chief Powhatan and his people interacted with Jamestown settlers here and at Jamestown.

  5. Werowocomoco was abandoned, and the location of the dramatic confrontations between Smith and Powhatan that ensured the English foothold in North America was lost to history.

  6. Virginia's Gloucester once held a king. One of the dwellings of grim old Powhatan was upon a bend of the York, the lovely Werowocomoco, whose curved shores are gay with riotous wild grape-vines and glossy bamboo. The great stone chimney of this kingly wigwam defied cold and heat for over two hundred years. A short time ago it fell.

  7. Werowocomoco sits on a high bluff on the north side of the York River. From the bluff, it was easy to see who was traveling on the river and detect anyone approaching Werowocomoco by water. The York River is approximately a mile-and a-half wide at the Werowocomoco site.