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  1. Proprietary software is a subset of non-free software, a term defined in contrast to free and open-source software; non-commercial licenses such as CC BY-NC are not deemed proprietary, but are non-free.

  2. El software propietario 1 , privativo 2 o no libre (en contraposición al software libre ), es el software del cual no existe una forma libre de acceso a su código fuente, el cual solo se encuentra a disposición de su desarrollador y no se permite su libre modificación, adaptación o incluso lectura por parte de terceros.

  3. Learn about proprietary software, which is software developed by an individual or company that chooses not to publicly share the program’s source code. Find out how proprietary software differs from open-source software, what are its advantages and disadvantages, and what are some common examples.

  4. Proprietary software is owned by an organization or an individual, as opposed to “public-domain software,” which is freely distributed. The explosion in the use of the Internet has expanded the reach of public-domain software since it is now much easier to transmit these programs.