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  1. Hace 2 días · Incluso Woody Allen, autor, a sus 88 años, de 50 películas, declaraba a la revista Airmail que ya no descarta que la que estrenó hace unos meses, Golpe de suerte, acabe siendo la última.

  2. Great tribute! I just rewatched it a few nights ago, probably somewhere between my 20th-30th time since I first saw it in college. Right now I’m rewatching Husbands and Wives, which ties with Crimes and Misdemeanors as my favorite Woody Allen film, though Annie Hall, Manhattan, and Hannah and Her Sisters are right up there too:) Eternally brilliant works of art.

  3. Hace 3 días · No soy amigo, para mi mala fortuna, de la rubia quitasueño Scarlett Johansson, protagonista de la recientemente estrenada película «Vicky Cristina en Barcelona», dirigida por Woody Allen. Soy, para mi buena fortuna, amigo de Vicky Cristina de Hannover, homónima de la protagonista del film de Allen.

  4. Hace 1 día · Allen has only appeared on American television in two or three things since 1969, and they weren’t sketch comedy shows or talk shows or ordinary television series. By the time SNL began in 1975, Allen had already made enough of a reputation as a filmmaker that he didn’t have to publicize his own movies.

  5. Hace 1 día · The Venom franchise is one of the weirdest in the history of movies. Tom Hardy has said that his Eddie Brock/Venom was inspired by the neurotic comedic energy of Woody Allen and UFC superstar/fledgling actor Conor McGregor among other seemingly unrelated sources. Neither of the first two flicks in this bizzaro trilogy were critically acclaimed,

  6. Hace 2 días · El caso de Woody Allen. La disociación moral puede explicar por qué, por ejemplo, Woody Allen sigue teniendo una base de fans entregada y recibe apoyo dentro de la industria cinematográfica a pesar de enfrentarse a acusaciones de conducta sexual inapropiada.

  7. Hace 3 días · Allen was called out in an op-ed in Los Angeles Times by Dylan Farrow, titled “Why has the #MeToo revolution spared Woody Allen?”.Following the repercussions of the article, the three main actors of the film, Chalamet, Gomez, and Hall, announced that they would donate their salaries to various charities in the wake of the allegations (via The Guardian).

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