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  1. Georg Elser was a KPD member who tried to carry out a decapitation strike against the Nazi leadership via a time bomb in November 1939. The attack could've killed not only Hitler, but Heinrich Himmler, Rudolf Hess, Reinhard Heydrich, Joseph Goebbels, Martin Bormann, Robert Ley, and Alfred Rosenberg.

  2. Hace 2 días · 2 – L’impatto del Medioevo nella formazione politico-spirituale di Heinrich Himmler. 37-45 3 – Un Romano reazionario e il Sicherheitsdienst: il Rapporto Hanke ed il Mistero del Graal. 46-54 4- Il razzismo ghibellino di Julius Evola e la lotta nazionalsocialista al giudaismo, quale contrafforte della Rivoluzione Conservatrice. 54-72

  3. Hace 4 días · Heinrich Himmler’s Pistols; Ruger Mark IV 22/45 Lite; 240 YDS with an 85 year old .22 Revolver!! Africa wins again; Richard Talks Refitting the USS ...

  4. Hace 4 días · That was to be his ultimate downfall. Himmler was believed to have had a scar on his face since a young age and therefore, deliberately scarring his face would be an incorrect answer. 9. When Heinrich finally knew his time was up, he was making preparations for his death.

  5. Hace 9 horas · SS-foringinn Heinrich Himmler fyrirskipaði þýskum vísindamönnum að halda til Tíbet í leit að uppruna aríska kynstofnsins. Vísindamennirnir hugðust stunda rannsóknir á íbúum landsins í því skyni að færa sönnur á að Tíbetar væru af arískum uppruna.

  6. Hace 6 días · 7 most notorious Nazis in history. Pravrajya Suruchi. Adolf Hitler (1889-1945): The leader of the Nazi Party and the architect of the Holocaust. Heinrich Himmler (1900-1945): The head of the SS (Schutzstaffel), the elite paramilitary wing of the Nazi Party. Joseph Goebbels (1897-1945): The Nazi propaganda minister who used his powerful ...

  7. Hace 9 horas · En todo caso es un hecho que el 23 de octubre de 1940, durante la visita del Reichsführer de las SS, Heinrich Himmler, a Barcelona, solicitó ser llevado a Montserrat.

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