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  1. Charles Dickens corresponded with him and sat for portraits in 1841 and 1842. Charles Dickens who was also known for his dandified style of dress, but their friendship went beyond fashion and art with Dickens naming his sixth child Alfred after the Count. Both d'Orsay and the poet Alfred Tennyson were godparents of Alfred D'Orsay Tennyson Dickens.

  2. Born at 1 Devonshire Terrace, Dora Dickens was named after the character Dora Spenlow, the child-bride of David Copperfield in Charles' 1850 novel David Copperfield. According to her oldest sister, Mary , on 14 April 1851 her father spent much of his time "playing with the children and carrying little Dora about the house and garden" of their Devonshire Terrace home.

  3. Alfred D’Orsay Tennyson Dickens. Alfred was the sixth child born to Charles and Catherine. He left England when he was twenty and moved to Australia, leaving behind unpaid bills. He was nicknamed “Sampson Brass” and “Skittles” by his father. Dickens hoped his son would make his own life in Austral a. He remained there for forty-five ...

  4. Dickens was so convinced of the redeeming qualities of antipodean emigration that he sent two of his sons, Alfred D’Orsay Tennyson Dickens and Edward Bulwer Lytton Dickens, to settle in Australia. Both, in their father’s opinion, lacked application and staying power, which would be remedied by a colonial experience.

  5. Alfred D'Orsay Tennyson DICKENS (28a de oktobro 1845 – 2a de januaro 1912) estis la sesa gefilo kaj kvara virfilo de la angla romanisto Charles Dickens kaj de lia edzino Catherine. Li faris prelegajn turneojn en Aŭstralio, Eŭropo kaj Usono pri la vivo kaj verkaro de sia patro.

  6. Fourth son of Charles Dickens. His godfathers were Alfred, Lord Tennyson and Count Alfred D'Orsay. He was educated at Boulogne-sur-Mer before he attended Brackenbury's Military School in Wimbledon. But he failed his exam for the Army and he worked for two years in a China House in London. In June 1865 he emigrated to Australia.

  7. Alfred D'Orsay Tennyson Dickens (28 October 1845 – 2 January 1912) Alfred was named after his two godfathers Alfred, Lord Tennyson and Alfred, Count d'Orsay. His father nicknamed him "Sampson Brass" and "Skittles" Like most of the Dickens children, Alfred failed to achieve much in his life.