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  1. 28 de oct. de 2022 · Italian designer Enrico Marone Cinzano is on a mission to prove that sustainable and luxurious furniture are not mutually exclusive with the launch of his first solo exhibition at Hong Kong’s Pearl Lam Design gallery. Entitled ‘China Clean’, the exhibition features eight key sculptural pieces inspired by the designer’s frequent travels ...

  2. 意大利绿色环保设计师. 恩里科·马罗内·沁扎诺(Enrico Marone Cinzano)伯爵于1963年4月5日出生在意大利都灵,父亲是阿尔贝托·保罗·鲁道夫·马罗内·沁扎诺·阿尔科塔伯爵 (Count Alberto Marone Cinzano) [1],母亲是克里斯蒂娜·马罗内·沁扎诺伯爵夫人 (Countess Cristina ...

  3. Enrico Marone Cinzano führte das expandierende Familienunternehmen in den schwierigen Zeiten zwischen dem Ende des ersten und dem Beginn des Zweiten Weltkriegs. Über Anzeigen-Kunstwerke in populären Zeitschriften erreichte die Marke ihr wachsendes Publikum, wobei die „Golden Twenties“ eine besonders produktive Phase darstellten.

  4. Enrico Marone Cinzano Family Tree owner : frebault This user is a Premium member who get advantage of advanced features and options: more search criteria, unlimited access to the collections, hints and email alerts for finding new information and ancestors, etc.

  5. Handmade in Italy, the USA, Great Britain and China, according to high ethical and qualitative standards. He is currently working on building an entire house as efficiently and effectively as possible, taking into account all aspects of nature. Enrico Marone Cinzano combines aesthetics and sustainable design.

  6. 香港—对比窗欣然呈献意大利设计师及企业家恩里科·马罗内·沁扎诺的雕塑设计展览「中国Clean」。 本次展览将展出八件以可持续利用物料制成的奢华家具。沁扎诺受其访华旅程启发,创作出一系列探讨中国文化与自然环境关系的作品。展期自2016年3月22日起至4月14日于藝術門的香港苏豪空间举行。

  7. Count Enrico Marone Cinzano (born April 5, 1963) is a financier, entrepreneur [1] and artist from Turin, Italy.His work is based on the integration of Nature and technology, [2] and his designs incorporate reclaimed, third party-certified sustainable as well as recycled materials and are built using eco-friendly construction techniques, with the support of advanced well-being focused technologies.