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  1. And don't turn the other cheek this time And here am I The boat you'll never burn Just praying that one day You'll learn and share with me Don't turn the other cheek Walk away and say you Won't turn the other cheek Don't let yourself be hurt anymore Just walk out the door and go Where you know love will be And don't turn the other cheek, no Don ...

  2. Don't Turn the Other Cheek! Don't Turn the Other Cheek! (originally titled Viva la muerte... tua!, or Long Live Your Death) is a 1971 comedy Spaghetti Western directed by Duccio Tessari. It's loosely based on a Western pulp novel, "The Killer From Yuma", by Lewis B. Patten. Set during The Mexican Revolution, it tells the story of a Russian ...

  3. 8 de may. de 2023 · To not break down emotionally and simply turn the other cheek meant that the soldier couldn’t slap you again on the right cheek, and….’he can’t slap you with his left hand, because that is unclean for both of you.’ The soldier’s only option was to slap with the palm of his hand, and ‘this was not the way to slap a slave.

  4. A spaghetti western in which three adventurers team up during the Mexican Revolution. Mary O'Donnell, a radical Irish journalist, wants to foment a peasant revolt in Mexico. She enlists the help of a seedy bandit, Lozoya, by saving him from a death sentence in Utah. They meet a man calling himself Prince Dmitri Vassilovich Orlowsky, who claims to be a Russian prince, not to mention a man of ...

  5. To me, it just means "don't be petty", and I agree with that advice: "don't be petty". And by petty I mean someone who takes revenge for the most trivial things. However I also never use the phrase "turn the other cheek" because it's ambiguous in modern times, with a lot of polysemous meanings.

  6. 16 de ene. de 2024 · Answer. In Matthew 5:38–39, Jesus says, “You have heard that it was said, ‘Eye for eye, and tooth for tooth.’. But I tell you, do not resist an evil person. If anyone slaps you on the right cheek, turn to them the other cheek also.”. The concept of “turning the other cheek” is a difficult one for us to grasp. Allowing a second ...