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  1. Tras la conclusión del Diario, la vida de Pepys sufriría cambios de una gran importancia: Elisabeth Pepys moriría poco después de concluir el diario. Él no volvería nunca a contraer matrimonio pero no cabe duda de que sus aventuras continuaron. Su trabajo en la Marina daría paso al Parlamento Británico y a la P de la Real Sociedad.

  2. › wiki › Samuel_PepysSamuel Pepys - Wikipedia

    Samuel Pepys ( Londra, 23 febbraio 1633 – Clapham, 26 maggio 1703) è stato un politico e scrittore inglese . Fu uno dei principali funzionari statali del XVII secolo inglese, ma oggi è famoso soprattutto per il suo diario. Questo è un'affascinante commistione di rilevazioni personali e testimonianze di grandi avvenimenti, come la Grande ...

  3. Samuel Pepys’ Tagebücher von 1660 - 1669 sind „eines der bemerkenswertesten und reichhaltigsten literarischen Zeugnisse überhaupt“ (FAZ). Wer sie liest, flaniert mit Pepys durch das London des 17. Jahrhunderts, besucht Hahnenkämpfe, Shakespeares „Romeo und Julia“ u.v.m.

  4. 13 de ago. de 2020 · His name was Samuel Pepys. Samuel started to write, around 1660, about the things he did and who he saw. He lived in London and began writing his diary when he was 26.

  5. Samuel Pepys nunca escribió poemas ni piezas teatrales, ni siquiera un cuento o los primeros capítulos de una novela. Era un hombre dotado de sensibilidad, desde luego, un lector y un melómano. Escribió algunas obras eruditas sobre la flota británica y un buen montón de informes burocráticos en los que a buen seguro despunta aquí y allá su genio.

  6. Hace 3 días · Samuel Pepys. Naval reformer, citizen scientist, serious player on the national stage, MP and prisoner of the Tower of London – Samuel Pepys was all these, but it is his candid diary that has ensured he remains a household name centuries after his death. As the son of a tailor, his origins were humble but by no means hopeless and his extended ...

  7. 5 de ago. de 2019 · Blessed be God, at the end of the last year I was in very good health, without any sense of my old pain, but upon taking of cold. [Pepys was successfully cut for the stone on March 26th, 1658. See March 26th below. Although not suffering from this cause again until the end of his life, there are frequent references in the Diary to pain whenever he caught cold. In a letter from Pepys to his ...

  1. Búsquedas relacionadas con Samuel Pepys

    the diary of Samuel Pepys