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  1. Anne-Robert-Jacques Turgot, baron de l’Aulne, (born, May 10, 1727, Paris, France—died March 18, 1781, Paris), French administrator and economist. He entered the royal administrative branch of the magistracy in 1753, then became intendant (governor) of Limoges (1761–74), where he instituted economic and administrative reforms.

  2. Anne-Robert-Jacques Turgot Turgot fue un abad francés (1727-1781), barón de l’Aulne, que después de dejar el clero se convirtió en economista y estadista, y autor del libro “Reflections on the Formation and Distribution of Wealth” (Reflexiones sobre la formación y distribución de la riqueza) publicado en 1776.

  3. Turgot also abolished the guild system left over from medieval times. The guild system, like occupational licensing today, prevented workers from entering certain occupations without permission. Turgot also argued against the regulation of interest rates. Louis XVI did not welcome Turgot's reforms and dismissed him in 1776.

  4. Anne Robert Jacques Turgot. baron de Laulne. Turgot Turgot. Homme d'État français (Paris 1727-Paris 1781). Destiné à l'état ecclésiastique, il soutient une thèse Sur les progrès de l'esprit humain (1749).

  5. Anne-Robert-Jacques Turgot. Anne-Robert-Jacques Turgot (Parigi, 10 maggio 1727 – Parigi, 18 marzo 1781) è stato un economista e filosofo francese di orientamento fisiocratico; Luigi XVI gli affidò il controllo delle finanze e lui diede così vita al più organico tentativo di riforma conosciuto dalla Francia settecentesca.

  6. Anne Robert Jacques Turgot Wikimedia Commons có thêm hình ảnh và phương tiện truyền tải về Anne Robert Jacques Turgot, Baron de Laune . Map of Paris, 1739 Lưu trữ 2009-02-09 tại Wayback Machine by Michel Turgot at the University of Southern Maine

  7. Anne Robert Turgot (1727-1781) was a nobleman, economist and government minister, best known for his attempts at economic reform in the 1770s. As a young man Turgot attended the Sorbonne with a view towards entering the clergy, however he abandoned a church career in favour of economics. In the 1760s, Turgot was put in charge of tax collection ...

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