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  1. 6 de jun. de 2017 · PDF | The Countess: The Scandalous Life of Frances Villiers, Countess of Jersey. By Tim Clarke. Amberley Publishing. 2016. 384 pp. £20. | Find, read and cite all the research you need on ResearchGate

  2. 15 de jul. de 2016 · One of the great beauties of Georgian society, Frances Villiers, Countess of Jersey, was a woman of enormous style and spirit whose life revolved around her pleasures. Clever and witty, her charm was legendary, earning her the nickname in the contemporary press of 'The Enchantress'. She glittered in an aristocratic century.However, she was also unprincipled and malevolent. After providing her ...

  3. "Villiers [née Twysden], Frances, countess of Jersey (1753–1821), royal mistress and courtier" published on by Oxford University Press.

  4. About: Frances Villiers, Countess of Jersey. Frances Villiers, Countess of Jersey (née Twysden; 25 February 1753 – 23 July 1821) was a British Lady of the Bedchamber, one of the more notorious of the many mistresses of King George IV when he was Prince of Wales, "a scintillating society woman, a heady mix of charm, beauty, and sarcasm ...

  5. 1804 heiratete Sarah Fane George Villiers, 5. Earl of Jersey, der seinen Familiennamen mit königlicher Erlaubnis zu „Child-Villiers“ ergänzte. Ihre Schwiegermutter Frances Villiers, Countess of Jersey war eine der bekanntesten Mätressen von König Georg IV., als dieser noch Prince of Wales war. Ihre Schwester Maria heiratete John Ponsonby, Viscount Duncannon, einen Bruder von Caroline Lamb.

  6. One of the great beauties of Georgian society, Frances Villiers, Countess of Jersey, was a woman of enormous style and spirit whose life revolved around her pleasures. Clever and witty, her charm was legendary, earning her the nickname in the contemporary press of 'The Enchantress'. She glittered in an aristocratic century.

  7. 15 de abr. de 2013 · On 26 March 1770, Frances married George Bussy Villiers, the 4th Earl of Jersey, at the home of her step-father, General James Johnston, an aide-de-camp to George III. The Earl was almost twenty years her senior and was Gentleman of the Bedchamber to George III. He was known for his courtly manners, leading to the bluestocking Mrs Montagu dubbing him “the Prince of Maccaronies.” 1