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  1. 8 de abr. de 2022 · Andreas Karlstadt. Karlstadt was a personal friend and co-worker with Martin Luther but strenuously opposed him on the Sabbath issue. Luther himself admitted that Karlstadt was his superior in learning. Quoting Dr. White, Bishop of Ely: "the observance of the seventh day was being revived in Luther’s time by Karlstadt" (Treatise of the ...

  2. KARLSTADT, ANDREAS RUDOLF BODENSTEIN VON German theologian and reformer; b. Karlstadt am Main, c. 1480; d. Basel, Switzerland, Dec. 24, 1541. Karlstadt (or Carlstadt), one of Luther's earliest supporters, was educated at the Universities of Erfurt and Cologne.

  3. Andreas Karlstadt got to know Martin Luther during this time, since Luther was a colleague of his in the theological faculty at the University of Wittenberg. Although he was originally dismissive of Luther's ideas, Karlstadt soon became one of his primary supporters, even defending Luther during a public debate with Johann Eck in Leipzig in 1519 .

  4. Andreas Bodenstein von Karlstadt (1486-1541) This fascinating and polemical theologian of the Reformation was born 1486 in Karlstadt, a small town on the River Main in the Franconia region of Germany.1 His academic studies were in Erfurt (1499/1500-3), Cologne (1503-5) and Wittenberg, where in 1510 he received the degree of Doctor of Theology.

  5. Andreas Rudolf Bodenstein genannt „Karlstadt“ (um 1482 – 1541), deutscher Theologe und Reformator. Andreas Bodenstein wurde um 1480 in Karlstadt geboren. Er studierte in Erfurt, Köln und wechselte 1505 an die Universität Wittenberg. Dort war er ab 1507 als Dozent tätig. Im Jahr 1510 promovierte er im Fach Theologie und wurde Professor ...

  6. Biographie Bodenstein: Andreas Rudolf (auch Rudolphi) Bodenstein oder Karlstadt, gebürtig aus dem fränkischen Orte Karlstadt (dessen Namen er zu seinem Familiennamen hinzufügte), † 24.

  7. Andreas Bodenstein von Karlstadt, n. ca. 1480 en Karlstadt (Franconia) y m. el 24 dic. 1541 en Basilea. En un principio fue tomista (estudió en Erfurt y Colonia), y ,ejerció desde ca. 1516 en la Univ. de Wittenberg como profesor de Teología, donde recibió la influencia de su colega de Facultad, Lutero (v.), convirtiéndose en uno de sus primeros seguidores y camaradas.