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  1. 4 de nov. de 2023 · Túpac Amaru contrajo matrimonio a la edad de 20 años con Bastidas, una mujer de 15 años conocida por su belleza y fuerte carácter, que sería su compañera ideal.

  2. 13 de ago. de 2023 · The Fate of Túpac Amaru the “Last Inca”. The execution of Túpac Amaru II, whose birth name was José Gabriel Condorcanqui, was both a brutal act of deterrence and a symbolic end to the largest indigenous uprising against Spanish colonization in the Andean region. On May 18, 1781, in the main plaza of Cusco, Túpac Amaru II was subjected ...

  3. Túpac Amaru I. Cuando Titu Cusi Yupanqui murió en 1570, su hermano Túpac Amaru le sucedió en el trono. Pero, entretanto, había llegado al Perú un nuevo virrey, Francisco de Toledo, dispuesto a acabar con el foco rebelde de Vilcabamba, temeroso de que su actitud pudiera extenderse al resto de la población andina.

  4. Túpac Amaru, Peruvian revolutionary group. Founded in 1983, the group is best known for holding 490 people hostage in the Japanese embassy in Lima (1996) in an effort to gain the release of jailed comrades. After a standoff of several weeks, Peruvian troops stormed the embassy and killed all the

  5. 18 de may. de 2023 · Túpac Amaru se hizo de 22 mil pesos, barras de oro, casi un centenar de mosquetes, además de animales de carga. El corregidor debió además escribir una orden por la que convocaba a todo ...

  6. 20 de dic. de 2022 · But Túpac Amaru II seemingly took his time in mounting an offensive, not actually attacking until Jan. 4, 1781, despite besieging the city since December 1780. The rebel force appeared formidable. One observer remarked that the hills surrounding Cuzco resembled a “porcupine back” from the rebel army.

  7. 2 de nov. de 2020 · Yet, as we welcome the 240 th anniversary of Túpac Amaru’s November 4 th rebellion, we should not underestimate Túpac Amaru’s propensity for rebirth, re-appropriation, and re-invention. As long as the legacies of colonialism and racism prevail in the Americas—as long as there is a revolutionary cause to champion—Túpac Amaru lays in waiting, recoiled like a serpent ready to strike.

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