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  1. Palacio de Elisabethenburg en Meiningen, Residencia del Ducado desde 1682. Palacio de Elisabethenburg, Meiningen.. En la partición de 1680, las anteriores tierras franconas de la extinta Casa de Henneberg fueron a manos del tercer hijo de Ernesto, Bernardo, que eligió la ciudad de Meiningen como su residencia y se convirtió en el primer Duque de Sajonia-Meiningen.

  2. 21 de ene. de 2021 · Feodora and Ernst had six children: Carl Ludwig II, who briefly succeeded his father as Prince of Hohenlohe-Langenburg in 1860 then abdicated to marry a commoner; Elise, who died at the age of 19; Hermann, Prince of Hohenlohe-Langenburg from 1860 to his death in 1913; Victor, Count Gleichen, who settled in Britain, married into the British aristocracy, and became a naval officer and sculptor ...

  3. Feodora of Saxe-Meiningen was the last Grand Duchess of Saxe-Weimar-Eisenach, as the second wife of Grand Duke Wilhelm Ernst.She was born Princess Feodora Karola Charlotte Marie Adelheid Auguste Mathilde on May 29, 1890, in Hanover, Kingdom of Prussia, now in Lower Saxony, Germany, the eldest child of Prince Friedrich Johann of Saxe-Meiningen and Countess Adelheid of Lippe-Biesterfeld.

  4. In April 1877, the sixteen-year-old Charlotte became engaged to her second cousin Prince Bernhard of Saxe-Meiningen, heir to the German Duchy of Saxe-Meiningen. According to a story related by Vicky's biographer, Hannah Pakula, Charlotte fell in love with the prince while they were driving with her eldest brother; Wilhelm sped up during the drive, alarming Charlotte and causing her to cling to ...

  5. Carte-de-visite full length photograph of Feodora of Saxe Meiningen. She is shown in profile, facing towards the right of the image. She rests her right elbow on the back of an elaborately carved wooden chair and rests her chin on her right hand. Her hair is arranged in plaits and ringlets and she is wearing drop earrings. She is wearing a dark coloured tiered silk dress, trimmed with lace ...

  6. 3 de ene. de 2020 · Princess Feodora of Saxe-Meiningen; User:Andrei Iosifovich; Usage on Feodora de Sajonia-Meiningen (1879-1945) Usage on Fedora di Sassonia-Meiningen; Usage on Teodora de Saxe-Meiningen; Usage on Q177769; Usage on 薩克森-邁寧根的費奧多拉 (1879-1945)

  7. Princess Feodora of Saxe-Meiningen Feodora. Birth: 19.5.1879 in Potsdam: Death: 26.8.1945 in Hirschberg, Silesia (66 years) Father: Bernhard III, Duke of Saxe-Meiningen: