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  1. 06/2014 - Richard Owen y la concepción materialista de la mente. Richard Owen (1804-1892) fue el primero en utilizar las palabras ‘dinosaurio’ y ‘dentina’ y el fundador del Museo de Historia Natural de Londres, pero en cambio es recordado como uno de los naturalistas que se opuso a la teoría de la selección natural de Charles Darwin, aunque tenía un modelo evolutivo propio, la ...

  2. Richard Owen. 1804-1892. British paleontologist who studied many important fossils, including Charles Darwin's South American collection and the Jurassic age Archaeopteryx. Owen was passionate about evolution and argued against natural selection, insisting instead that the Creator endowed embryos with innate abilities to deviate from the ...

  3. 22 de jul. de 2023 · Sir Richard Owen was the leading comparative anatomist and palaeontologist of his time. A controversial figure, he is perhaps best known for coining the word dinosaur. The Owen collection dates between 1681 and 1892 and covers his career progression, scientific research, professional communications, campaign for a museum of natural history and other achievements.

  4. Au milieu du siècle, Richard Owen (1804-1892) apparaît comme un des plus brillants représentant de l’école anglaise de naturalistes. Il est pourtant aujourd’hui une figure un peu oubliée, et en France un auteur méconnu : sans doute la prééminence de Darwin, qui fut son contemporain, est-elle pour quelque chose dans cette éclipse.

  5. 1. Richard sobornó a un guardia para comprar la cabeza de un hombre de color: A sus 16, Richard ya trabajaba de aprendiz con un cirujano que le enseñó a practicar autopsias en los cuerpos de reclusos. Su interés en la anatomía humana, lo llevó a sobornar a un guardia para que este le vendiera la cabeza de un hombre de color, para así ...

  6. Sir Richard Owen (July 20, 1804 – December 18, 1892) was an English biologist, comparative anatomist, and paleontologist.. Owen is renowned as the person who coined the term dinosaur, but he had numerous scientific accomplishments, particularly in the area of vertebrate anatomy and paleontology, where he was the preeminent authority following Georges Cuvier.

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