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  1. Joshua Reynolds, né le 16 juillet 1723 à Plympton (en) (comté de Devon) et mort le 23 février 1792 à Londres, est un peintre, graveur et essayiste britannique. Spécialisé dans l'art du portrait , il est le premier président et cofondateur de la Royal Academy [ 1 ] .

  2. Joshua Reynolds: Selbstporträt, 1776 Sir Joshua Reynolds, PRA FRSA (* 16. Juli 1723 in Plympton bei Plymouth, Grafschaft Devon, England; † 23. Februar 1792 in London) war neben William Hogarth und Thomas Gainsborough der bekannteste und durch sein künstlerisches und kunsttheoretisches Wirken der einflussreichste englische Maler des 18.

  3. Mrs Baldwin, 1782 - Joshua Reynolds - Lady Sarah Bunbury sacrifiant aux Grâces(1765 ...

  4. Lord Keppel (1779). Joshua Reynolds è considerato, insieme a Thomas Gainsborough, il massimo ritrattista inglese.In effetti, nella sua carriera artistica Joshua Reynolds si trovò a far fronte alle richieste di una committenza interessata soprattutto al ritratto, un genere che meglio si adattava alle aspirazioni della classe media, in quanto economicamente vantaggioso e più consono, di ...

  5. George Kein Hayward Coussmaker was born in London in 1759. His father, Evert Coussmaker, died in 1763, and his mother, Mary, was remarried, to Sir Thomas Hales, Baronet, of Howlett, Kent. In 1776, George joined the First Regiment of Foot Guards as ensign and lieutenant, the lowest commissioned rank; he was promoted to the rank of lieutenant and captain in 1778, and to that of captain and ...

  6. Sir Joshua Reynolds, oil on canvas by Gilbert Stuart, 1784; in the National Gallery of Art, Washington, D.C. 91.6 × 76.4 cm. (more) Reynolds preferred the company of men of letters to that of his fellow artists and was friends with Samuel Johnson, Edmund Burke, and Oliver Goldsmith, among others. He never married, and his house was kept for ...

  7. Sir Joshua Reynolds. (1723-1792), Painter and first President of the Royal Academy. Mid-Georgian Portraits Catalogue Entry. Sitter associated with 40 portraits. Artist associated with 1430 portraits. Reynolds was the first President of the Royal Academy and Britain's leading portrait painter. In his attempt to raise the status of portraiture ...

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