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  1. Gary Sherman Snyder (San Francisco, 8 de mayo de 1930) es un poeta, traductor, ensayista, conferencista y activista del medio ambiente estadounidense, perteneciente a la Generación Beat y al Renacimiento de San Francisco.

  2. 8 de may. de 2020 · Gary Snyder inspiró el documental “The Practice of the Wild” (2010) de John J. Healey, basado en el libro homólogo de Snyder (1990). La poesía, el budismo Zen, la práctica diaria del zazen, el compromiso con el medio ambiente, han sido para Snyder los puentes que han permitido el desarrollo de una nueva ética, una nueva estética y por tanto un nuevo estilo de vida:

  3. 28 de nov. de 2016 · Gary Snyder (San Francisco, 1930), poeta y ensayista, es uno de los máximos exponentes de esa escritura de la naturaleza. En España teníamos una antología de su obra titulada La mente salvaje ...

  4. 10 de sept. de 2020 · Gary Snyder’s self-education began early. He was born in 1930 at the beginning of the Great Depression and spent his early childhood on his parents’ subsistence farm in the Pacific Northwest. War work took his father to Portland, and Snyder went to high school and college there. The place and the time matter.

  5. Snyder, Gary. 978-84-17410-15-5. Assaigs sobre vida i natura són quatre exemples extrets de The Practice of the Wild que reflecteixen les teories de Gary Snyder sobre la natura i la seva filosofia de vida en un entorn natural, salvatge. 15.00€ (14.42€ sin IVA)

  6. Republication statement. The text of this article is available for unedited republication, free of charge, using the following credit: “Originally published as “Living Under the Stars: An Homage to poet Gary Snyder" on March 24, 2023, for the Winter 2023 issue of Humanities magazine, a publication of the National Endowment for the ...

  7. Gary Snyder. , The Art of Poetry No. 74. Interviewed by Eliot Weinberger. Issue 141, Winter 1996. Gary Snyder is a rarity in the United States: an immensely popular poet whose work is taken seriously by other poets. He is America's primary poet-celebrant of the wilderness, poet-exponent of environmentalism and Zen Buddhism, and poet-citizen of ...