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  1. Sig. Fil vol.13 no.26 Ciudad de México jul./dic. 2011. Informe de Rudolf Carnap sobre filósofos mexicanos presos *. Rudolf Carnap. El siguiente es un reporte preparado por Rudolf Carnap, pocas semanas antes de su muerte, para un comité de la American Philosophical Association sobre filósofos mexicanos encarcelados.

  2. 24 de feb. de 2020 · Rudolf Carnap (1891–1970) was one of the best-known philosophers of the twentieth century. Notorious as one of the founders, and perhaps the leading philosophical representative, of the movement known as logical positivism or logical empiricism, he was one of the originators of the new field of philosophy of science and later a leading contributor to semantics and inductive logic.

  3. › sites › cienciaVI.3. RUDOLF CARNAP - ILCE

    VI.3. RUDOLF CARNAP. Quiz la figura filos fica m s sobresaliente del C rculo de Viena fue Rudolf Carnap (1891-1970), quien naci en Ronsdorf, en el noroeste de Alemania, en el seno de una familia de "humildes tejedores".

  4. 18 de may. de 2021 · Rudolf Carnap was born in Ronsdorf, near Düsseldorf, in the German Empire. His father had risen from the status of a poor ribbon-weaver to become the owner of a ribbon-making factory . His uncle was the archaeologist Wilhelm Dörpfeld , whom as a ten-year-old, Carnap accompanied on an expedition to Greece .

  5. In 1931, Carnap had rejected certain philosophical uses of meaning as metaphysical and developed a quite different formal-syntactic account of linguistic symbols. In application to the meaning of logical symbols, his approach could be called, in contemporary terminology, a version of “proof-theoretic semantics” or “logical inferentialism”.

  6. 1 Rudolf Carnap (1891-1970). filósofo y lógico del Círculo de Viena. Fue profesor en Viena( 1926-1931) y Praga ( 1931-1935). Después de emigrar a los Estados Unidos de Norteamérica. fue profesor en Chicago ( 1938-1954) y luego en los Angeles.

  7. Rudolf Carnap. A page of information about Rudolf Carnap (1891 - 1970), German philosopher of language and science. Not too long ago I was surfing around the Net in search of information on Rudolf Carnap. I found some decent materials, though they were not linked up through any central site. That moved me to write up the page you are looking at ...

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