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  1. 23 de abr. de 2023 · Bence Jones protein (BJP) was first described in 1845 in a patient admitted to St. George’s Hospital in London with vague continuous pain in the chest, back, and pelvis. Dr. Henry Bence Jones tested the patient's urine and found a substance precipitated by adding nitric acid.

  2. El Dr. Henry Bence Jones estudió especímenes de orina proporcionados por los Dres. MacIntyre y Watson y describió las llamadas proteínas de Bence Jones (BJ). En 1873 Rustizky describió otro paciente y utilizó por primera vez el término mieloma múltiple para resaltar las variadas lesiones óseas que estaban presentes.

  3. 9 de ago. de 2008 · The name Bence Jones is recognized today as the name of a protein excreted by patients with multiple myeloma. It is ironic that Bence Jones was not the first to describe the characteristics of the protein, but he recognized its place in the diagnosis of myeloma when he wrote, ‘I need hardly remark on the importance of seeking for this oxide of albumen in other cases of mollities ossium ...

  4. 4 de jul. de 2024 · Proteine di Bence Jones: guida pratica all’esame. Nel lontano 1847, il medico inglese Henry Bence Jones fece una scoperta che avrebbe gettato le basi per una comprensione approfondita delle Proteine di Bence Jones. Questa classe di globuline, con un peso molecolare di 20 kDa, si distingue per essere la catena leggera di un anticorpo, staccata ...

  5. Bence Jones was a member of the council of the College of Chemistry which was established in 1865. With Dr. Charles West (1816-1898) he contributed importantly to the establishment of the Children’s Hospital in 1850. In 1851 lectured at the Royal Institution on animal chemistry, and in 1854 on alcohol, sugar, and Vinegars ( as well as on ...

  6. La protéine de Bence Jones a été mise en évidence par le médecin anglais Henry Bence Jones en 1848. Le type de protéinurie de Bence Jones mis en évidence en 1962 par Gally et Edelman appartient : Soit au type kappa. Soit au type delta.