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  1. 80.6 x 115.6 cm. Biografía: Pintor fauvista francés, que nació en París. Antes de convertirse en artista, fue ciclista de competición y trabajaba como violinista. En buena medida fue un autodidacta que atacó los principios de la pintura académica hasta el punto de declarar que se sentía orgulloso de no haber pisado el Louvre.

  2. Maurice de Vlaminck (Paris, 4 de abril de 1876 — Rueil-la-Gadelière, 11 de outubro de 1958) foi um pintor francês. Ao lado de André Derain e Henri Matisse , é considerado um dos principais artistas do movimento fauvista , caracterizado pela distorção das formas e das cores em suas obras.

  3. 6 de jul. de 2017 · Nghệ sĩ trong 60 giây: Maurice de Vlaminck. 06 Jul, 2017. Phong trào, Phong cách, Trường phái hoặc Loại hình nghệ thuật: Fauvism là phong trào mà Vlaminck sẽ luôn liên kết chặt chẽ nhất. Tuy nhiên, Fauvism là một phong trào rất ngắn và nghệ sĩ đã có một sự nghiệp rất dài. Tác phẩm ...

  4. SouthamptonTower BridgeOld Port of Marseille. abstract art. Fauvist paintings by Maurice De Vlaminck can be seen in many of the best art museums throughout the world. 20th Century Painters Homepage. Maurice De Vlaminck (1876-1958): Biography of Fauvist Artist, Colleague of Andre Derain, Henri Matisse.

  5. André Derain. Maurice de Vlaminck French. 1906. Not on view. The head of Derain, shown life-size and in extreme close-up, is more vivid than any photograph could be. There is no indication of surrounding space. Vlaminck boldly outlined in black the contours of the head, hair, shoulders, and collar. Then he painted the face red, highlighting ...

  6. In Vlaminck's work of 1905-1906, the method that Ellen Oppler refers to as "broken-touch" Fauvism is characterized by the careful balancing of different stylistic and formal idioms (E. Oppler, Fauvism Reexamined, New York, 1976). On the most immediate level, Le vase bleu aux fleurs reveals Vlaminck's considerable debt to the work of van Gogh ...

  7. Maurice de Vlaminck is closely associated with the Fauves, a turn-of-the-century group of painters known for adopting a radically new, vibrant palette and applying large areas of pure, flat color. Most strongly identified with Henri Matisse, this …. Estampes. La cassarole Émaillée & 11 others., 1950. Mont-Cinère. Lithographies de Vlaminck ...