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  1. Beloved by Toni Morrison is a dramatic historical fiction published in 1987 by Vintage Books. Morrison is an award-winning author of such prizes as the Nobel Prize in literature, the Pulitzer Prize, and many more.

  2. Toni Morrison once remarked that there was no memorial, such as simply a bench by a road, to honor the memory of all of those brought to the United States as slaves. For her, Beloved functioned as this kind of commemoration. In response, the Toni Morrison Society has installed benches in sites around the U.S. (and the world) as just such memorials.

  3. 湖北经济学院学报(人文社会科学版),2012, (1): 108-109. 《宠儿》是美国著名作家托妮·莫里森(Toni Morrison)的作品。. 《宠儿》取材于一段真实的历史。. 作品令人触目惊心:女黑奴塞丝在携女逃亡途中遭到追捕,因不愿看到孩子重又沦为奴隶,她毅然扼杀了 ...

  4. Beloved Summary. Next. Part 1, Chapter 1. On the edge of Cincinnati, in 1873 just after the end of the Civil War, there is a house numbered 124 that is haunted by the presence of a dead child. A former slave named Sethe has lived in the house, with its ghost, for 18 years. Sethe lives at 124 with her daughter Denver.

  5. 15 de feb. de 2024 · Download Beloved (english) free in PDF & EPUB format. Download Toni Morrison's Beloved (english) for your kindle, tablet, IPAD, PC or mobile

  6. Beloved 1 (titre original : Beloved) est un roman de l'écrivaine américaine Toni Morrison paru en 1987. Se situant après la guerre de Sécession américaine, il aborde l'histoire passée sous silence de l'esclavage à travers l'histoire de Sethe, une ancienne esclave, hantée par le fantôme de sa fille. Une partie de la trame narrative et ...

  7. 19 de oct. de 2023 · 09 juin 2014. Beloved est un roman magnifique sur l'amour, la force, la culpabilité, l'esclavage, la dignité, la solidarité. C'est l'histoire de Sethe, jeune et belle esclave échappée, et de ses enfants, vivants ou morts, dans un monde âpre qui souvent les juge et les broie.