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  1. Heart failure (HF), also known as congestive heart failure (CHF), is a syndrome caused by an impairment in the heart's ability to fill with and pump blood.

  2. 29 de jun. de 2023 · La insuficiencia cardíaca se produce cuando el músculo cardíaco no bombea sangre de la manera que debería. Cuando esto sucede, la sangre a menudo retrocede y el líquido se puede acumular en los pulmones, lo que causa falta de aliento.

  3. La insuficiencia cardíaca ( IC) es la incapacidad del corazón de bombear sangre en los volúmenes más adecuados para satisfacer las demandas del metabolismo; si lo logra, lo hace a expensas de una elevación anormal de la presión de llenado de los ventrículos cardíacos.

  4. 22 de mar. de 2023 · Heart failure (sometimes called congestive heart failure) is a chronic, progressive condition in which the heart muscle is unable to pump enough blood to meet the body’s needs for blood and oxygen.

  5. 20 de abr. de 2023 · Heart failure occurs when the heart muscle doesn't pump blood as well as it should. When this happens, blood often backs up and fluid can build up in the lungs, causing shortness of breath. Certain heart conditions gradually leave the heart too weak or stiff to fill and pump blood properly.

  6. The main pathophysiology of heart failure is a reduction in the efficiency of the heart muscle, through damage or overloading. As such, it can be caused by a wide number of conditions, including myocardial infarction (in which the heart muscle is starved of oxygen and dies), hypertension (which increases the force of contraction ...

  7. 24 de mar. de 2022 · Heart failure, also known as congestive heart failure, is a condition that develops when your heart doesn’t pump enough blood for your body’s needs. This can happen if your heart can’t fill up with enough blood. It can also happen when your heart is too weak to pump properly. The term "heart failure" does not mean that your heart has stopped.