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  1. The Euler Family Tree. This page contains known information about Euler's children and his sons' children. This data has been obtained from. Das Gelchlecht Euler-Schölpi: Geschichte Einer Alten Familie, von D. theol. Karl Euler, Wilhelm Schmitz Verlag in Giessen, 1955. Leonhard Euler, Emil A. Fellmann, Birkhäuser, Boston, 2007. Leonhard Euler.

  2. Johann Albrecht Euler (27 November 1734 – 17 September 1800) was a Swiss-Russian astronomer and mathematician. He was the first child born to the great Swiss mathematician Leonhard Euler (1707–1783), who had emigrated to Saint-Petersburg. 1811. Franeker University Disbanded by Napoleon. The university was disbanded by Napoleon in 1811 ...

  3. Johann Priedrich Euler, mathematician and cryptologist at the Court of the Dutch Stadholder William V, showed a marked ability to put into practice some of the new principles and insights, forwarded in scholarly journals of the time.

  4. Johann Bernoulli. Para otros miembros de la familia Bernoulli, véase Familia Bernoulli. Hermano de Jakovo Bernoulli y padre de Daniel Bernoulli. Johann Bernoulli, también conocido como Jean o John ( Basilea, 27 de julio de 1667 - Basilea, 11 de enero de 1748), fue un destacado matemático, médico y filólogo suizo .

  5. Johann Albrecht Euler. Advisor: Leonhard Euler. No students known. If you have additional information or corrections regarding this mathematician, please use the update form. To submit students of this mathematician, please use the new data form, noting this mathematician's MGP ID of 122738 for the advisor ID.

  6. Johann euler. Biografía; Nacimiento: 27 de noviembre de 1734 San Petersburgo. Muerte: 17 de septiembre de 1800 (en 65) San Petersburgo. Nacionalidad: ruso. Casa ...

  7. Johann Euler (alemany: Johann Albrecht Euler) (Sant Petersburg, 27 de novembre de 1734 - Sant Petersburg, 17 de setembre de 1800) fou un astrònom i matemàtic suís i rus. També és conegut com a Johann Albert Euler o John-Albert Euler , era fill del matemàtic suís Leonhard Euler (1707–1783) el qual va emigrar a Sant Petersburg el 17 de maig de 1727.