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  1. María Teresa de Austria. (Madrid, 1638 - Versalles, 1683) Reina de Francia (1660-1683). Hija de Felipe IV de España, se casó en 1660 con Luis XIV de Francia. El matrimonio había sido concertado por Felipe IV en virtud del Tratado de los Pirineos (1659). María Teresa de Austria renunció a sus derechos hereditarios a la corona española a ...

  2. The Austrian National Library presents the person of Maria Theresa and her role in Austria and Europe from February 17 to June 5, 2017. More than 160 drawings, paintings and prints, some of which have never been previously displayed, reveal the wide variety of the aspects of Maria Theresa, opening up a broad panorama of her life and the lasting effects of her reign.

  3. María Teresa I de Austria Nota 1 ( Viena, 13 de mayo de 1717-Viena, 29 de noviembre de 1780) 1 fue la primera y única mujer que gobernó sobre los dominios de los Habsburgo y la última jefa de la casa de Habsburgo, pues a partir de su matrimonio la dinastía pasó a llamarse Casa de Habsburgo-Lorena . Fue archiduquesa y soberana de Austria ...

  4. The Austrian National Library presents the person of Maria Theresa and her role in Austria and Europe from February 17 to June 5, 2017. More than 160 drawings, paintings and prints, some of which have never been previously displayed, reveal the wide variety of the aspects of Maria Theresa, opening up a broad panorama of her life and the lasting effects of her reign.

  5. Today, Maria Theresa’s enlightened absolutism meets with almost unlimited sympathy. However, the image of a mother-figure devoted to the common weal should be balanced with the awareness that her thought and work were very conservative and by no means progressive. Like her predecessors and successors, she regarded herself as holding power by divine right, considered the

  6. 26 de nov. de 2021 · By contrast, Maria Theresa of Austria was highly coquettish, at least until she was widowed. The German chancellor’s model is more one of gender neutrality. Today, women are practically forced to wear a neutral suit, as if the aim were to make their femininity invisible. Hillary Clinton and Theresa May are elegant, but no more than that.

  7. Maria Theresa of Austria (1717–1780)Habsburg monarch who ascended a throne threatened on all sides, repulsed most of her adversaries, and instituted a series of social and administrative reforms largely credited with ensuring the survival of the Habsburg empire through the 19th century .