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  1. Heinrich Himmler was a leading member of the Nazi Party, one of the most powerful men in Nazi Germany, and a chief architect of the Holocaust (1938). Photo Credit: Wikimedia Commons (German Federal Archives) As Reichsführer (National Leader) of the SS , Heinrich Himmler was by the end of World War II the second most powerful man in Nazi Germany.

  2. Heinrich Himmler. Heinrich Luitpold Himmler (født 7. oktober 1900 i München i Tyskland, død 23. mai 1945 i Lüneburg) var en tysk nazist og en av de aller mektigste personene i det tredje riket (Tyskland 1933–1945). Han var Reichsführer for Schutzstaffel (SS) fra 1929 til 1945.

  3. Heinrich Himmler was the Reichsfuhrer of the SS, putting him in charge of internal security. He was the overseer of the Final Solution and Hitler’s most loyal ally. 2. Himmler had no war or military service but his fascination with discipline, organisation and structure, as well as his intense racism and anti-Semitism, earned him favour with ...

  4. Himmler, Heinrich. Jerarca supremo de las SS y jefe de la policía alemana, arquitecto de la “Solución Final” y uno de los principales asesores de Hitler. Junto a él, se convirtió en el hombre más poderoso de la Alemania nazi. Nació en Munich en el seno de una familia católica de clase media. A los 17 años se enroló en el ejército ...

  5. Heinrich Luitpold Himmler, nemški nacistični častnik in poslovnež, * 7. oktober 1900, München, † 23. maj 1945, Lüneburg . Kot poveljnik Schutzstaffel ( Reichsführer-SS (RF-SS)) je bil eden najbolj vplivnih oseb v Tretjem rajhu. Himmler je postal glavni organizator holokavsta.

  6. Heinrich Himmler. Heinrich Luitpold Himmler ( Munique, 7 de outubro de 1900 – Lüneburg, 23 de maio de 1945) foi um Reichsführer das Schutzstaffel (comandante militar da SS), e um dos principais líderes do Partido Nazi (NSDAP) da Alemanha Nazi. Posteriormente, Adolf Hitler nomeou-o Comandante do Exército de Reserva e General ...

  7. Hace 1 día · Heinrich Himmler was born on 7 October 1900 in Munich, the son of a schoolteacher. He served in the German army at the end of World War One and then had a variety of jobs, including working as a ...

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