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  1. › wiki › Ernst_RöhmErnst Röhm - Wikipedia

    Ernst Röhm fusese inițial unul dintre cei mai devotați sprijinitori ai lui Adolf Hitler, însă în vara anului 1934 el organizează o tentativă de lovitură de stat, pentru care a fost executat. La 30 iunie 1934, în Noaptea cuțitelor lungi , Ernst Röhm a fost arestat și, după două zile, executat în celula sa din închisoarea Stadelheim.

  2. Ernst Röhm (ou Roehm) est un officier, homme politique et chef de groupe paramilitaire allemand, né le 28 novembre 1887 à Munich et mort assassiné le 1er juillet 1934 à la prison de Stadelheim, à Munich . Il est le fondateur de la Sturmabteilung (SA) nazie .

  3. Ernst Röhm (1887–1934) was a former Reichswehr officer and had been a member of the NSDAP since 1920. He had supported Hitler in the Hitler-Ludendorff Putsch and was among the Führer’s closest friends. In 1924, Hitler put Röhm in charge of the SA [ Sturmabteilung or Storm Detachment, also known as Brownshirts], which had been originally ...

  4. 24 de dic. de 2018 · Ernst Röhm And The Nazi Party. Röhm joined the German Workers’ Party, later known as the National Socialist German Workers’ Party, and which eventually morphed into the Nazi Party. Ernst Röhm felt the Weimar Republic — the ruling party — was weak. He felt that traditional political parties weren’t in touch with what Germans needed ...

  5. Ernst Röhm (ur. 28 listopada 1887 w Monachium , zm. 1 lipca 1934 tamże [2] ) – niemiecki oficer, czołowy działacz Narodowosocjalistycznej Niemieckiej Partii Robotników (NSDAP), założyciel i dowódca Sturmabteilung (SA), jeden z najbliższych i najważniejszych współpracowników Adolfa Hitlera [3] .

  6. 恩斯特·罗姆(Ernst Julius Röhm,1887年11月28日——1934年7月1日),德国纳粹运动早期高层人士,冲锋队的组织者。1914年参加第一次世界大战,获得上尉军衔。1919年参加纳粹党。罗姆早期出国到玻利维亚担任军事顾问,后来接受希特勒的邀请返回德国,于1931年初出任冲锋队参谋长。1934年2月,罗姆要求 ...

  7. At Hitler’s request, the German parliament ( Reichstag) declares the killings legal after the fact, based on a false accusation that Röhm and his commanders had planned to overthrow the government. The assasinations of June 30–July 2, 1934, later became known as “the Röhm Affair” or the “the Night of the Long Knives.”. June 30 ...