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  1. I.O. "Canciller A.3, 142". Inscripción en la guarda: Casasola, Asquith Herbert Henry (canciller). BIOGRAFIA: Herbert Henry Asquith, KG, PC (12 de septiembre de 1852 - 15 de febrero de 1928) fue Primer Ministro del Reino Unido por el Partido Liberal, entre 1908 y 1916. Antes de su

  2. H. H. Asquith, Prime Minister from April 1908 to December 1916, bore the chief part in some of the greatest Liberal achievements of the twentieth century. Herbert Henry Asquith was born at Morley, West Yorkshire, on 12 September 1852. His father died when he was eight, and in 1863, sent to London to live with relatives, he entered the City of ...

  3. 2 de sept. de 2020 · From Gladstone to Asquith: The Late Victorian Pattern of Liberal Leadership. From 1868 until 1916, writes Roy Jenkins, in the days of high Imperialism, the Liberal Party held office at Westminster for no less than twenty-five years.

  4. Asquith, Herbert Henry (1852-1928). Político británico nacido en Morley (condado de Yorkshire) el 12 de septiembre de 1852 y muerto en Sutton Courtenay (condado de Berkshire) el 15 de febrero de 1928.

  5. Herbert Henry Asquith, 1st Earl of Oxford and Asquith KG PC KC (12 September 1852 – 15 February 1928) served as the Liberal Prime Minister of the United Kingdom from 1908 to 1916. Until 5 January 1988, he had been the longest continuously serving Prime Minister in the 20th century. [2]

  6. 赫伯特·亨利·阿斯奎斯(AsquithHerbert Henry;1852~1928年) ,英国政治家,曾任内政大臣及财政大臣,1908年至1916年出任英国首相。 自由党领袖。 限制上院权利的1911年议会改革法案的主要促成者,第一次世界大战头两年的英国领导人,大战爆发后两年由劳合·乔治接任首相。

  7. Introduction ↑. Herbert Henry Asquith (1852-1928) had been British Prime Minister for over six years at the outbreak of the First World War. He was generally regarded as a successful politician who had presided over a Liberal government that had introduced major domestic reforms in relation to old age pensions, insurance against illness and unemployment, and the power of the House of Lords.