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  1. 15 de dic. de 2023 · Edmund Burke se propuso, en su tratado De lo sublime y de lo bello, establecer cómo puede definirse la belleza distinguiéndola de lo sublime.

  2. 埃德蒙·伯克 (英語: Edmund Burke ,1729年1月12日—1797年7月9日 [1] ), 愛爾蘭 裔的 英國 的政治家、作家、演說家、政治理論家和 哲學家 ,他曾在 英國下議院 擔任了數年 輝格黨 的議員。. 他最為後人所知的事蹟包括了他反對英王 喬治三世 和英國政府、支持 ...

  3. 27 de abr. de 2022 · Una selección de las frases de Edmund Burke más memorables; grandes citas y reflexiones de este filósofo, escritor y político británico de origen irlandés.

  4. Cátedra Burke UAI, invitó a Bernard Schlink, académico de la Universidad de Humboldt, juez constitucional y novelista para analizar esta temática.

  5. A guide to Burke's political thought, including primary and secondary sources, multimedia, and an introduction to his life and thought.

  6. Edmund Burke, (born January 12?, 1729, Dublin, Ire.—died July 9, 1797, Beaconsfield, Buckinghamshire, Eng.), British parliamentarian, orator, and political philosopher. The son of a lawyer, he began legal studies but lost interest, became estranged from his father, and spent some time wandering about England and France.

  7. 23 de feb. de 2004 · Edmund Burke, author of Reflections on the Revolution in France, is known to a wide public as a classic political thinker: it is less well understood that his intellectual achievement depended upon his understanding of philosophy and use of it in the practical writings and speeches by which he is chiefly known. The present essay explores the character and significance of the use of philosophy ...

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