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  1. Józef Grzegorz Chłopicki, francoski general poljskega rodu, * 14. marec 1771, † 30. september 1854. Poljski general. Sklici Portal Vojaštvo ...

  2. Józef Grzegorz Chłopicki was a Polish general who was involved in fighting in Europe at the time of Napoleon and later. He was born in Kapustynie in Volhynia and was educated at the school of the Basilians at Szarogrod, from which in 1785 he ran away in order to enlist as a volunteer in the Polish army. He was present at all the engagements fought during 1792-1794, especially distinguishing ...

  3. Volunteering to join the Polish army in 1785, Józef Grzegorz Chłopicki de Nieczuja (also called Klopisky or De Necznia) was commissioned as a grenadier in December of 1789. In 1791 he was promoted to lieutenant and then in 1792 he fought against the Russians when the Russians invaded Poland. In 1794 Chlopicki served as aide-de-camp to General ...

  4. Józef Chłopicki (Polish pronunciation: [ˈjuzɛf xwɔˈpit͡skʲi]; March 14, 1771 – September 30, 1854) was a Polish general who was involved in fighting in Europe at the time of Napoleon and later.

  5. Leben. Chłopicki stammt aus einer unbemittelten adligen Familie. Er trat in die polnische Armee ein und zeichnete sich in der Schlacht bei Racławice aus. Bald darauf wurde er Adjutant des Generals Franciszek Rymkiewicz und war 1797 einer der ersten, die zur Befreiung des Vaterlandes in die Dienste der französischen Republik traten.

  6. Józef Chłopicki, armoiries Nieczuja, baron de l'Empire de Necznia, né le 14 mars 1771 à Kapustyn (uk) et mort le 30 septembre 1854 à Cracovie, est un général polonais, vétéran des guerres pour l'indépendance de la Pologne et des campagnes napoléoniennes en Europe, l'un des chefs militaires de l'insurrection de 1830 contre la domination russe sur le royaume de Pologne.

  7. Para legalizar sus acciones, el Gobierno ordenó la convocación del Sejm y el 5 de diciembre de 1830 se proclamó como dictador al General Józef Chłopicki. [10] Chłopicki consideró el levantamiento como un acto de locura, pero se inclinó ante la presión y consintió en tomar el mando temporalmente, con la esperanza de que fuera innecesario la guerra. [ 12 ]