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  1. This is the first biography in English of Johann Reuchlin (1455-1522), based upon the new critical edition of his correspondence. Reuchlin became most famous as the Catholic defender of Jewish books at the beginning of the 16th century, clarifying the Catholic Church's position toward the Jews.

  2. 12 de jul. de 2019 · Johannes Reuchlin (1455-1522) fue uno de los mayores eruditos del Renacimiento en Alemania. En su juventud fue a Italia, y en dedicatoria de su obra De arte cabalística al Papa León X relata su encuentro con Pico de la Mirándola y su circulo de sabios, que estaban revelando antiguas verdades. La primera obra cabalística de Reuchlin, de ...

  3. Additionally, Reuchlin’s defense of Jewish literature had serious legal consequences. In 1512 the University of Cologne and Inquisitor General Jacob Hoogstraeten filed heresy charges against him for “impermissibly favoring the Jews” (Price, Johannes Reuchlin and the campaign to destroy Jewish books 5).

  4. Johannes Reuchlin. n 1492, Johannes Reuchlin, a German Humanist and Hebrew scholar, purchased a copy of the printed Masoretic Hebrew Bible in Rome for 6 gold coins, a year’s salary at the time. Then in 1506, Reuchlin published his De Rudimentis Hebraicis, On the Fundamentals of Hebrew, a Hebrew grammar and Lexicon.

  5. REUCHLIN, JOHANNES (1455-1522) Nació en Pforzheim (Baden), estudió en la Uni­versidad de Basilea y fue durante un tiempo profesor de Jurisprudencia en Tubinga. En el curso de dos viajes que hizo a Florencia (1482, 1490), entró en contacto con algunos de los platónicos de la Academia Florentina —Marsilio Ficino, Pico della Mirán­dola ...

  6. 13 de nov. de 2015 · This is the first biography in English of Johann Reuchlin (1455-1522), based upon the new critical edition of his correspondence. Reuchlin became most famous as the Catholic defender of Jewish books at the beginning of the 16th century, clarifying the Catholic Church’s position toward the Jews. The book contributes to the celebration of the 50th anniversary of the Declaration on Relations ...

  7. Reuchlin?s keen interest in Jewish mysticism resulted in the original publication of this work in 1517. The first part of this dialogue reflects on messianism, the second part on the relation of the Pythagorean system to the Kabbalah, and the third on the "practical Kabbalah." ø The German humanist Johann Reuchlin (1455-1522) defended the value of Jewish scholarship and literature ...