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  1. 17 de ago. de 2012 · Brandenburg Concertos: a musical job application. This group of six concertos is Bach’s best-known orchestral work. Originally titled ‘Concerto for many instruments’, they’re now known as the Brandenburg Concertos after Bach submitted them to Margrave Christian Ludwig of Brandenburg-Schwedt in 1721 in the hope of getting a job.

  2. Christian Ludwig von Brandenburg im Harnisch – Der Markgraf, hier als der Chef seines Regiments zu Fuß (1806: No. 7).Vor 1715, da die Offiziersröcke später blau wurden (Gemälde von Antoine Pesne, um 1710–12) Christian Ludwig als Generalleutnant, Ölgemälde von Friedrich Wilhelm Weidemann, 1714 Christian Ludwig um 1705, Gemälde von Friedrich Wilhelm Weidemann

  3. 10 de may. de 2022 · Christian Ludwig Margrave of Brandenburg by Antoine Pesne around 1710. Aside from speculation about Bach’s meaning in this passage, much has also been made of the impact which Bach’s surroundings at the court in Köthen might have had on the music of the concertos. For instance, Bach’s employer at the time, Prince Leopold, was an amateur ...

  4. Today’s date marks the anniversary of Johann Sebastian Bach’s dedication of six famous compositions to Margrave Christian Ludwig of Brandenburg. Due to this dedication, the compositions got the name Brandenburg Concerts, and are today considered not only some of the best of Bach’s works, but also some of the best works of Baroque music in general.

  5. Karl Friedrich Albrecht, Margrave of Brandenburg-Schwedt (10 June 1705 – 22 June 1762), a grandson of Frederick William of Brandenburg ( the Great Elector) and son of Margrave Albert Frederick of Brandenburg-Schwedt, was a Prussian military officer and the Herrenmeister ( grand master) of the Order of Saint John (Bailiwick of Brandenburg). [1]

  6. Christian Ludwig ( 14 martie 1677 – 3 septembrie 1734) a fost margraf de Brandenburg și ofițer al Brandenburg-Prussia a Casei de Hohenzollern. Titlul de margraf de Brandenburg era acordat prinților casei regale prusace și nu exprima un statut teritorial. El este cel mai bine cunoscut ca beneficiarul Concertelor brandenburgice scrise de ...

  7. mar·grave. (mär′grāv′) n. 1. The lord or military governor of a medieval German border province. 2. Used as a hereditary title for certain princes in the Holy Roman Empire. [Probably Middle Dutch marcgrāve : marc, march, border; see merg- in Indo-European roots + grāve, count (perhaps ultimately from Greek grapheus, scribe; see gerbh ...