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  1. Né le 3 mars 1756 àWisbech, Cambridgeshire ; mort le 7 avril 1836 à Londres ; théoricien politique et écrivain. Fils d’un ministre non conformiste, William Godwin passe son enfance en Est-Anglie où son précepteur, Samuel Newton, le convertit à la secte dissidente de Robert Sandeman. Godwin devient alors pasteur sande-manien et exerce ...

  2. William Godwin. William Godwin (ur. 3 marca 1756 w Wisbech, zm. 7 kwietnia 1836 w Londynie) – angielski publicysta polityczny i myśliciel, zaliczony do prekursorów anarchizmu [1], reformator pedagogiki [2] . Był prezbiteriańskim pastorem, lecz odszedł od religii i zwrócił się ku pisarstwu.

  3. William Godwin. William Godwin (n. 3 martie 1756, Wisbech, Anglia, Regatul Unit – d. 7 aprilie 1836, Londra, Regatul Unit al Marii Britanii și Irlandei) a fost un jurnalist, filosof politic și prozator englez. Godwin este considerat ca fiind unul dintre precursorii cei mai importanți ai gândirii anarhiste și utilitariste.

  4. › het › profilesHET: William Godwin

    William Godwin, 1756-1836. English anarchist and utopian political and social philosopher. William Godwin was the husband of early feminist author Mary Wollestonecraft and father of Mary Shelley (writer of "Frankenstein" and wife of romantic poet Percy Byssche Shelley). William Goodwin's most famous work is his Inquiry concerning political ...

  5. 威廉·戈德溫 (英語: William Godwin ,1756年3月3日—1836年4月7日), 英國 記者 、 政治哲學家 、 小說家 。. 他被認為是 功利主義 的最早解釋者之一和 無政府主義 的現代倡導者之一。. [2] 以其在1793年一年內連續發表的攻擊當時 政治制度 的《 政治正義論 》和 ...

  6. William Godwin. William Godwin (3 March 1756 – 7 April 1836) was an English journalist, political philosopher and novelist. He is considered one of the first exponents of utilitarianism, and one of the first modern proponents of philosophical anarchism. Godwin is famous for two books that he published within the space of a year: An Enquiry ...

  7. William Godwin. William Godwin (Wisbech, Gran Bretagna, 3 marzo 1756 - Londra, 7 aprile 1836) è stato un pensatore e teorico inglese, considerato da alcuni "solo" un precursore dell' anarchismo e da molti altri il primo vero anarchico della storia, le cui idee influenzarono il movimento anarchico inglese e mondiale.